Annette Thomas
About the author
Starting a marketing business has consistently been an incredible dream for me. No doubt it's not easy, but when I began several years ago to start one I knew I was onto something big! I coupled my educational degree which happens to be in management and marketing and I worked for a while as a business manager to get experience.
After the initial experience, which I felt limited me, I decided to take my skills to a new level and decided to start my journey of not only learning the Internet, but more than that a dream and vision to take my personal desire of entrepreneurship and marketing know- how to a whole new level. I had much to learn.
If I could sum anything up I would say I accomplished a number of things as I have incorporated learned knowledge and its resulting skills into my right livelihood. I've given my life purpose meaning as well as balance. I believe that is what we should strive to become as people which strive for excellence in our daily lives. When we make a conscious to become involved, we become more invaluable to ourselves as well as the world around us.
The world gives to those in equal measure what we bring to its "table". If we put nothing there, we should expect nothing! When we are contributors, then we can and should expect to receive what we put out in equal or greater measure. If we want to see things happen and to see changes take place in the world around us, we simply must strive to become active participants and nurture ourselves on a consistent basis so we will see change where we live.
It's easy to shirk the obligation when we are pointing the finger at everyone else. When we make a conscious decision to look at the person in the mirror we may not like what we see at the time, but we also must realize in order for external changes to take place the internal must change in equal measure in order to see outward balance. When we blame and it is not hard to do, we really don't get anywhere and we will inevitably see no differences in us and in the world. When we change, the view and perspective starts to change and the “magic” happens.
Out of much learning, I acquired 2 Masters degrees in Internet Marketing, I am a entrepreneur, coach, author, and passionate speaker with my own podcast. My Books are available and on sale at, where you can purchase books on how to make money, how to create an Internet business, and how to become more innovative when it comes to an Internet business. I would also like to thank my mentors who have been with me to this day and have have continued to expect more of me now and in the future.