The Survival Guide for Brand New ScrumMasters
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The Survival Guide for Brand New ScrumMasters

About the Book

There are many books out there about Scrum and Agile Software Development in general, and some on Agile Coaching in particular. The coaching books are excellent - I've read them - and there are dozens of books to read to educate yourself on Agile/Scrum/Lean in general, or on specific topics such as Estimation and Planning, Organizational Issues, Technical Practices, etc. You could literally spend months doing nothing but reading. However, you don't have months... you don't have weeks... in fact, you're lucky if you have days! So what can you do?

Well, this book is different from the others. It won't delve into the minutiae of the Agile values & principles or any particular Agile practices unless warranted by the example at hand. What the examples will do, though, is distil specific issues that commonly occur while working with Agile teams into small lessons that you can easily read and apply in a short period of time.

These examples use the metaphor of our progression through the stages of life to provide a backdrop for a team's journey towards Agility, and your journey as a parent... er, I mean ScrumMaster. Anecdotes provide the context for a particular point, and concrete examples give you strategies for working through those situations, and even entire stages in a team's "life".

About the Author

Dave Rooney
Dave Rooney

Dave Rooney is a veteran Agile Coach and software developer who has been at this software thing since the 80's when he discovered that he enjoyed solving real-world problems with code. He has worked in or with organizations large & small, from bootstrapped startups to the Fortune 15, private & public sector. Dave also has a deep interest in the human factors involved in the effective delivery of software that delights its customers, as well as promoting practices that make the work environment not just more humane, but fun as well. And, 30+ years after he solved my first real-world problem on an Apple ][, Dave still enjoys writing code when he can!

Dave is an active writer and blogger, with many published articles for the Cutter Consortium, a DZone MVB, and a member of the editorial board for the Agile Record. He's also a frequent speaker on Agile methods, presenting at conferences such as Agile 2010, Agile Coach Camp Canada 2010, Agile Coach Camp Canada 2011, SFAgile 2011, AgileDC 2011, Agile India 2012, and Gatineau-Ottawa Agile Tour 2014.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • Life Stages
  • How to Read This Book
  • 1 Infant
    • Patience, Persistence… and Ear Plugs
    • Learning to Crawl
    • Controlled Fall
  • 2 Toddler
    • Blankie
    • Why?
    • It’s Quiet… Too Quiet
  • 3 Preschooler
    • Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes!
    • Learn by example… your own!
  • 4 Elementary School
    • The Picky Eater
    • Playing in the Mud
    • Have Some Compassion, Stupid!
    • Building Forts
  • 5 Adolescent
    • Dirty Laundry
    • Are We There Yet?
    • It Pays to Lose Sometimes
  • 6 Teenager
    • You’re Not That Special!
    • Rounding the Corners
  • 7 Young Adult
    • Believe in It
    • Perfection Obsession
  • 8 Mature Adult
    • Slow Down that Swing!
  • Appendix A

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