Alessandro Parisi
An IT professional for over 20 years, with significant experience as a Computer Scientist, specializing in the fields of Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain.
Leveraging his academic background in Econometrics and Quantitative Modelling for Economics and Finance, along with extensive hands-on proficency in ICT technology, he has gained professional experience in organizational and decision-making contexts characterized by high complexity, supporting companies in the adoption of innovative technologies as strategic tools to protect and enhance company resources.
Author of specialist publications, such as "Hands-on Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity", adopted as a reference text by several international universities, and the text "Securing Blockchain Networks like Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric".
Since 2006 he has been consulting on Privacy Compliance Law, and since February 2022 he has been appointed as Data Protection Experts by the Council of Europe (CoE).
He currently holds the position of Head of Research and Development on behalf of the Meridian group.