The Artisan Files
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The Artisan Files

Volume 2

About the Book

Just before the Laravel conference in New York, I had the idea to start a new community series on Laravel News. I dreamed of doing a weekly series where I would interview various people within the ecosystem. I thought this would be a great way of getting to know some of the people on a more personal level, and hopefully show that we are all just a fellowship of like-minded people. All sharing our love for development.

I asked Taylor Otwell, the creator of Laravel if he would be interested in being interviewed. With no hesitation, he said yes, and that is how the series began. Since that first interview, the series has been a success and something that a lot of people look forward to each week.

One of my favorite parts about the Artisan Files: reading about people’s workstations and favorite apps. - Taylor Otwell

The format of the series is question and answer and although some questions overlap from week to week, I do try and personalize it around the person’s background and interests. This volume contains 9 interviews and you can find the first volume from the Laravel News website.

This is not a typical “tech style” book in that it isn’t teaching you any new skills directly. However, by reading about the people you can find out lots of interesting information. Daily routines, their go to apps and software, and, above all, little bits of inspiration that is hard to find in 140 characters.

This volume features interviews with the following people: 

  • Jack McDade
  • Eric Barnes
  • Bob Bloom
  • Alex Dover
  • Chris Gmyr 
  • Sara Bine
  • Mitchell van Wijngaarden
  • Mathias Hansen
  • Jonathan Deaves

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About the Author

Eric L. Barnes
Eric L. Barnes

Eric L. Barnes runs and operates Laravel News, a site bringing the Laravel community all the latest news and information about the framework, and is a full-time product engineer. He has worked with PHP and various web technologies for the past 14 years.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Mitchell van Wijngaarden
    • How’d you get into web development?
    • How’d you first find Laravel? What made you start using it?
    • Can you tell us about your development company?
    • What is your typical day like?
    • Can you tell us about your local environment?
    • You are big into behavior-driven development (BDD), can you tell us what you enjoy about it so much?
    • Finally, if you was going to be stranded on a desert island what three things would you bring?
  • Alex Dover
    • You are a freelance developer. Can you tell us about that?
    • What is your typical day like?
    • Can you tell us about your local environment?
    • You enjoy working out and running. How often do you workout?
    • Just for fun, who do you think would win between a Superbike and an F1 car?
  • Eric Barnes
    • What inspired you to start a weekly Laravel newsletter?
    • What are your “must-have” Mac and iOS apps?
    • Name 3 things that you think makes a successful programmer.
    • If you were going to build a fresh web application from scratch, which tools / libraries would you use?
    • What is your favorite conference talk you have ever heard and why?
    • What is your favorite Laravel feature?
  • Mathias Hansen
    • Can you tell us about yourself?
    • You run the Capital Laravel group, can you tell us about it?
    • What made you decide to start it?
    • What are some of your favorite apps?
    • What is your typically day like?
    • If you never found programming what do you think you would be doing?
  • Sara Bine
    • What are your three favorite open source packages you use?
    • What are your “must-have” desktop and mobile apps?
    • Do you have any hobbies outside the computer?
    • Do you have any tips for people that are interested in making a career out of programming?
  • Chris Gmyr
    • Where did the inspiration come from for your messenger package?
    • You use Angular, what would you say the advantage to using it with Laravel is?
    • What is your favorite Laravel feature?
    • What are your must have mac and iOS apps?
    • Finally how do you think development will change in 10 years?
  • Bob Bloom
    • Can you tell us about your switch from Joomla to Laravel?
    • What do you typically build? Client work, products, etc…
    • What was the hardest part for you picking up Laravel?
    • Do you have any advice for others wanting to make the jump into Laravel?
  • Jonathan Deaves
    • What type of projects do you typically use with Laravel?
    • What was the hardest part for you picking up Laravel?
    • What is your favorite Laravel feature?
    • What is your typical work day like?
    • What are your must have apps?
  • Jack McDade
    • You created Statamic, what was the driving force behind wanting to build it?
    • I really like Statamic and recommend it. To those not familiar with it why should they check it out?
    • You’ve been using Laravel on some of your internal infrastructure. What’s your favorite Laravel feature?
    • Can you tell us about the new Laravel site?
    • What are your must have desktop and mobile apps?
    • Finally being in the CMS industry, how do you see it changing over the next 5 years?
  • Shawn McCool
    • Are you working on anything interesting these days?
    • When starting client projects, what is your typical project workflow?
    • What are some of your must have “apps”?
    • How do you structure your day? Do you work a fixed schedule?
    • What do you think are the best parts of being a programmer?
    • What about the worst?
    • How do you see web development changing over the next 5 or 10 years?

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