Lean3 Project Management
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Lean3 Project Management

Lean Project Management for repeated Project Success

About the Book

Lean3 Project Management is a ground-breaking book for Project Managers. It brings lessons from Lean Manufacturing into Project Management.

Lean Manufacturing was pioneered by Toyota in the 1950's and has transformed factories worldwide. The Lean Factory is flexible and efficient; and produces high quality products. Project Management needs the same transformation, so we can deliver repeated project success.

Read this book to understand how to transfer Lean concepts into Project Management.

For example

  • Toyota introduced collaborative design to fast-track the launch of a new car. Lean3 introduces collaborative Project Design into Project Management: a project should be designed, not just planned.
  • Lean Manufacturing has a emphasis on Value Streams; Lean3 brings an equivalent focus on the Project Flow, to optimise both the flow of work and the flow of value during the project.
  • Lean Manufacturing stresses Continuous Improvement, both on the production line and throughout the factory. Similarly, Lean3 explains, in practical terms, how to implement Continuous Improvement in Project Management. Each project helps deliver your Project Factory, which you improve year after year.

There's no Lean jargon in the book. No muda, mura or muri. No 5S, takt time or TPM. Just a set of pertinent lessons from Lean Manufacturing, crafted into a coherent Project Management solution.

This is a practical book for Project Managers. At its heart is a simple Project Management method, which becomes your starting place, your initial standard for Project Management. It's minimal. It's Lean.

The method is well explained, with lots of examples (a sample project), supported by simple documents.

Read this book if you want a new approach to Project Management, to deliver repeated project success.

About the Author

Jeff Ball
Jeff Ball

Jeff Ball is a Project Management specialist. Jeff lives in France and has joint UK/French nationality.

He is a certified trainer, specialising in P3 (Project, Programme and Portfolio Management), PMOs and Agile. 

A strong track record:

Jeff has delivered change initiatives in manufacturing, trading and banking companies

As Project Manager, Jeff has delivered end-to-end IT projects in challenging multicultural environments.
As Programme Manager, Jeff managed the worldwide Y2K initiative for NEC Computers.

As PMO Manager, Jeff secured the success of a complex 10-country ERP programme with a 70-strong team, supported by a PMO of 10 people.

An innovative and practical approach to methods... agility before Agile:

Long before the birth of Agile, Jeff explored alternatives to waterfall methods. In the 80s, Jeff built a commodity trading system using rapid prototyping methods. In the mid-90s, he managed a global project, using time-boxes and MoSCoW prioritisation.

Jeff has implemented gate-process methods for several major organisations. In 2004, he created an enterprise software package called TrioProject to support gate-process methods. The package was retired in 2013.

Table of Contents

    • 1. Introduction
      • Lean3: a new approach for a new decade
      • Three ways to read this book
      • Introducing the Lean3 principles for Project Management
      • Introducing the gated Life-Cycle
      • Introducing the Project Organisation
  • Part 1 : Why Lean3 Project Management?
    • 2. Third Generation Project Management
      • Lean3 is inspired by Lean Manufacturing
      • It’s time for 3rd generation Project Management
      • Three generations of Project Management
    • 3. Cynefin helps make sense of Project Management
      • Cynefin helps make sense of the world
      • Cynefin is about knowledge
      • Existing Project methods are inflexible
      • When the Project method generates disorder
      • Use Cynefin to manage a hybrid Project
    • 4. The Lean3 principles for Project Management
      • Lean3 Principle 1: Design the Project
      • Lean3 Principle 2: Focus on the flow
      • Lean3 Principle 3: Use a Gate Process
      • Lean3 Principle 4: Promote Continuous Improvement
      • Lean3 Principle 5: Institute a PMO role
  • Part 2 : The Project Management Process
    • 5. Overview of the Gate Process: documents and procedures
      • The main documents
      • The main procedures
    • 6. Stages
      • Introduction to Stages
      • Demand Management
      • Start-up Stage
      • Design Stage
      • Delivery Stages
      • Closedown Stage
  • Part 3 : The Project Management Procedures
    • 7. Gates and Gatekeepers
      • Introduction to Gates and Gatekeepers
      • Overview of Gate procedures
      • The Project Board - gatekeepers
      • The Gate Process uses Management by exception
      • Procedure: Gate Preparation procedure
      • Procedure: Gate Decision procedure
    • 8. Project Design
      • Introduction to Project Design
      • Overview of Project Design procedures
      • Procedure: High-Level Design
      • Procedure: Outline a Deliverable
      • Procedure: Collaborative Design procedure
      • Procedure: Assumptions Review procedure
      • Using Design Patterns
    • 9. Delivery
      • Overview of Delivery procedures
      • Procedure: Produce a Deliverable
      • Procedure: Monitor Delivery Status
      • Procedure: Exception Management procedure
    • 10. Other Project Management Procedures
      • Introduction
      • Procedure: Planning procedure
      • Procedure: Risk Analysis procedure
      • Procedure: Stakeholder Engagement procedure
      • Procedure: Benefit Realisation procedure
  • Part 4 : The Project Factory
    • 11. Continuous improvement
      • Introduction to Continuous improvement
      • Standardise: Standards are the basis for improvement
      • Do: Project Manager runs the project using standards
      • Check: Get feedback, review projects
      • Act: Take corrective action
      • Procedure: Retrospective procedure
    • 12. The role of the PMO
      • Introduction to the role of the PMO
      • PMO in the Project Life-cycle
      • Procedure: Project Compliance Review
  • End-notes
    • 13. Documents
      • Diagram: Deliverable Breakdown Structure (DBS)
      • Diagram: Project Flow Diagram
      • Document: Project Mandate
      • Document: Project Brief
      • Document: Business Case
      • Document: Deliverable Brief
      • Plan: Communications Plan
      • Plan: Project Plan
      • Plan: Stage Plan
      • Register: Deliverable Checklist
      • Register: Issue register
      • Register: Risk register
      • Register: Stakeholder register
      • Register: Gate Decision Register
      • Report: Deliverable Progress Report
      • Report: End of Stage Report
      • Report: Project Flow Status Report
      • Report: Project Highlight Report
      • Report: Benefit Realisation Report
      • Report: End of Project Report
    • 14. Example of Project Design
      • Introduction
      • Start-up Stage
      • Planning Stage
      • Delivery Stages
    • 15. Final words
      • Other Lean3 Books
      • About the Author
      • Free updates to the book
      • Trademarks & Copyright
      • Thanks

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