Pen Lister
I'm an ex London musician and songwriter who like many of my generation gravited into digital media, web development or computing. I freelanced for several years developing websites, CD Rom and video, and progressed toward being curious about how much I knew as a self taught multimedia developer. I attended London Metropolitan University (UK) in 2005 to study MSc Multimedia Systems, and by some miracle gained a distinction, leading to me being offered a job lecturing. After working nearly a decade (2006-2015) full time lecturing in Multimedia, Digital Media and later as senior lecturer in Blended Learning (along the way getting an MA in Learning & Teaching in Higher Education), I decamped to Malta. I then pursued a full time self funded PhD at University of Malta, completing in 2021. My academic interests lie in user experience, digital interactions for learning and engaging in the real world, and a smarter knowledge commons. Im a confirmed believer in all things open. In my other life I make electronic music and listen to a lot of deep house. My personal blog is at https://penworks.net.