The Road to learn React (Italian) (The Bare Essentials)
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The Road to learn React (Italian)

Your journey to master plain yet pragmatic React

Info sul libro

The Road to learn React teaches you the fundamentals of React. You will build a real world application along the way in plain React without complicated tooling. Everything from project setup to deployment on a server will be explained. The book comes with additional referenced reading material and exercises with each chapter. After reading the book, you will be able to build your own applications in React. The material is kept up to date by me and the community.

In the Road to learn React, I want to offer a foundation before you start to dive into the broader React ecosystem. It has less tooling and less external state management, but a lot of information around React. It explains general concepts, patterns and best practices in a real world React application.

You will learn to build your own React application. It covers real world features like pagination, client-side caching and interactions like searching and sorting. Additionally you will transition from JavaScript ES5 to JavaScript ES6 along the way. I hope this book captures my enthusiasm for React and JavaScript and helps you to get started.

What you can expect (so far...)

  • Hacker News App in React
  • no complicated configuration
  • create-react-app to bootstrap your application
  • efficient lightweight code
  • only React setState as state management (so far...)
  • transition from JavaScript ES5 to ES6 along the way
  • the React API with setState and lifecycle methods
  • interaction with a real world API (Hacker News)
  • advanced user interactions
  • client-sided sorting
  • client-sided filtering
  • server-sided searching
  • implementation of client-side caching
  • higher order functions and higher order components
  • snapshot test components with Jest
  • unit test components with Enzyme
  • neat libraries along the way
  • exercises and more readings along the way
  • internalize and reinforce your learnings
  • deploy your app to production

What you have to bring

Before you start to read the book, you should be familiar with HTML, CSS and JavaScript (ES5). The book will teach ES6 and beyond. When you come from a different SPA framework or library, you should be familiar with the basics. When you just started in web development, you should feel comfortable with HTML, CSS and JavaScript to learn React.

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  • Categorie

    • Computers and Programming
    • JavaScript
    • React
    • HTML
    • CSS
    • Web Development
    • Education
    • Computer Science
    • Self-Help
  • Feedback

    Invia una mail agli autori

Questo libro è una traduzione in italiano di The Road to React, che è stato scritto originariamente in inglese.

Info sugli autori

Robin Wieruch
Robin Wieruch

Robin Wieruch is a german software engineer and freelancer located in Berlin. In the recent years he has gained experiences in single page applications which use Ember, Angular and React. He is a full-time JavaScript developer, is doing his best to teach students on his blog and strives to learn something new every day himself.

Ivan Lasorsa
Ivan Lasorsa

I'm an Italian software engineer and co-founder of Expect Technologies. Some of my favourite technologies are Ruby, Elixir, React, Elm, Docker.


The Bare Essentials

The book should enable everyone to start learning React. You will build an own application without any tooling along the way and transition from JavaScript ES5 to ES6.

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The Coder Package

Access exciting projects and boilerplate projects to go beyond plain React. Combine solutions such as React Router and Firebase with your application.


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The Bare Essentials (5 Licenses)
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The Bare Essentials (10 Licenses)
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  • Prefazione
    • L’autore
    • Testimonianze
  • Didattica per bambini
    • FAQ
    • Change Log
    • Sfide
  • Collaboratori
  • Introduzione a React
    • Ciao, mi chiamo React.
    • Requisiti
    • Installazione
    • Setup con zero configurazioni
    • Introduzione a JSX
    • ES6 const e let
    • ReactDOM
    • Hot Module Replacement
    • JavaScript complesso nel JSX
    • ES6 Arrow Functions
    • Classi ES6
  • Le basi di React
    • Stato locale ai componenti
    • L’oggetto inizializzatore in ES6
    • Unidirectional Data Flow
    • Bindings
    • Gestori di eventi (event handlers)
    • Interazioni con form ed eventi
    • Destructuring ES6
    • Componenti controlled
    • Suddivisione in componenti
    • Componenti componibili
    • Componenti riutilizzabili
    • Dichiarazione di componenti
    • Lo stile dei componenti
  • Renderlo reale con le API
    • Metodi di lifecycle
    • Fetch di dati
    • Lo Spread Operator di ES6
    • Rendering condizionale
    • Ricerca lato client e lato server
    • Fetch paginata
    • Cache lato client
    • Gestione degli errori
    • Axios al posto di Fetch
  • Organizzazione del codice e testing
    • Moduli ES6: import ed export
    • Organizzazione del codice con i moduli ES6
    • Snapshot test con Jest
    • Unit test con Enzyme
    • L’interfaccia dei componenti con PropTypes
    • Debugging con React Developer Tools
  • Componenti React avanzati
    • Accedere ad un elemento del DOM
    • Caricamento …
    • Componenti di ordine superiore
    • Ordinamento avanzato
  • Gestione dello stato in React
    • Spostare lo stato (lifting state)
    • Rivisto: setState()
    • Domare lo stato
  • Passaggi finali verso la produzione
    • Eject
    • Il deploy della nostra app
  • Outline

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