Learn WPF MVVM - XAML, C# and the MVVM pattern
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Learn WPF MVVM - XAML, C# and the MVVM pattern

Be ready for coding away next week using WPF and MVVM

About the Book

You're a developer who knows next to nothing about WPF. Which is fine, except that you need to start coding your next application using WPF and the MVVM pattern.

Don't worry: I have you covered. I've been training hundreds of developers like you during 15 years, and converted my experience into this book. I know from experience teaching what takes more time to learn in WPF, and will spend time only where appropriate.

Plus this book is packed with exercises which build up into a full project: you develop a small e-commerce sample application. You’ll allow users to browse for products, and you’ll also create a back-end where users will be able to list and edit products.

Read this book, and you can code your WPF application within a week. Or your money back.

Printed paperback version available here.

About the Author

Arnaud Weil
Arnaud Weil

Arnaud Weil is a born developer: when he was a kid he was controlling his electric train using an Atari ST and some self-made electronics, then as a teenager created and distributed worldwide one of the first Web browsers for some of the first pocket computers, when the Web was just beginning. In fact, he loves coding.

Turning a passion into a career, Arnaud has been coding all kinds of applications from factory tools to smartphone applications to house control solutions. His status as a freelancer allows him to help his clients with many different projects.

But what Arnaud enjoys most is helping other developers: that's why he teaches, speaks, and writes books.

Other books by Arnaud Weil.

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Reader Testimonials

Frederick (Amazon comment)
Frederick (Amazon comment)

Condensed and to-the-point

Arnaud has done a great job - helping me get up to speed on WPF, XAML and MVVM. In fact, having already taken a course on MVVM, I find that his concise, to-the-point approach - sticks in my brain when more long, drawn-out explications just put me to sleep. Arnaud's "Learn WPF MVVM - XAML, C# and the MVVM Pattern - is condensed enough to serve as my "longer notes" from the course I did. I recommend it.

John (Amazon comment)
John (Amazon comment)

Quick, easy kick-starter for WPF

I have been developing WinForms apps for many years, but find myself needing to make the jump to WPF. This book will give you the basics to make that leap. Use a follow up reference book, such as C# 6.0 and the .NET 4.6 Framework, and you'll be up any running in no time. I spent one solid day with this book and felt "Google-ready" to dive into my latest project. Given the book's size and purpose, I felt it achieved that and was worth the price.

James (Amazon comment)
James (Amazon comment)

I absolutely LOVE the way material is presented in this book--a rare ...

I absolutely LOVE the way material is presented in this book--a rare gem. Immediately after explaining a concept, you are asked to utilize it-the author's solution then follows and so on. For me, this is the perfect way to learn and has increased my skill at using XAML & WPF immensely.

Table of Contents

  • 1. Introduction
    • 1.1 What this book is not
    • 1.2 Prerequisites
    • 1.3 How to read this book
    • 1.4 Tools you need
    • 1.5 Source code
  • 2. Why WPF ?
  • 3. Creating a WPF application
    • 3.1 Developer - designer workflow
    • 3.2 Editors
    • 3.3 Adding a control
    • 3.4 Simple controls
    • 3.5 Navigation
    • 3.6 It’s your turn to code: do-it-yourself
    • 3.7 Exercise - Create the application and contact page
    • 3.8 Exercise solution
    • 3.9 Understanding XAML
    • 3.10 Events
    • 3.11 Exercise - Create the menu page
    • 3.12 Exercise solution
    • 3.13 Layout
    • 3.14 List controls
    • 3.15 Exercise - Create the discussion page
    • 3.16 Exercise solution
  • 4. Managing data in a WPF application
    • 4.1 Data binding
    • 4.2 DataContext
    • 4.3 Converters
    • 4.4 Displaying collections using list controls
    • 4.5 Customizing list controls
    • 4.6 Exercise - Display messages from a data object
    • 4.7 Exercise solution
    • 4.8 INotifyPropertyChanged
    • 4.9 INotifyCollectionChanged
    • 4.10 Exercise - Display products and details
    • 4.11 Exercise solution
  • 5. Making it shine: customize the look
    • 5.1 Change a control’s look
    • 5.2 Exercise - Create a basic button template
    • 5.3 Exercise solution
    • 5.4 Resources
    • 5.5 Exercise - Set the background
    • 5.6 Exercise solution
    • 5.7 Styles
    • 5.8 Exercise - Improve menu page using an implicit style
    • 5.9 Exercise solution
    • 5.10 Themes
    • 5.11 Transforms
    • 5.12 Control states
    • 5.13 Animations
  • 6. MVVM pattern for WPF
    • 6.1 Spaghetti code
    • 6.2 MVC
    • 6.3 MVVM
    • 6.4 Recommended steps (simple)
    • 6.5 Example
    • 6.6 Example, more complex
    • 6.7 Commands and methods
    • 6.8 Recommended steps (complete)
    • 6.9 Exercise - Display products and details using MVVM
    • 6.10 Exercise solution
    • 6.11 MVVM frameworks in short
  • A word from the author
  • The Learn collection
  • Notes

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