Janelle Arty Starr
Arty is a NFJS Tour Speaker, author of the book, Idea Flow, and creator of flowinsight.com, a next generation platform for optimizing programming flow.
Her development background is specialized in data-intensive analytic systems from financial core processors to factory automation, supply chain optimization and statistical process control (SPC). Her consulting work has focused on Continuous Delivery infrastructure, database automation, test automation strategies, and helping companies identify and solve their biggest problems with data.
After a 17-year career as a developer, consultant, and CTO, she is now an entrepreneur, founder of Twilight City, Inc, a new kind of game company on a mission... to bring back joy to our everyday work. She's also a PhD student at University of Victoria, pioneering research on how to make the friction we experience in software development visible, and get managers and engineers all pulling the same direction.

Episode 35
An Interview with Janelle Arty Starr