Laravel 3.x Docs
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Laravel 3.x Docs

Old is Gold: eBook version of Laravel 3.x documentation for those who need it still as I do :-)

About the Book

Even though entire Laravel community moved to Laravel 4.x, as an early adopter of Laravel for production use, I still have to maintain large code base built on top of Laravel 3. As I need a readable reference of the 3.x documentation often, I made one from the official documentation included with 3.x source, and here it is for you all who need it.

About the Editor

M N Islam Shihan
M N Islam Shihan
Founder & CTO at Sphinx Corporation

An accomplished Software Engineer & Leader specializing in Object-Oriented Design and Analysis with extensive experience in the full life cycle of the software design process including requirement analysis, prototyping, proof of concept, design of application, platform and user interface architecture design, implementation, testing and maintenance. Additional expertise includes project management and strong communication skills on both technical and business domains.

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Table of Contents

  • Laravel Documentation
    • The Basics
    • Who Will Enjoy Laravel?
    • What Makes Laravel Different?
    • Application Structure
    • Laravel’s Community
    • License Information
  • Laravel Change Log
    • Contents
    • Laravel 3.2.14
    • Laravel 3.2.13
    • Laravel 3.2.12
    • Laravel 3.2.11
    • Laravel 3.2.10
    • Laravel 3.2.9
    • Laravel 3.2.8
    • Laravel 3.2.7
    • Laravel 3.2.6
    • Laravel 3.2.5
    • Laravel 3.2.4
    • Laravel 3.2.3
    • Laravel 3.2.2
    • Laravel 3.2.1
    • Laravel 3.2
    • Laravel 3.1.9
    • Laravel 3.1.8
    • Laravel 3.1.7
    • Laravel 3.1.6
    • Laravel 3.1.5
    • Laravel 3.1.4
    • Laravel 3.1.3
    • Laravel 3.1.2
    • Laravel 3.1.1
    • Laravel 3.1
  • Installation & Setup
    • Contents
    • Requirements
    • Installation
    • Server Configuration
    • Basic Configuration
    • Environments
    • Cleaner URLs
  • Routing
    • Contents
    • The Basics
    • Wildcards
    • The 404 Event
    • Filters
    • Pattern Filters
    • Global Filters
    • Route Groups
    • Named Routes
    • HTTPS Routes
    • Bundle Routes
    • Controller Routing
    • CLI Route Testing
  • Controllers
    • Contents
    • The Basics
    • Controller Routing
    • Bundle Controllers
    • Action Filters
    • Nested Controllers
    • Controller Layouts
    • RESTful Controllers
    • Dependency Injection
    • Controller Factory
  • Models & Libraries
    • Contents
    • Models
    • Libraries
    • Auto Loading
    • Best Practices
  • Views & Responses
    • Contents
    • The Basics
    • Binding Data To Views
    • Nesting Views
    • Named Views
    • View Composers
    • Redirects
    • Redirecting With Flash Data
    • Downloads
    • Errors
  • Managing Assets
    • Contents
    • Registering Assets
    • Dumping Assets
    • Asset Dependencies
    • Asset Containers
    • Bundle Assets
  • Templating
    • Contents
    • The Basics
    • Sections
    • Blade Template Engine
    • Blade Layouts
  • Pagination
    • Contents
    • The Basics
    • Using The Query Builder
    • Appending To Pagination Links
    • Creating Paginators Manually
    • Pagination Styling
  • Building HTML
    • Content
    • Entities
    • Scripts And Style Sheets
    • Links
    • Links To Named Routes
    • Links To Controller Actions
    • Links To A Different Language
    • Mail-To Links
    • Images
    • Lists
    • Custom Macros
  • Building Forms
    • Contents
    • Opening A Form
    • CSRF Protection
    • Labels
    • Text, Text Area, Password & Hidden Fields
    • Checkboxes and Radio Buttons
    • File Input
    • Drop-Down Lists
    • Buttons
    • Custom Macros
  • Input & Cookies
    • Contents
    • Input
    • JSON Input
    • Files
    • Old Input
    • Redirecting With Old Input
    • Cookies
    • Merging & Replacing
    • Clearing Input
  • Bundles
    • Contents
    • The Basics
    • Creating Bundles
    • Registering Bundles
    • Bundles & Class Loading
    • Starting Bundles
    • Routing To Bundles
    • Using Bundles
    • Bundle Assets
    • Installing Bundles
    • Upgrading Bundles
  • Class Auto Loading
    • Contents
    • The Basics
    • Registering Directories
    • Registering Mappings
    • Registering Namespaces
  • Errors & Logging
    • Contents
    • Basic Configuration
    • Logging
    • The Logger Class
  • Profiler
    • Contents
    • Enabling the Profiler
    • Logging
    • Timers and Benchmarking
  • Runtime Configuration
    • Contents
    • The Basics
    • Retrieving Options
    • Setting Options
  • Examining Requests
    • Contents
    • Working With The URI
    • Other Request Helpers
  • Generating URLs
    • Contents
    • The Basics
    • URLs To Routes
    • URLs To Controller Actions
    • URLs To A Different Language
    • URLs To Assets
    • URL Helpers
  • Events
    • Contents
    • The Basics
    • Firing Events
    • Listening To Events
    • Queued Events
    • Laravel Events
  • Validation
    • Contents
    • The Basics
    • Validation Rules
    • Same & Different
    • Retrieving Error Messages
    • Validation Walkthrough
    • Custom Error Messages
    • Custom Validation Rules
  • Working With Files
    • Contents
    • Reading Files
    • Writing Files
    • Removing Files
    • File Uploads
    • File Extensions
    • Checking File Types
    • Getting MIME Types
    • Copying Directories
    • Removing Directories
  • Working With Strings
    • Contents
    • Capitalization, Etc.
    • Word & Character Limiting
    • Generating Random Strings
    • Singular & Plural
    • Slugs
  • Localization
    • Contents
    • The Basics
    • Retrieving A Language Line
    • Place Holders & Replacements
  • Encryption
    • Contents
    • The Basics
    • Encrypting A String
    • Decrypting A String
  • IoC Container
    • Definition
    • Registering Objects
    • Resolving Objects
    • Unregister an existing instance
  • Unit Testing
    • Contents
    • The Basics
    • Creating Test Classes
    • Running Tests
    • Calling Controllers From Tests {#testing-#calling-controllers-from-tests}
  • Database Configuration
    • Contents
    • Quick Start Using SQLite
    • Configuring Other Databases
    • Setting The Default Connection Name
  • Raw Queries
    • Contents
    • The Basics
    • Other Query Methods
    • PDO Connections
  • Fluent Query Builder
    • Contents
    • The Basics
    • Retrieving Records
    • Building Where Clauses
    • Nested Where Clauses
    • Dynamic Where Clauses
    • Table Joins
    • Ordering Results
    • Grouping Results
    • Skip & Take
    • Aggregates
    • Expressions
    • Inserting Records
    • Updating Records
    • Deleting Records
  • Eloquent ORM
    • Contents
    • The Basics
    • Conventions
    • Retrieving Models
    • Aggregates
    • Inserting & Updating Models
    • Relationships
    • Inserting Related Models
    • Working With Intermediate Tables
    • Eager Loading
    • Constraining Eager Loads
    • Getter & Setter Methods
    • Mass-Assignment
    • Converting Models To Arrays
    • Deleting Models
  • Schema Builder
    • Contents
    • The Basics
    • Creating & Dropping Tables
    • Adding Columns
    • Dropping Columns
    • Adding Indexes
    • Dropping Indexes
    • Foreign Keys
  • Migrations
    • Contents
    • The Basics
    • Prepping Your Database
    • Creating Migrations
    • Running Migrations
    • Rolling Back
  • Redis
    • Contents
    • The Basics
    • Configuration
    • Usage
  • Cache Configuration
    • Contents
    • The Basics
    • Database
    • Memcached
    • Redis
  • Cache Usage
    • Contents
    • Storing Items
    • Retrieving Items
    • Removing Items
  • Session Configuration
    • Contents
    • The Basics
    • Cookie Sessions
    • File System Sessions
    • Database Sessions
    • Memcached Sessions
    • Redis Sessions
    • In-Memory Sessions
  • Session Usage
    • Contents
    • Storing Items
    • Retrieving Items
    • Removing Items
    • Flashing Items
    • Regeneration
  • Auth Configuration
    • Contents
    • The Basics
    • The Authentication Driver
    • The Default “Username”
    • Authentication Model
    • Authentication Table
  • Authentication Usage
    • Contents
    • Salting & Hashing
    • Logging In
    • Protecting Routes
    • Retrieving The Logged In User
    • Logging Out
  • Tasks
    • Contents
    • The Basics
    • Creating & Running Tasks
    • Bundle Tasks
    • CLI Options
  • Artisan Commands
  • Laravel on GitHub
    • Contents
    • The Basics
    • Repositories
    • Branches
    • Pull Requests
  • Contributing to Laravel via Command-Line
    • Contents
    • Getting Started
    • Forking Laravel
    • Cloning Laravel
    • Adding your Fork
    • Creating Branches
    • Committing
    • Pushing to your Fork
    • Submitting a Pull Request
    • What’s Next?
  • Contributing to Laravel using TortoiseGit
    • Contents
    • Getting Started
    • Forking Laravel
    • Cloning Laravel
    • Adding your Fork
    • Creating Branches
    • Committing
    • Pushing to your Fork
    • Submitting a Pull Request
    • What’s Next?

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