Mako Framework (master branch)
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Mako Framework (master branch)

Up-to-date Official Documentation (Offline edition)

About the Book

About the Editor

M N Islam Shihan
M N Islam Shihan
Founder & CTO at Sphinx Corporation

An accomplished Software Engineer & Leader specializing in Object-Oriented Design and Analysis with extensive experience in the full life cycle of the software design process including requirement analysis, prototyping, proof of concept, design of application, platform and user interface architecture design, implementation, testing and maintenance. Additional expertise includes project management and strong communication skills on both technical and business domains.

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Table of Contents

  • Getting started
    • Installation
      • Requirements
      • Setup
      • Server configurations
    • Configuration
      • Config Files
      • Cascading configuration
      • Environment aware configuration
    • Dependency injection
      • Basics
      • Services
      • Container aware
    • Error handling
      • Custom error handling
      • Disabling logging of specific exception types
    • Constants
      • Defaults
    • Coding standards
      • PHP tags
      • Files
      • Namespaces
      • Classes
      • Methods
      • Variables
      • Constants
      • Arrays
      • Braces
      • Indentation
      • Comments
    • Upgrading
      • Application
      • Packages
      • Database
  • Routing and controllers
    • Routing
      • Basics
      • Route parameters
      • Route filters
      • Route groups
      • Reverse routing
      • Faking request methods
    • Controllers
      • Basics
      • Controller filters
      • Dependency injection
    • Request
      • Accessing data
      • Reading cookies
      • Request information
    • Response
      • Basics
      • Setting cookies
      • Setting headers
      • Response filters
      • Caching and compression
      • Special responses
  • Command line
    • Command line
      • Usage
    • Custom commands
      • Basics
      • Input
      • Output
      • Dependency injection
  • Databases sql
    • Databases
      • Connections
      • Query builder
      • Accessing the underlying PDO instance
    • Query builder
      • Getting a query builder instance
      • Fetching data
      • Inserting data
      • Updating data
      • Deleting data
      • Aggregates
      • WHERE clauses
      • WHERE BETWEEN clauses
      • WHERE IN clauses
      • WHERE IS NULL clauses
      • WHERE EXISTS clauses
      • JOIN clauses
      • GROUP BY clauses
      • HAVING clauses
      • ORDER BY clauses
      • LIMIT and OFFSET clauses
    • ORM
      • Naming conventions
      • Key types
      • Basic usage
      • Relations
      • Automatic typecasting
      • Mutators and accessors
      • Scopes
      • Mass assignment
      • Read-only records
      • Cloning records
      • Array and JSON representations
      • Traits
    • Migrations
      • Usage
      • Dependency injection
  • Databases nosql
    • Redis
      • Usage
  • Security
    • Authentication
      • Basic usage
      • Providers
      • Users & groups
      • Database schema
    • Password hashing
      • Usage
    • Encryption and signing
      • Encryption
      • Signing
  • Packages
    • Packages
      • Basics
      • Configuration, i18n and views
      • Commands
      • Package installation
      • Publishing packages
  • Learn more
    • Array helper
      • Usage
    • Caching
      • Usage
    • Command bus
      • Basic usage
      • Middleware
    • Date and time
      • Time
      • Time zones
    • Events
      • Event listener
      • Observable trait
    • File system
    • HTML helper
      • Usage
    • Humanizer
      • Usage
    • Image manipulation
      • Usage
    • Internationalization
      • Language files
      • Usage
      • Language routing
    • Logging
      • Basics
      • Advanced usage
    • Number helper
      • Usage
    • Pagination
      • Usage
      • Example view
    • Sessions
      • Usage
    • String helper
      • Usage
    • URL builder
      • Usage
    • UUID helper
      • Usage
    • Validation
      • Usage
      • Validation rules
      • Custom messages
      • Validator plugins
    • Views

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