Move Seamlessly between PERL and Python
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Move Seamlessly between PERL and Python

About the Book preparation.

About the Author

Homolog_us blog provides cutting-edge information on bioinformatics, transcriptomics and computational biology. Our tutorials provide simple introduction for biologists on algorithms related to assembly and analysis of next-generation sequencing. Here we are publishing the tutorials in book format for easy access.

Table of Contents

  • The Shared History of PERL and Python
  • Learning through Examples
    • Example 1 - Hello World
    • Example 2 - Multiplication Table
    • Example 3 - Prime Number
  • A Quick View of Pythonland
    • Python Keywords are Special Words
    • Built-in Functions in Python
    • References
  • Numbers and Variables
  • From Array to List
    • Python Shortcuts on Lists
    • Keywords ‘in’ and ‘del’
    • Keyword - del
  • From Associative Array to Dictionary
    • Iterating over keys and values
  • Loops and Conditions
    • ‘while’ loop
    • ‘if-else’
    • ‘for’ Loops
    • Using ‘for’ over a Dictionary
    • Keywords ‘break’ and ‘continue’
  • From Subroutines to Functions
    • Code Flow with Functions
    • Default Parameter
    • Importing Functions from a File
  • Strings
    • Substring
    • String-related Function
    • Python String is a List
    • String-related functions
  • Regular Expressions
    • Search
    • Search and Replace
    • References
  • Reading and Writing Files
    • Reading from a file
    • Reading the entire file in an array
    • Writing a string into a file
    • File read/write symbols in PERL and Python
  • Modules and Packages
    • Splitting Code into Multiple Files
  • From CPAN to PyPI
  • Useful Python Packages and Tools
    • Python command line
    • Numpy
    • Jupyter Notebook
  • Class, Iterator, etc.
    • Iterables, Iterators, Generators
  • From BioPERL to Biopython
    • Analyzing Nucleotide and Protein Sequences
    • Parsing Biological Records
    • Objects to Store Different Types of Data
    • Accessing Data from the Internet
    • References
  • Closing Comments
    • PERL6 than never came and Python3 that never got adopted

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