React Eshop
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React Eshop

Easily reusable Eshop in React, ES6, and Firebase. First few chapters only available at no cost. Code available at GitHub.

About the Book

The React Eshop book uses latest tools from Facebook React and Google Firebase ecosystems.

Code along a single page Eshop app, complete with a shopping cart, product catalog, and search features. Our goal is to create a reusable Eshop following Ecommerce best practices while remaining within scope for a single developer-designer.

Use latest React, ES6 JavaScript features, and Firebase integration for achieving a modern serverless architecture. We learn React and ES6 features as we develop our Eshop app component by component. Firebase has several new features supporting production use cases for a single page app. We cover user authentication, static hosting, hierarchical database design, real-time data binding, among other cool features for your app.

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    • Agile
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    • Startups
    • Computers and Programming
    • APIs
    • Databases
    • DevOps
    • Ecommerce
    • JavaScript
    • ES6
    • Node.js
    • React
    • Web Development
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About the Author

Manav Sehgal
Manav Sehgal

Manav Sehgal is a builder, author, and inventor specializing in product management, software engineering, cloud, and data science with more than 15 years of experience at Amazon (AWS India), Xerox PARC, HCL Technologies, and Daily Mail Group.

During his career he has also built, mentored, and led technology and product management for six startups with successful exits including Rightster (Video Advertising), Map of Medicine (Healthcare), Cytura (Media Services), Infonetmap (E-commerce), Edynamics (Digital Marketing), and AgRisk (Agriculture Analytics). Manav is AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (2019).

Daily Mail Group (RMS) sponsored him for Executive MBA module in Leading Innovative Change, from UC Berkeley, Haas School of Business (2015). He has completed CMMI certification from SEI CMU (2006). He studied Computer Engineering from Delhi College of Engineering, while employed at Xerox PARC (1995-99). He also earned distinction in Lean Management program conducted by AOTS, JMAM Japan (1994-95).

Manav is author of five books on Data science solutions (, React rapid development (, E-commerce platform development (, Java component technology, and JavaScript object oriented programming. He is a popular GitHub contributor active on AWS, Google, and Facebook open source projects. Manav has written the top five voted (as on July 2019) data science tutorial on Kaggle (, the largest data science community online.

Table of Contents

  • Easy Start React
    • Start React app in three easy steps
    • Windows and Node
    • Structure of the React app
    • App.js component definition
    • index.js root component
    • package.json dependencies
    • Integrating React Bootstrap
    • index.html template
    • ESLint for JS guidelines and syntax checking
    • Flow static type checking
    • Build and deploy
    • Deploy using Firebase
  • Magic Behind Scaffold Generator
    • HTML Webpack plugin
    • Webpack
    • Hot Reloading
    • Babel and ES6
    • PostCSS and Autoprefixer
    • ESLint
    • Other capabilities
  • Product Summary
    • Product summary design
    • Product summary schema
    • ProductSummary.js custom component
    • Prop validation
    • Constructor, state, and bind
    • Event handler methods
    • The render method
    • App.js product catalog mock
  • Product Detail and Navigation
    • Modify package.json for product detail
    • Refactoring for routing
    • index.js router configuration
    • App.js template layout
    • Navigation.js
    • MissingRoute.js for page not found errors
    • ReactEshop.css shared styles
    • Landing.js
    • ProductDetail.js component
    • ProductDetail.css styles
    • ProductSummary.js refactor
  • Firebase Integration
    • Installing Firebase for Node
    • Configuring Firebase using reFirebase.js
    • Setup Firebase Storage for media assets
    • Prepare JSON for Firebase Database import
    • Refactor Landing.js for Firebase
    • Refactor ProductSummary.js
    • Refactor ProductDetail.js for Firebase integration

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