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Advanced Data Fetching Patterns in React

Fast, User-Friendly Data Fetching for Developers

Community Edition

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What is it all about?

Welcome to the Community Edition of "Advanced Data Fetching Patterns in React" - your gateway to mastering efficient data fetching techniques in React. This edition offers a curated selection from the full book, providing you with key insights into advanced React concepts such as parallel requests, lazy loading, the Suspense API, and an introduction to Next.js. By opting in with your email address, you'll not only gain valuable knowledge but also join a growing community of forward-thinking React developers. As part of our community, you'll receive updates and exclusive content directly in your Leanpub library, ensuring you're always up-to-date with the latest in React development.

What you'll learn

The Community Edition of "Advanced Data Fetching Patterns in React" provides the first five chapters, covering foundational aspects of React data fetching. It begins with an introduction, followed by an exploration of basic data fetching techniques. Subsequent chapters delve into parallel resource fetching, optimizing list interactions, and the implementation of lazy loading and Suspense. This edition offers a solid groundwork for understanding and applying key React data fetching strategies in client side.