The Definitive Guide To Making Serialized Audiobooks
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The Definitive Guide To Making Serialized Audiobooks


About the Book

Since 2005, has helped independent authors reach new audiences with a novel (heh) concept: Giving away a free serialized audiobook version of their work. Today more than 2 million episodes are downloaded each month, from well over 700 audiobooks in every genera. 

This book is the definitive guide to creating serialized audiobooks for 

About the Author

Evo Terra
Evo Terra

Evo Terra is a professional hack. He’s never met a problem he didn’t want to help solve, and he somehow built a career out of doing just that.He embraced the web when it was young, dragging a multi-billion dollar company along with him, kicking and screaming the whole way. He’s among the first dozens of podcasters, where there are now more than a million. He’s a vocal advocate of building businesses with “free” at their core, has authored 2.5 books in the “for Dummies” series, and continues to pen various non-fiction titles. 

In 2015, he and his wife left for a year-long sabbatical abroad. Now he’s exploring life as a remote-working expat and enjoying it quite well! He’s the creator of The Beer Diet, a washed up musician, a parallel entrepreneur, a proud early adopter, and a staunch supporter of science and critical thinking. 

About the Contributors

Lucie Le Blanc
Lucie Le Blanc


Table of Contents

  • The Art & Science of Creating Serialized Audiobooks
    • Are You Reading The Right Book?
  • The 11 Commandments of Podiobook Production
    • 1. Listen to Other Serialized Audiobooks
    • 2. Write, Edit, Re-write, and Then Produce
    • 3. Find Your Quiet Place
    • 4. Treat Yourself To Quality Headphones
    • 5. Buy a Decent Microphone
    • 6. Practice Anal-Retentive Audio Editing Skills
    • 7. Normalize and Maximize Your Volume
    • 8. Use a Little Music
    • 9. Add Serializing Elements
    • 10. Interact With Your Fans
    • 11. Have Fun
  • Buying Guide - Hardware & Software
    • For Recording
    • For Editing
    • For Publishing
    • The Definitive Shopping List
  • Audio Content Requirements
    • Length of Episodes
    • Can They Hear You Now?
    • What’s In An Episode
  • Technical Specifications
    • Encoding Settings
    • ID3 Tags
    • Filename Convention
  • Submitting your first episode
    • The Definitive Checklist
    • Get Feedback Before You Submit
    • Why We’re Such Sticklers For This Stuff
    • How To Submit To
  • Additional Info
    • Our Valet, At Your Service
    • “Can’t You Just Do Everything For Me?”
    • A Note About Rights
    • Tips Are Welcome Here
    • Serialized Yet Complete
    • Special Thanks to Libsyn

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