David Sabine
David Sabine consults, trains, and leads teams that produce high-quality, large-scale software. He helps managers understand agility at all levels: delivery, leadership, and organizational design.
He works to improve the profession of software delivery whether consulting in the c-suite, embedded with product development managers, or teaching developers new agile engineering practices.
David has worked with startups who produce medical robotic devices, cloud platforms, and AI, as well as enterprises in the areas of retail, energy management, IoT, and finance.
He grew up in the Canadian prairies and has lived and worked in Saskatchewan, Ontario, Arizona, Florida, Bahamas, and Alberta.
David is a management consultant, product & program manager, author, technical coach, and software engineer. He teaches Scrum, Kanban, and is a frequent presenter at conferences. He is Executive Director of Ontario Scrum Community®, a TEDx alumnus, former professional musician, husband, and dad.
David can be reached at davidsabine.ca for media inquiries or consulting invitations.