Advanced Data Fetching Patterns in React
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Advanced Data Fetching Patterns in React

Fast, User-Friendly Data Fetching for Developers

About the Book

If you're developing React applications with rich API integrations, you might have noticed a trend: the more complex your app becomes, the slower and more cumbersome it feels. This challenge is all too common in today's web development landscape, where integrating numerous features and data sources can lead to performance bottlenecks and convoluted code. Additionally, the realm of asynchronous programming adds another layer of complexity, often making debugging feel like navigating a maze in pitch darkness.

React's ecosystem is continually evolving, introducing many new concepts and techniques. Terms like React Server Components, Server-Side Rendering (SSR), and the Suspense API are not mere buzzwords; they represent significant shifts in how we approach building and optimizing React applications. However, mastering these advanced concepts can seem daunting.

This book is your guide through the complexities of modern React development. We'll journey through the intricacies of parallel requests, lazy loading, and SSR and delve into the innovative territories of Server Components and the Suspense API. Each topic is broken down into understandable segments, providing actionable insights and clear explanations.

You will learn how to maintain the speed and responsiveness of your applications and gain expertise in efficient problem-solving and debugging within React's asynchronous environment.

Embark on this enlightening path to transform your approach to React development. Embrace these challenges and turn them into opportunities to enhance your skills and applications. It's time to elevate your development process and make those once-daunting tasks your new strengths.

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About the Author

Juntao Qiu
Juntao Qiu

Hi, I'm Juntao, and I help developers write better code through clear, practical guidance.

I am deeply committed to contributing to both the online and offline developer communities, sharing insights and knowledge gleaned from my experiences in various projects. Among my contributions are several publications focused on Web Development. Notably, my latest works include "React Anti-Patterns" (2024), "Test-Driven Development with React (2nd)" (2023) and "Maintainable React" (2022).

Additionally, I host a YouTube channel (@icodeit.juntao), where I delve into Clean Code practices and Refactoring techniques, aiming to assist developers in honing their coding skills.

Table of Contents

    • Preface
    • Chapter 1: Introduction
      • Setting up the environment
      • Setting up the backend service
    • Chapter 2: Basics of Data Fetching in React
      • Adding loading and error handling
      • Implementing the User’s Friends List
    • Chapter 3: Fetching Resources in Parallel
      • Sending Requests in Parallel
      • Request Dependency
    • Chapter 4: Optimizing Friend List Interactions
      • Install and config NextUI
      • Implementing a Popover Component
      • Defining a Trigger Component
      • Implementing UserDetailCard Component (Fetching Data)
    • Chapter 5: Leveraging Lazy Load and Suspense in React
      • Introducing Lazy Loading
      • Implementing UserDetailCard with lazy loading
      • The potential issue
    • Chapter 6: Prefetching Techniques in React Applications
      • Introducing SWR
      • Implementing SWR for Preloading
      • Integrating preload with SWR
    • Chapter 7: Introducing Server Side Rendering
      • Introducing Next.js
      • React Server Components
    • Chapter 8: Introducing Static Site Generation
      • Mixing Server-Side Rendering and Static Site Generation
    • Chapter 9: Optimizing User Experience with Skeleton Loading in React
    • Chapter 10: The New Suspense API in React
      • Re-Introducing Suspense & Fallback
      • Using skeletons in different layers
      • Streaming in Next.js
      • Optimizing UI by Grouping Related Data Components
    • Chapter 11: Lazy Load, Dynamic Import, and Preload in Next.js
      • Dynamic Load in Next.js
      • Implementing the UserDetailCard
      • Preload in Next.js
      • Client Component Strategy

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