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PHP Brilliance

Stepping up from Senior

About the Book

This book is packed with all of the key advice that you need to help you become a top tier PHP developer. 

It's based on years of development experience and features in-depth discussions of the essential software development topics that you need to master in order to create reliable, efficient and bug resistant code. 

It is the essential guide to help you exhibit PHP Brilliance.

What's in it?

Page after page, we'll take a look at all of the core ideas that will help a developer shine and stand out from the crowd. We'll reconsider the fundamentals and how they mesh with popular programming principles. We'll take a look at some of the more recent additions to the language and how we can leverage them effectively.

We'll also examine common coding pitfalls to avoid along the way. 

There's a hearty section that delves in the SOLID principles, pulls them apart and examines how they apply to building enterprise grade applications. There's also quite a few ideas of my own in there for us to look at and think about. 

Introducing the More Pub Time Principle

By pre-emptively acquiring the right knowledge, a programmer may accelerate their own personal development towards mastery and the production of high quality code. In turn, common bug-prone scenarios may be avoided and highly valuable pub time preserved. -

PHP Brilliance uses the More Pub Time Principle as its unifying theme, aiming to present you with the right knowledge that you need to become that top tier PHP developer. 

The result?

An approach to coding that encourages the creation of beautiful, reliable, maintainable and efficient software. One that that fills out the developer's mental toolbox in such a way as to avoid bug-prone scenarios in their code both today and in the future. 

One that promotes the preservation of highly valuable pub time. 

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About the Author

Thunder Raven-Stoker
Thunder Raven-Stoker

Hi! I've been developing in PHP since the 3.x versions came out in 1998, leaving behind the frustrations of Perl syntax and Java compilation times. In more recent times, I've been the Development Manager at a dotCom incubator responsible for finding, hiring and mentoring awesome developers to work in awesome project teams working on, err, awesome projects!

At times the architect. At times the technical lead. At other times wearing the "one who broke the build" cardboard box on my head. 

I'm a huge advocate of the 'continuous learning' aspect of a developer's career and the joys of discovery that it brings. 

It may come as no surprise, given that I wrote the "More Pub Time Principle", I'm not averse to talking tech over a large and tasty pint of Guinness. 

When not coding, writing or carousing, my job in life seems to be as the full time personal live-in slave to two black cats called Louis and Mina at their home in London, England. 

Table of Contents

  • The bit at the front
    • Preface
    • Changelog
  • Prelude
    • More Pub Time
  • Foundations
    • Object Oriented Thinking
    • The Four Central Tenets
    • Encapsulating our ideas.
    • Code, but in the abstract sense.
    • Inheriting vast wealth is not always good.
    • Prodding the polymorph.
    • Talking points.
    • Brain Check
  • Extending our Object Oriented brain
    • Progressive progression, objectively.
    • More pub time through interfaces.
    • Putting a name on our spaces.
    • Expressing good traits.
    • Finding Closure.
    • Talking points.
    • Brain Check
  • Standing on Principles
    • Building on bedrock
    • Ghostbusters
    • Favour Interfaces.
    • And favour Composition too.
    • Tell, Don’t Ask
    • Instantiaphobia
    • Do shoot the messenger
    • Don’t Talk To Strangers
    • Talking Points
    • Brain Check
  • Moving on to SOLIDs
    • Introducing the SOLID principles
    • Placeholders
    • The Single Responsibility Principle
    • The Open / Closed Principle
    • The Liskov Substitution Principle
    • The Interface Segregation Principle
    • The Dependency Inversion Principle
    • Talking Points
    • Brain Check
  • Applying Software Architectures
    • Introducing Architectures
    • To MVC or not MVC
    • Service Oriented Architecture
    • API Oriented Architecture
    • The Architectural Fortress
    • Talking Points
    • Brain Check
  • Appendices
    • PHP7
    • Up next.

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Amazon Watch

Supporting Indigenous Peoples. Protecting the Amazon.

Amazon Watch is a nonprofit organization founded in 1996 to protect the rainforest and advance the rights of indigenous peoples in the Amazon Basin. We partner with indigenous and environmental organizations in campaigns for human rights, corporate accountability and the preservation of the Amazon's ecological systems.

We envision a world that honors and values cultural and biological diversity and the critical contribution of tropical rainforests to our planet's life support system. We believe that indigenous self-determination is paramount, and see that indigenous knowledge, cultures and traditional practices contribute greatly to sustainable and equitable stewardship of the Earth. We strive for a world in which governments, corporations and civil society respect the collective rights of indigenous peoples to free, prior and informed consent over any activity affecting their territories and resources. We commit, in the spirit of partnership and mutual respect, to support our indigenous allies in their efforts to protect life, land, and culture in accordance with their aspirations and needs.

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