Laravel 4 Cookbook
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Laravel 4 Cookbook

About the Book

TL; DR: This book is contains various projects built in the Laravel 4 framework. At the time of writing this; the book contains roughly 300 pages (8 chapters/projects). I have planned content for an additional 4 chapters, to be completed around the end of January. I estimate it will push the page count up to around 500 pages, which is good value for $19. All future chapters, updates and corrections are free. Half of all sales go to Taylor Otwell in support of the excellent work he's doing for the Laravel framework.

I was learning how to use Laravel 4 more effectively, and found some subjects which I felt were worth sharing. I picked Medium (which later turned out to be a huge pain) and started putting a tutorial together. A few hours later I hit publish…

Then @laravelphp retweeted a link to the article. I think I spent the rest of the day just watching stats. The tutorial hit Medium's home page. It turns out there are a lot of people who wanted to know about Authentication (in Laravel), and just needed to be exposed to the article through @laravelphp's promotion of it.

Since then; I have been releasing a tutorial every two weeks.

The book grew out of the realisation that; while loads of people were reading the tutorials on Medium, some people weren't happy with the platform.

There are many compelling reasons for me to keep on using Medium to host the tutorials. I don't want to host my own thing because uptime is important, and outages in the night add years onto my life. The simple statistics and text formatting are also great.

I want to stay on Medium, but I also want people to want to read the tutorials and learn from them on other platforms. The book allows both of these things, as well as an important third thing…

The book is also intended as a means to give back to Laravel; in particular the invaluable work of Taylor Otwell. To this end, I have committed to give half of all sales to Taylor. The tutorials will always be free on Medium, and their content will mirror the chapters of this book (with obvious repetition omitted), but by purchasing this book you are helping to fund future Laravel development from him and tutorials from me.

About the Authors

Christopher Pitt
Christopher Pitt

I am a developer and writer, working at Over.

About the Contributors

Dean Broadley
Dean Broadley

Cover Designer

Dean helps me with all my book covers. He's amazing!

Table of Contents

  • Dedication
  • Forward
  • What This Book Teaches
  • Why Write This Book
  • Installing Laravel 4
  • Authentication
    • Installing Laravel
    • Configuring The Database
      • Connection To The Database
      • Database Driver
      • Eloquent Driver
      • Creating A Migration
      • Creating A Model
      • Creating A Seeder
    • Configuring Authentication
    • Logging In
      • Creating A Layout View
      • Creating A Login View
      • Creating A Login Action
      • Authenticating Users
      • Redirecting With Input
      • Authenticating Credentials
    • Resetting Passwords
      • Creating A Password Reset View
      • Creating A Password Reset Action
      • Creating Filters
      • Creating A Logout Action
  • Access Control List
    • Managing Groups
      • Refactoring Migrations
      • Listing Groups
      • Adding Groups
      • Editing Groups
      • Deleting Groups
    • Adding Users And Resources
      • Adding Migrations, Models And Relationships
      • Adding Views
      • Seeding Resources
      • Saving Relationships
    • Advanced Routes
  • Deployment
    • Dependencies
    • Environment Commands
      • Checking Environments
      • Setting Environments
      • Unsetting Environments
    • Asset Commands
      • Combining Assets
      • Minifying Assets
      • Building Assets
      • Watching Assets
      • Resource Watcher Integration Bug
    • Rsync
    • Distribute Command
      • Copying Files For Distribution
      • Removing Development Files
      • Synchronising Files To A Remote Server
    • Command Portability
    • Preprocessors
    • Images
  • API
    • Dependencies
    • Creating Resources With Artisan
    • Creating Resources With Generators
      • Generating Migrations
      • Generating Seeders
      • Generating Models
      • Generating Controllers
    • Binding Models To Routes
    • Troubleshooting Aliases
    • Testing Endpoints
    • Authenticating Requests
    • Using Accessors And Mutators
    • Using Cache
  • Packages
    • Composer
    • Dependency Injection
    • Inversion Of Control
    • Service Providers
    • Organising Code
    • Publishing Configuration Files
    • Creating Composer.json
    • Submitting A Package To Packagist
    • Note On Testing
  • Real Time Chat
    • Dependencies
      • Bootstrap
      • EmberJS
      • Ratchet
    • ReactPHP
    • Ratchet
    • Creating An Interface
      • Creating A View
      • Creating An EmberJS App
    • Creating A Service Provider
      • Creating A Chat Handler
      • Creating A Socket Wrapper
    • Creating A Serve Command
      • Connecting To The Socket Server
    • Wiring Up The Interface
      • Showing Chat Messages
      • Sending Chat Messages
      • Finishing Up The Template
    • Note On Nginx
  • Multisites
    • Note on Operating Systems
    • Note on Server Setup
    • Note on Dutch
    • Virtual Hosts
      • Adding Virtual Host Entries
      • Creating Apache 2 Virtual Hosts
      • Creating Nginx Virtual Hosts
    • Environments
      • Note on Running Commands in Local Environment
      • Using Site-Specific Views
      • Using Site-Specific Routes
    • Translation
      • Using Language Lookups
      • Using Language Lookups in Packages
      • Caching Language Lookups
    • Creating Multi-Language Routes
    • Creating Multi-Language Content
  • E-Commerce
    • Note on Sanity
    • Getting Started
    • Installing Laravel 4
    • Installing Other Dependencies
      • AngularJS
      • Bootstrap
      • DOMPDF
      • Stripe
      • Faker
    • Creating Database Objects
      • Creating Migrations
      • Creating Models
      • Creating Seeders
    • Creating API Endpoints
      • Managing Categories And Products
      • Managing Accounts
      • Managing Orders
    • Creating The Site With AngularJS
      • Creating The Interface
      • Making The Interface Dynamic
      • Completing Orders
    • Accepting Payments
      • Creating Orders
      • Working The Service Provider
      • Making Payments
    • Generating PDF Documents
  • Embedded Systems
    • Gathering Parts
    • Installing Dependencies
    • Note About Errata
    • Creating An Interface
    • Creating A Socket Server
    • Connection To Arduino
    • Spinning Up
    • Adding A Webcam
      • Installing ImageSnap On OSX
      • Installing Streamer On Ubuntu/Debian
      • Displaying Photos In The Interface
  • File-Based CMS
    • Installing Dependencies
    • Rendering Templates
    • Gathering Metadata
    • Creating Layouts
    • Creating Pages
    • Displaying Content
    • Extending The CMS
  • Controller Testing
    • Installing Dependencies
    • Unit vs. Functional vs. Acceptance
      • Unit Tests
      • Functional Tests
      • Acceptance Tests
    • Am I Writing Unit Or Functional Tests?
    • Fat Controllers
    • Service Providers
    • Dependency Injection
    • This Isn’t Testing!
    • The Rabbit Hole
    • Alternatives

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