Terraform: From Beginner To Master: With Examples In AWS
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Terraform: From Beginner To Master: With Examples In AWS

About the Book

This book will guide you from Terraform beginner to master.In the modern world where software systems and infrastructure are more complex than ever before, we need a way to manage and configure all of the infrastructure and components that it comprises of.  We want to be able to define our infrastructure in code so that it can be checked into source control, shared between the team and used as a source of truth as to how the system looks.  We want a tool to manage our infrastructure for us so that we can rid ourselves of manual configuration which is time consuming and error prone.Terraform is an industry leading infrastructure as code tool that allows you to define your system in code and then run it to make what your infrastructure look exactly how you have defined it in code.  Terraform allows you to configure pretty much anything from any cloud including Azure, AWS, GCP to any service other component or service like Postgres, Kong or DNSimple to name but a few.  The list really is almost endless.  In this book we will work from the ground up, starting with what Terraform is and the problem it solves and then guiding you through each feature of Terraform building your knowledge so you will be able to write a complete project to configure pretty much any infrastructure using any vendor or migrate your existing infrastructure into Terraform.We will be working with AWS in the book as it is a widely used cloud and makes for great examples.  In no way does this mean that after reading this book you will only be able to use Terraform with AWS, quite the contrary.  You will be learning Terraform not AWS, with your new found Terraform skills you will be able to successfully use Terraform to configure and setup infrastructure and components from any vendor.You will truly be able to consider yourself a Terraform master!
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About the Author

Kevin Holditch
Kevin Holditch

As Head of Platform engineering at Form3 I have a lot of experience using Terraform to manage all of our infrastructure. At Form3 we use Terraform extensively using it to automate away a lot of our problems. During my career, I have developed software in several languages including Go, C# and Java (to name but a few) which has given me a great view of how different communities go about solving problems. I am a Certified AWS Developer with several years of experience architecting cloud infrastructure.

I have over 4 years of experience working with Terraform, I have written or had a hand in several providers found on the Hashicorp community providers site including the go-to provider for kong. I really enjoy sharing knowledge and that feeling when you know that you have helped someone understand a topic, which has lead me to start writing books. My first foray into this world is my Terraform: From Beginner To Master Book. If you check out the book then I would love to get your feedback. I occasionally write on my Exception Caught Blog.

Table of Contents

  • Preface
    • Thanks
    • Preface
  • Chapter 1 - Introduction to Terraform
    • What is Terraform?
    • Issues with configuring infrastructure manually
    • Terraform to the rescue
    • Why not just use CloudFormation?
    • What about Chef and Puppet, don’t they solve this problem?
  • Chapter 2 - Installation
    • Installation
    • Setting up your free AWS Account
    • Setup an AWS user for use with Terraform
    • Setup an AWS Credentials file
    • Install JetBrains IntelliJ Community Edition
  • Chapter 3 - Your First Terraform Project
    • Code samples
    • Setting up your first project
    • Creating your first infrastructure with Terraform
  • Chapter 4 - Resources
    • Resources in detail
    • Interpolation syntax
  • Chapter 5 - Providers
    • Providers in detail
    • Provider best practices
    • More than one instance of the same provider
  • Chapter 6 - Data Sources
    • Data sources in detail
    • How are data sources useful?
  • Chapter 7 - Outputs
    • Outputs explained
    • Outputting resource properties
    • Exporting all attributes
    • Locals in detail
    • Locals referencing resources
  • Chapter 9 - Templates and Files
    • Files
    • Templatefile function
    • Loops in a template
  • Chapter 10 - Variables
    • Variables
    • Our first Variable
    • Variable defaults
    • Setting a variable on the command line
    • Setting a variable using an environment variable
    • Setting a variable using a file
    • More complex variables
    • Type constraints - Simple Types
    • Type constraints - List
    • Type constraints - Set
    • Type constraints - Tuple
    • Type constraints - Map
    • Type constraints - Object
    • Type constraints - Any type
  • Chapter 11 - Project Layout
    • Layout
  • Chapter 12 - Modules
    • Modules
    • Modules in action
    • Returning a complex type from a module
    • Modules using a sub module
    • Remote modules
  • Chapter 13 - Plans
    • Plans
    • Plan command
    • Auto apply
  • Chapter 14 - State
    • State
    • Manipulating State
    • Moving a resource from one project to another
    • Remote state
  • Chapter 15 - Workspaces
    • Workspaces
  • Chapter 16 - Provisioners
    • Provisioners
    • Null Resources
  • Chapter 17 - Advanced Resources
    • Count
    • Foreach
    • Lifecycle
    • Depends on

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