Eric Michael Fitt
Me: an artist, a seeker, a poet, and a teacher by trade (professional tutor and itinerant teacher). I cannot remember a time when I did not experience visions, lucid dream states, and all kinds of odd things happening to me in random quiet moments; but I became a spiritual seeker in earnest in 1996, when a physical disability stopped my life-story in its tracks and turned me deeply inwards. The safety net failed to catch me, so I took to the road in ´98, living in Asia for 17 years where I studied the religions of the East and practiced various spiritual and healing techniques. My fundamental practice is meditation, and I am learning the art of healing as a result of needing to heal myself and the desire to help others. I share my story with others as I am able - mainly through transcendental imagery (photography and computer art) and in various forms of writing. I love writing about some of the deeper mystical experiences I have had, especially the ones that clearly reveal the underlying unity of all existence.
Peace and Love to all.
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