The Oracle database in modern IT architectures
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The Oracle database in modern IT architectures

Intelligent Persistence for applications, microservices, business processes, data analytics, documents and more

About the Book

As the number one relational database Oracle has had a prominent role in many IT applications over the past decades. Although other technologies emerged, such as NoSQL databases, document databases and object databases, the relational database still survives as the better solution in most cases. This book discusses best practices for using the Oracle database for different purposes.

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About the Author

Peter de Vaal
Peter de Vaal

I have been working as an Oracle professional since 1992, after having worked in science (1989 PhD physical organic chemistry at Leiden University, the Netherlands, and chimie quantique at the university of Strasbourg, France). It brought me to places such as Mumbai (India), Minneapolis (MI) and Greenville (SC) in the USA and many European countries. And the industries where I could apply my skills ranged from airport baggage handling to chemistry, food industry, hospitals, banking and insurance, governmental institutions etc. Outside my working hours I have two other passions: riding bicycles (MTB and race) and playing the card game bridge.

Table of Contents

    • Foreword
    • Preface
      • Why this book and why now?
      • This book is a work-in-progress
      • Who is this book for?
      • How to read this book?
      • Please help improve this book!
      • About the author
  • I Best practices for the relational model
    • 1 Introduction
      • 1.1 Why a new book about the relational database?
      • 1.2 Is the RDBMS becoming less relevant?
      • 1.3 The foundation of the RDBMS revisited
    • 2 A common question of life: What makes me unique?
      • 2.1 The database recognises all its rows: Internal unique identifiers
      • 2.2 The unchallenged unique identifier: Primary key constraints
      • 2.3 Being more unique than just a number: Unique Key constraints
      • 2.4 Uniqueness as inheritance: Unique indexes
      • 2.5 Some examples of unique identifiers
      • 2.6 Best practices when defining unique identifiers
      • 2.7 Best practices for sequences and identity columns
    • 3 A foreigner is not a stranger
      • 3.1 Happy together: The pure Master-detail relationships
      • 3.2 When relationships break up
      • 3.3 Join the club: Many-to-many relationships
      • 3.4 Click for more information : A one-to-many relationship for look-up data
      • 3.5 Limiting the choice: Restricted foreign keys
      • 3.6 The family tree: Self-references, tree-structures and networks
      • 3.7 To whom do I belong? The exclusive-arc relation
      • 3.8 Without relations data will not be coherent
  • II Implementing Data Integrity
    • 4 A brief history of business rule implementation
      • 4.1 Java rules the world!
      • 4.2 It’s the process, stupid!
      • 4.3 Keep it simple: everything in the database!
      • 4.4 The proper way: Use all three methods
    • 5 Implementing Data Integrity Rules
      • 5.1 What is a data integrity rule?
      • 5.2 Why data integrity rules should always be implemented in the database
      • 5.3 Specifying business rules
      • 5.4 Categories of business rules
      • 5.5 Implicit Data Integrity Rules of table definitions
      • 5.6 Implementing Data Integrity using constraints
      • 5.7 Implementing Data Integrity Rules using database triggers
      • 5.8 Implementing business rules and functionality using APIs
  • III The relational database in an Object Oriented world
    • 6 Which language do we speak? Communicating with the database
      • 6.1 Application development frameworks using Object Relational Mapping
      • 6.2 Why objects are not tables and vice versa
      • 6.3 Integration, what integration?
      • 6.4 Choosing between object type, XML or JSON for data manipulation APIs
      • 6.5 Choosing between object type, XML, JSON or SQL methods for data retrieval APIs
    • 7 PL/SQL APIs for data manipulation and retrieval
      • 7.1 Using PL/SQL functions with object type parameters
      • 7.2 Using PL/SQL functions with JSON parameters
      • 7.3 Using PL/SQL functions with XML parameters
    • 8 Database APIs for data retrieval
      • 8.1 Using database views as APIs
      • 8.2 Using Pipelined PL/SQL functions for data retrieval
      • 8.3 Using PL/SQL functions that return a ref cursor
    • 9 Using Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) for database APIs
    • 10 Using JSON Duality Views as database APIs
      • 10.1 Declarative ORM Mapping using JSON Duality Views
      • 10.2 Using JSON Duality Views for ACID compliant transactions
    • 11 Summary of best practices for Object-Relational mapping
    • Afterword
  • Notes

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