Refactoring TypeScript (Team Edition)
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Refactoring TypeScript

Keeping Your Code Healthy

About the Book

You know that piece of code your teammates hate to touch? The one that keeps producing bugs?...

Much like a garden, our code will become overgrown with "weeds" if ignored. What if there was a way to identify these weeds? And, what if there was an approachable way to learn how we can fix these issues? That's what this book is about.

You'll learn some of the main causes of unhealthy code, tips to identify them and techniques to address them.

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About the Author

James Hickey
James Hickey

James is a Microsoft MVP with a background in the fintech & insurance-related industries. His focus is on domain-driven design, evolutionary software architecture and code quality.

He's the author of Refactoring TypeScript and the creator of a popular suite of advanced application tools for .NET called Coravel.


The Book
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Team Edition

Great for book clubs and learning how to keep your code healthy as a team!

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • About TypeScript
    • What Is Refactoring?
    • Why Refactor At All?
    • When Should I Refactor?
  • Null Checks Everywhere!
    • Identification
    • Null Object Pattern
    • Special Case Pattern
  • Wordy Conditionals
    • Identification
    • Combine Conditionals
    • Extracting Methods From Conditionals
    • Extracting Conditional Logic To Explicit Classes
    • Pipe Classes
  • Nested Conditionals
    • Identification
    • Guard Clauses
    • Gate Classes
  • Primitive Overuse
    • Identification
    • Value Objects
    • Deceptive Booleans
  • Lengthy Method Signatures
    • Identification
    • Create A Reusable Private Method
    • Extract Data Objects
  • Methods That Never End
    • Identification
    • Give It a Name
    • Being Strategic
  • Dumping Grounds
    • Identification
    • One Of These Things Is Not Like The Others
    • Speak Or Listen
  • Messy Object Creation
    • Identification
    • Factory Functions
    • Combining Refactoring Techniques
  • Conclusion
    • This Is Just The Beginning!

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