SpringBoot : Learn By Example


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SpringBoot : Learn By Example

A fast paced guide to learn SpringBoot

About the Book

The SpringBoot : Lean by Example book will help you to understand what is SpringBoot, how SpringBoot helps you to build Spring based applications quickly and easily and the inner workings of SpringBoot using easy to follow examples.

By the end of the book, you will have a practical experience on:

  • What is SpringBoot?
  • How SpringBoot increases developer productivity?
  • How SpringBoot AutoConfiguration works behind the scenes?
  • Working with Databases using JdbcTemplate, MyBatis, JOOQ, Spring Data JPA
  • Working with MongoDB NoSQL database
  • Developing web applications using SpringBoot and Thymeleaf
  • Developing REST API using SpringBoot and Consuming from AngularJS Application
  • Securing web applications using SpringBoot and SpringSecurity
  • Monitoring SpringBoot applications with SpringBoot Actuator
  • Testing SpringBoot applications

About the Author

K Siva Prasad Reddy
K Siva Prasad Reddy

K. Siva Prasad Reddy has more than 18 years of experience in building enterprise software systems on the Java platform. He worked on building scalable distributed enterprise applications in banking and e-commerce domains using Java, Spring, RESTful web services, JPA, and NoSQL technologies.

His core expertise lies in building JVM-based, scalable data-driven applications using Java/Kotlin, Spring, SpringBoot, Hibernate/JPA technologies. His current technical focus is on modern architectures including microservices, continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), and DevOps. He enjoys coding in Java 8, Kotlin, and Spring Boot, and has a passion for automating repetitive work. He is a firm believer in Agile practices and Test Driven Development (TDD).

His technical skills include Java 8, Kotlin, Groovy, Spring, SpringBoot, Spring Security, Spring Cloud, Hibernate/JPA, MySQL, ElasticSearch, Cassandra, Redis, MongoDB, Kafka, Jenkins, Ansible, etc.

He is the author of the following books:

  • Beginning Spring Boot 2
  • Spring Boot Learn By Example
  • PrimeFaces Beginners Guide
  • Java Persistence with MyBatis 3

He blogs regularly at https://sivalabs.in, you can reach him via email at sivaprasadreddy.k@gmail.com and follow him on Twitter at @sivalabs.

Table of Contents

  • About This Book
    • Who this book is for
    • What this book covers
    • What you need to use this book
    • Source Code
    • About Author
  • Book Revision History
  • Chapter 1: Introduction to SpringBoot
    • 1.1. Overview of Spring framework
    • 1.2. Developing Web Application using SpringMVC and JPA
    • 1.3. A Quick Taste of SpringBoot
    • 1.4. Summary
  • Chapter 2: Getting Started with SpringBoot
    • 2.1. What is SpringBoot?
    • 2.2. Our First SpringBoot Application
    • 2.3. Summary
  • Chapter 3: SpringBoot Behind the scenes
    • 3.1. Exploring the power of @Conditional
    • 3.2. How SpringBoot AutoConfiguration Works?
    • 3.3. Summary
  • Chapter 4: Creating Custom SpringBoot Starter
    • 4.1. Create Parent Module spring-boot-starter-twitter4j
    • 4.2. Create twitter4j-spring-boot-autoconfigure module
    • 4.3. Create twitter4j-spring-boot-starter module
    • 4.4. Create twitter4j-spring-boot-sample sample application
    • 4.5. Summary
  • Chapter 5: SpringBoot Essentials
    • 5.1. Logging
    • 5.2. Externalizing Configuration Properties
    • 5.3. Developer Tools
    • 5.4. Summary
  • Chapter 6: Working with JdbcTemplate
    • 6.1. Using JdbcTemplate without SpringBoot
    • 6.2. Using JdbcTemplate with SpringBoot
    • 6.3. Initializing Database
    • 6.4. How to use other Connection Pooling libraries?
    • 6.5. Summary
  • Chapter 7: Working with MyBatis
    • 7.1. Using SpringBoot MyBatis Starter
    • 7.2. Summary
  • Chapter 8: Working with JOOQ
    • 8.1. Using SpringBoot JOOQ Starter
    • 8.2. Summary
  • Chapter 9: Working with JPA
    • 9.1. Introducing Spring Data JPA
    • 9.2. Using Spring Data JPA with SpringBoot
    • 9.3. Working with Multiple Databases
    • 9.4. Summary
  • Chapter 10: Working with MongoDB
    • 10.1. Introducing MongoDB
    • 10.2. Getting Started with MongoDB using Mongo Shell
    • 10.3. Talking to MongoDB using Spring Data Mongo
    • 10.4. Summary
  • Chapter 11: Web Applications with SpringBoot
    • 11.1. Developing Web Application using SpringBoot
    • 11.2. Using Tomcat, Jetty, Undertow Embedded Servlet Containers
    • 11.3. Customizing SpringMVC configuration
    • 11.4. SpringBoot web application as deployable war
    • 11.5. SpringBoot Supporting View Templates
    • 11.6. Working with Thymeleaf Forms
    • 11.7. Data Validation
    • 11.8. File Uploading
    • 11.9. Using ResourceBundles for Internationalization (I18N)
    • 11.10. Summary
  • Chapter 12: Building REST API using SpringBoot
    • 12.1. Introduction to RESTful WebServices
    • 12.2. REST API using SpringMVC
    • 12.3. REST API using Spring Data REST
    • 12.4. Consuming REST API from AngularJS
    • 12.5. Summary
  • Chapter 13: Securing Web Applications using SpringBoot
    • 13.1. Spring Security in SpringBoot Web Application
    • 13.2. Method Level Security
    • 13.3. Securing REST API using SpringSecurity
    • 13.4. Summary
  • Chapter 14: SpringBoot Actuator
    • 14.1. Exploring Actuator Endpoints
    • 14.2. Customizing Actuator Endpoints
    • 14.3. Securing Actuator Endpoints
    • 14.4. CORS support for Actuator Endpoints
    • 14.5. Monitoring and management over JMX
    • 14.6. Monitoring and management using a remote shell
    • 14.7. Summary
  • Chapter 15: Testing SpringBoot Applications
    • 15.1. Testing Support in SpringBoot
    • 15.2. Testing RESTful Services using RestTemplate
    • 15.3. Testing Secured Controller/Service Methods
    • 15.4. Testing with Mockito
    • 15.5. Summary
  • Chapter 16: Deploying SpringBoot Applications
    • 16.1. Running SpringBoot applications in production mode
    • 16.2. Deploying SpringBoot application on Heroku
    • 16.3. Running SpringBoot application on Docker
    • 16.4. Summary
  • Appendix A : Resources

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