Using de Bruijn Graphs for Short-read Assembly
Using de Bruijn Graphs for Short-read Assembly
About the Book
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
Assembly procedure requires an understanding of sequencing technologies, algorithms and statistics
- Sequencing technologies
- Algorithms
- Statistics
Why should biologists learn about assembly algorithms?
- Software tools change, but the algorithms remain more stable
- Knowledge of algorithms helps in experimental design
- Understanding algorithms helps in purchasing adequate computing hardware
- Improving assembly quality and interpreting results better
- RNA-seq in non-model organisms
- Using NGS technologies to solve novel problems
Description of this book
- Chapters
- Algebraic notations are avoided as much as possible
- Living electronic book
- Core concepts are reinforced through repetition
Regarding the exercises
- Code - Pandora’s Toolbox for Bioinformatics
- Data - E. coli and Electrophorus
Other online resources for learning
- Introductory resources
- Intermediate Resources
- Advanced resources
- Acknowledgements for this book
- Further readings
Assembly procedure requires an understanding of sequencing technologies, algorithms and statistics
2. The Genome Assembly Problem
- Shotgun sequencing and assembly of genomes
Is the problem solvable?
- Lander-Waterman statistics for read length and coverage
- Log(N) estimate for random sequences
- Ukkonen’s condition
- Optimum read length and coverage in presence of repeats
- Reconstruction with paired end read
- Summary
Greedy, overlap-layout-consensus and de Bruijn graph-based algorithms
- Definitions
- Greedy algorithm
- Overlap-layout-consensus algorithm
- de Bruijn graph-based algorithm
- A short historical overview of using de Bruijn graphs in genome assembly
- Advantages and disadvantages of using de Bruijn graphs for assembly
- Further readings
3. De Bruijn Graph of the Genome and a Simple Assembler
De Bruijn Graph of a known genome
- De Bruijn graph of a small sequence
- Double-stranded nature of the genome
- De Bruijn graph in repetitive regions
Properties of de Bruijn Graph
- The graph structure is unique for a given set of kmers
- Irreversible
- Impact of changing kmer size
- Generalized definition of de Bruijn graph
Viewing de Bruijn graphs
- Graphview
- Online method - Alex Hadik
- Ray cloud browser
- De Bruijn Graph of the E. coli genome
Genome assembly from de Bruijn graphs in the absense of noise
- Relationship between de Bruijn graph of short reads and the underlying genome
- Loss of read coherence during de Bruijn graph construction
- Varying k-mer sizes to compensate for the loss of read coherence
- Memory requirement and k-mer distribution of perfect library
- Summary
- Further readings
De Bruijn Graph of a known genome
4. Experimental Considerations
Evolution of sequencing technologies
- Sanger sequencing
- 454 pyrosequencing
- Illumina dye sequencing
- ABI SOLiD sequencing
- Ion semiconductor sequencing
- PacBio single molecule real time sequencing
Sources of artifacts
- Random errors - substitutions and insertion-deletions
- Homopolymer error
- Quality drop near 3’ ends of reads
- Coverage bias in AT-rich or GC-rich regions
- Distance between the read pairs is variable in mate pairs
- Mate pair inversion
- Duplication due to PCR amplification
- Inherent noise of PacBio reads
- Diploid genome
Paired-end and mate-pair reads
- Paired end
- Mate pairs
- Insert size
Data formats
- BAM and SAM Alignments
Detailed description of ABI SOLiD color space data
- How to convert sequences to color space?
- How do we compute reverse complement in color space?
- Simple sequences
- Advantage of color space
- Disadvantage
- Is conversion to nucleotide space prudent?
- Pseudo-basespace
- Error correction
- de Bruijn Graph of SOLiD Reads
- Summary of what we learned so far
- Further readings
Evolution of sequencing technologies
5. Genome Assembly from Noisy Reads with Uneven Coverage
- Errors lead to high RAM usage for de Bruijn graph-based assemblers
Impact of sequencing errors on the structure of de Bruijn graphs
- Tips
- Bubbles
- Crosslinks
- Tips and bubbles can appear due to read errors or polymorphism
- Impact of uneven coverage
Full conceptual picture of short read assembly using de Bruijn graph
- Effect of changing the coverage cutoff parameter
- Effect of changing the k-mer size
- Further readings
6. Assembling Transcriptomes, Metagenomes and Heterozygous Genomes
- General approach for solving complex assembly problems related to short reads
Using de Bruijn graphs to assembles heterozygous genomes
- Impact of haplotype differences on de Bruijn Graph structure
- Coverage
- Assembly method
- Separating phases after assembly
Using de Bruijn graphs for transcriptome (RNA-seq) assembly
- De Bruijn graph structure of transcriptomic libraries
- K-mer coverage
- Assembly method
Using de Bruijn graphs for metagenome assembly
- De Bruijn graph structure for metagenomic libraries
- Coverage
- Assembly method
- Further readings
7. Faster, Better and Cheaper
Computer science concepts for advanced work
- Architecture of modern computer
- Conference analogy
- Processing Elements - CPU, GPU and FPGA
- Algorithm and data structure
- Disk-based algorithms and Hadoop
- Parallel code, compare-and-swap, shared memory and queues
- Hashing-related concepts
- Alignment-related concepts
- Other algorithmic concepts related to bioinformatics
Data structures for efficient storage and processing of de-Bruijn graphs
- An elaborate data structure for de Bruijn graph
- Using simplified k-mers - ABySS
- Using edge-based data structure - Conway and Bromage
- Using Sparse de Bruijn Graph - Sparse-assembler
- Using Bloom filter - Minia
- Using Perfect hash - Meraculous
- Using Minimizer - BCALM
- Using Succint Data Structure
Efficient algorithms for counting k-mers
- Meryl
- Suffix array - Tallymer
- Bloom filter - BFcounter and scTurtle
- Lock-free hash table - Jellyfish
- Disk-based - DSK, KMC and KAnalyze
- Minimizer-based - MSPKmerCounter, KMC2 and DSK2
- Approximate counting - khmer
- Efficient algorithms for read error correction
Improving assembly by changing k-mer size for de Bruin graph
- Optimal k-mer-size for dBG construction
- Merging read pairs to increase effective read length
- Combining assemblies from multiple k-mers - IDBA and SPAdes
- Variable order k-mer
- String Graph Assembler for Short Reads
- Hierarchical scaffolding - SOAPdenovo
- Rectangular Graph - SPAdes
Repeat resolution
- SOAPdenovo
- Hyperconnected k-mers
- Further readings
Computer science concepts for advanced work
8. In Depth Discussion of Three de Bruijn Graph-based Assemblers
- Where to get them
Genome assembler - SOAPdenovo
- History
- How to run
- Features
- Details of algorithm
- Details of code
- SOAPdenovo-trans Transcriptome Assembler
Genome Assembler - SPAdes
- History
- How to run
- Features of SPAdes
- Details of algorithm
- Details of code
Transcriptome assembler - Trinity
- History
- How to run
- Details of algorithm
- Details of code
- Further readings
9. References
1. Pre-NGS genome assemblers
- Base-calling and error detection
- Assemblers
2. NGS genome assemblers
- non de Bruijn, k-mer based
- de Bruijn graph-based assemblers
- Applications
- Comparison
3. Exomes, transcriptomes, metagenomes and highly polymorphic genomes
- Transcriptome assemblers
- Metagenomes
- Polymorphic genomes
- Targeted assembly
4. Faster, better, cheaper
- k-mer counting
- Storage
- Error correction
- Hadoop
- Hardware accelerators
- String graph assembler
- Scaffolding
- Repeats
- 6. Reviews and forecasts
1. Pre-NGS genome assemblers
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