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About the Book
"The highest priority as a bad guy would be to subvert our election system. The reason is: you can take over a country without firing a shot. If you can decide who the leaders are, if you can put judges, if you can answer constitutional questions any which you want, over a period of time—you're not going to do it in one election, it's going to take a bunch of elections—but you can take over a country. And that would be my top priority (as a bad guy). Nuclear weapons would be a close second, but the top one would be elections."
—Jeff Lenburg, nation-state vulnerability expert in the May 9, 2022 Otero County, New Mexico Emergency meeting
Let’s start with where we are headed.
We are on our way to a future where every legal voter’s ballot is counted and 100% auditable immediately.
A win for those opposing our country and constitution would have been to keep electronic voting machines and systems. But we will not allow that to happen.
This book charts the beginning of my research into anomalies, indicators, and evidence showing what these machines (and the political machines behind them) and their code are capable of.
It also documents the pressure received and the progress made by those simply calling for one day, verifiable, paper ballot hand-counted voting, as I attended meetings in about a dozen Minnesota counties.
Finally, it provides reason for hope because of a plan put in place long ago that involves you and me as living, breathing men and women who all breathe the same air and love our children, no matter where on this small planet you find yourself.
World peace like community peace does not require that each man love his neighbor, it requires only that they live together in mutual tolerance, submitting their disputes to a just and peaceful settlement. And history teaches us, that enmity between nations, as between individuals, do not last forever. However fixed our likes and dislikes may seem, the tide of time and events will often bring surprising changes in the relations between nations and neighbors. So let us persevere. Peace need not be impractical. And war need not be inevitable. By defining our goal more clearly, by making it seem more manageable and less remote, we can help all people to see it, to draw hope from it, and to move irresistibly towards it.
—John Fitzgerald Kennedy, during his Peace Speech on June 10, 1963
This digital version of this book is completely free ( If you learn something from it, please share it generously.
About the Author
With a growing understanding of what happened on November 3rd, 2020, life took a turn. After working with grassroots Minnesotans seeking audits, I attended Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium in Sioux Falls, South Dakota in August 2021. There I met people like Draza Smith, Seth Keshel, Mark Cook, and Col. Phil Waldron and also learned from people like Col. Shawn Smith, Patrick Colbeck, Joe Oltmann, and Professor David Clements. Here in Minnesota, I've continued to absorb much from people like Rick Weible and Susan Smith, as well as from those attending county commissioners meetings in Crow Wing, Dakota, and Sherburne County. Several dozen more men and women could be listed to whom I am grateful.
These experiences and relationships were vital in preparing me to not only make the decision to run for Minnesota Secretary of State, but also to become the servant leader necessary to resolve our election problems, preserve election integrity, and restore confidence to all Minnesota voters that their constitutional right to vote (and to not be disenfranchised of that right) is fully protected.
Outside of learning about elections, I enjoy running, gardening, and playing the piano.