Straight White Male
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Straight White Male

A semi-autobiographical exploration of Western culture and values.

About the Book

Based on surreal events Straight White Male is two stranded and semi-auto-biographical: an account of my experiences in Andalucía these last eight years; and my point of view regarding Western values, progressive cultural Marxist double-think, and its impact on our basic human rights and freedoms, in particular freedom of speech. The link between these two strands is that I use my own life and relationship experiences to explore and demonstrate the impact politically correct progressive ideology, identity politics, and radical feminism is having upon Western culture and society.

One of the most surreal aspects of current contemporary Western culture is a narrative that is being pedalled almost globally it seems, and I question its validity.

The narrative states that the majority of problems experienced in the Western world (so North America, Europe, Australasia) happen because our societies are being continually oppressed by people like me… privileged, educated, 'cisgender', heterosexual, white ‘Christian’ (in terms of being born in to a Christian society) males aka ‘The Oppressive White Patriarchy’.

Apparently I am the inherently oppressive problem! But, fret not, I assure you that no minority groups were harmed or discriminated against whilst writing this book, least not intentionally, but of course you will have to take in to account my toxic masculinity, unconscious bias, and institutionalised systemic white racism.

And that’s just part of the story… Seems that in 2020 we all stand together at a cultural crossroads.

What can be seen now is that governments globally ever more rapidly enforce the idea that our individual freedoms are secondary to the collective’s security. And especially freedom of speech is being eroded. But Freedom of Speech cannot be limited in any way without being totally lost.

Which way to go? Group security? Or individual freedom? In order to best determine this there’s clearly need for some serious exploration in to these topics…

And still that’s not all the story…

Sometimes the perfect dream-life we thought we were living can implode in to a living nightmare from one moment to the next… simply by one decision made, a few of spoken or written words, an action or two, and the whole direction of one’s current life can be rewritten in an instant, the meaning of one’s past dissolves in to an entirely different story, and the predicted future evaporates in to unpredictable chaos with everything hoped for lost.

It’s at the same time the worst and the best situation to be in. Traumatic. Painful. Distressing. Vulnerable. Like being in free-fall, with no fixed point of reference, nothing to reach for, nothing solid to grasp and cling to. But at the same time it’s a void full of potential, of endless exhilarating possibilities.

In such situations, from this void, from rockbottom, well, there are only two or maybe three possible outcomes.

To give up. To end the free-fall by clinging to old dysfunctional beliefs, which halt all advancement and growth, concluding in stagnation, or total self-destruction, the end, full-stop.

Or a new beginning, a breakthrough, a rebirth… a metamorphoses… a new story… a continuation from a new point of reference, from a completely different way to understand everything. In this case the only way forward is openness, honesty and surrender. It’s an absolute release. One has to find the courage to let go and fall in to the abyss, and perhaps oblivion.

Many of the pages of this book are extrapolated from this unpredictable chaos, the void where one possible version of my future, another unpredicted version of my past, and the total chaos of my present moment collide. It’s my attempt to understand the multiplicity of my past, and how, hopefully, to predict and influence a better future.

My hunt for honest words, true values and real freedom became beyond surreal. It became a search through the wreckage of my downed flight through life in Spain these passed seven years — scouring the mountainside crash-site for some intact remains of this amazing adventure, with the hope I may find the black box intact. The flight recorder with the data about what really happened. The irrefutable truth. Hopefully there will be some correlation between my version of events, my memories and the flight data. If not then who the fuck or what the fuck am I? But even more worryingly — what if my memories do synchronise with this data, what if there is a correlation? Then who the fuck was she?

'No legacy is as rich as honesty.'
William Shakespeare (1564-1616) From: All's Well that Ends Well — Act iii, Scene 5

Straight White Male: A semi-autobiographical exploration of Western culture and values'.

Published 8th September 2020.

(You can read a chapter extract here.)

About the Author

Nic Briscoe
Nic Briscoe

My full bio can be found on my website:

My two main projects are:

The Songs the Thing! and Unleashed & Unlimited

My books are available here on Leanpub, as well as on Apple Books and Amazon (search by book title and/or author).

Broadly speaking, I’m an independent creator: an author; cultural-explorer; mind-bomber; recording-artist and singer-songwriter. At the same time as being ‘independent’ I’m also an interdependent collaborator.

The underlying focus of my projects is cultural exploration. In particular (but not only): music, songwriting, Western values and rights, and the concept of 'freedom'. Especially our right to freedom of speech — advocating for it, propagating it, and maintaining it. My projects focus on how to constructively use my right to free speech.

I’m a father, grandfather, and husband. Spiritually I’m Buddhist. I love to travel and, when I remember, I’m a health enthusiast too!

I currently divide my time between Spain and the UK.

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