Laravel Testing Decoded
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Laravel Testing Decoded

The testing book you've been waiting for.

About the Book

Please note that this book exclusively covers Laravel 4.

I've seen it way too many times. As your application grows, so does your sloppy, untested codebase. Before long, you begin to drown, as your ability to manually test the application becomes unrealistic, or even impossible! It's at these specific times, when you begin to realize the down-right necessity for testing. Sure, you might have read a TDD book in the past, but, like many things in life, we require real-life experience, before we suddenly - in a wonderful, blissful "aha moment" - get it.

The only problem is that testing can be a tricky thing. In fact, it's quite possible that your codebase, as it currently stands, is untestable! What you may not realize is that, while, yes, testing does help to ensure that your code works as expected, following this pattern will also make you a better developer. That messy, untestable spaghetti code that you might have snuck into your project in the past will never happen again. Trust me: as soon as you bring the phrase "how could I test this" to the forefront of every new piece of code, you'll, with a smile on your face, look back to your former self, and laugh at your crazy, cowboy ways. Welcome to modern software development.

While the principles of testing (and TDD) are language-agnostic, when it comes to execution, there are a variety of tools and techniques at your finger tips. This book is as much an introduction to TDD as it is a deep analysis of the Laravel way of testing applications. Updates will be free for life. Prefer a print copy?

Nice Words

Just finished reading @jeffrey_way’s Laravel Testing Decoded. It’s worth at least twice the money I paid for it. Highly recommended.

This is one of the best programming books I've read in quite awhile. So many AHA! moments. I thought testing was lame, but now I don't think I'll be able to write an app without thinking "is this testable?" If you're on the fence, buy this book. Not only does it teach testing, but the examples themselves drill best practices into your psyche. Polymorphism in the usually cliche calculator example? Mocks without my brain bleeding? Happy Gilmore references? Screw O'Reilly, I'll buy everything you write.

I'm sure you hear it a lot, but I pay my bills and make my living off what I learned from you...

I am so impressed. Getting those "Ahas" while reading your book. :) Laravel 4 users must read it.

I'm about 1/2 through #LaravelTestingDecoded and it's already probably one of the most valuable programming bookings I've read!

About the Author


Jeffrey is a web developer, writer, and editor of the popular web development community, Nettuts+. He spends his days digging into cutting edge technologies, and finding new ways to teach complicated concepts.

Table of Contents

  • Welcome
    • It Has Begun
    • Is This Book For Me?
    • Why Laravel-Specific?
    • Exercises
    • Errata
    • How to Consume This Book
    • Get in Touch
  • Into the Great Wide Open
  • Chapter 1: Test All The Things
    • You Already Test
    • 6 Wins From TDD
      • 1. Security
      • 2. Contribution
      • 3. Big-Boy Pants
      • 4. Testability Improves Architecture
      • 5. Documentation
      • 6. It’s Fun
    • What Should I Test?
    • 6 Signs of Untestable Code
      • 1. New Operators
      • 2. Control-Freak Constructors
      • 3. And, And, And
        • 4 Ways to Spot a Class With Too Many Responsibilities
      • 4. Too Many Paths? Polymorphism to the Rescue!
      • 5. Too Many Dependencies
      • 6. Too Many Bugs
    • Test Jargon
      • Unit Testing
      • Model Testing
      • Integration Testing
      • Functional (Controller) Testing
      • Acceptance Testing
    • Relax
  • Chapter 2: Introducing PHPUnit
    • Installation
      • Making Packages Available Globally
    • Assertions 101
      • Decoding A Test Class Structure
      • assertTrue
      • assertEquals
      • assertSame
      • assertContains
      • assertArrayHasKey
      • assertInternalType
      • assertInstanceOf
      • Asserting Exceptions
    • Summary
  • Chapter 3: Configuring PHPUnit
    • Options
      • Technicolor
      • Bootstrapping
      • Output Formats
    • XML Configuration File
    • Continuous Testing
      • Watching Files
      • Triggering Multiple Files
      • Some Vim-Specific Advice
    • Summary
  • Chapter 4: Making PHPUnit Less Verbose
    • Importing Assertions as Functions
    • Applying the Laravel Style to PHPUnit
  • Chapter 5: Unit Testing 101
    • My Struggles
    • Unit Testing
    • Arrange, Act, Assert
    • Testing in Isolation
    • Tests Should Not Be Order-Dependent
    • Test-Driven Development
    • Behavior-Driven Development
    • Testing Functions
      • Slime vs. Generalize
        • Slime
        • Generalize
      • Making the Test Pass
    • Testing Classes
      • Refactoring the Tests
      • Refactoring the Production Code
      • Polymorphism
        • Extensibility
        • Mocks
    • Project Complete
      • Final Source
    • Summary
  • Chapter 6: Contributing to Laravel Using TDD
    • Creating a Proposal
    • Your Local Copy
    • Branching
    • Coding Guidelines
    • Hands On
      • Agenda
      • selectYear
      • selectMonth
    • Summary
  • Chapter 7: Testing Models
    • What to Test
    • Accessors and Mutators
      • Cat Years Example
      • Password Hashing Example
    • Custom Methods
    • Simple Query Methods
    • Validations
      • Helpers
    • Factories
    • Laravel Test Helpers
      • Factories
      • Overrides
      • Models
      • Test Helpers
        • assertValid and assertNotValid
        • Asserting Relationships
    • Summary
  • Chapter 8: Easier Testing With Mockery
    • Mocking Decoded
    • Installation
    • The Dilemma
      • Dependency Injection
    • The Solution
      • Simple Mock Objects
      • Return Values From Mocked Methods
    • Expectations
    • Partial Mocks
    • Hamcrest
    • Summary
  • Chapter 9: Test Databases
    • Test Databases
    • Specifying the Environment
    • Calling Artisan From Tests
    • Try It Out
    • Databases in Memory
    • Summary
  • Chapter 10: Just Swap That Thang
    • Mockery
    • Testing
      • Mocking Events
    • Summary
  • Chapter 11: Testing Controllers
    • What Does a Controller Do?
    • 3 Steps to Testing Controllers
    • The Hello World of Controller Testing
      • Overloading is Your Friend
      • Calling Controller Actions
    • Laravel’s Helper Assertions
    • Mocking the Database
      • Required Refactoring
      • The IoC Container
    • Redirections
    • Paths
    • Repositories
    • Structure
      • Updating the Tests
    • Crawling the DOM
      • Ensure View Contains Text
      • Basic Traversing
        • Fetch By Position
        • Fetch First or Last
        • Fetch Siblings
        • Fetch Children
      • Capture Text Content
    • Forms
    • Summary
  • Chapter 12: The IoC Container
    • Dependency Injection?
      • Constructor Injection
      • Setter Injection
    • Resolving
      • Solution 1: Defaults
      • Solution 2: Resolving
    • App Bindings
        • Interfaces
        • Example 2: Automatic Resolution
      • Extra Credit
    • Summary
  • Chapter 13: Test-Driving Artisan Commands Exercise
    • Commands 101
      • Scaffolding
      • Arguments
      • Options
      • Single Responsibility Principle
    • Exercise
      • Create the Package
      • Generating the Command
      • Service Providers
      • Testing Artisan Commands
        • Planning
        • Expectations
        • Dependency Injection
        • Generator Class
        • Making the Test Pass
      • Testing the Model Generator
    • Summary
  • Chapter 14: Testing APIs
    • APIs in Laravel
      • Three Components to Writing an API in Laravel
        • 1. Authentication
        • 2. Route Prefixing
        • 3. Return JSON
    • Testing APIs
      • Use a Database in Memory
      • Migrate the Database for Each Test
      • Enable Filters
      • Set the Authenticated User
    • Test Examples
      • User Must Be Authenticated
      • Check For Error
      • Fetch All Photos For the Authenticated User
        • Refactoring
      • Updating a Photo
        • Factories
      • Specifying Options
    • Summary
  • Chapter 15: Acceptance Testing With Codeception
    • An Amuse Bouche
    • Testing Refresher
      • Acceptance Testing
    • Installation
      • Global Installation
      • Local Installation
    • Bootstrapping
    • Configuring Acceptance Tests
    • Generate a Test
      • Manual Approach
      • Generator Approach
        • Decoding the Command
      • Writing the First Test
      • Running All Tests
    • Summary
  • Chapter 16: Authentication With Codeception Exercise
    • The Feature
    • Translating the Feature for Codeception
    • Register Routes
      • Building the Form
      • Resources
      • Authenticating the User
        • Adding a Test Database
      • Invalid Credentials
    • Summary
  • Chapter 17: Functional Testing in Codeception
    • The Laravel4 Module
      • The DB Module
    • Updating TestGuy
    • Registering a User
    • Summary
  • Chapter 18: Continuous Integration With Travis CI
    • Hello, Travis
      • 1. Connect
      • 2. Register Hooks
      • 3. Configure
    • Build Configuration
      • Absolute Basics
      • Bootstrapping
      • Register Dependencies
      • Notifications
        • Turn Off Notifications
        • Set Recipients
        • IRC
    • Summary
  • Frequently Asked Questions (A Living Document)
    • 1. How Do I Test Global Functions?
      • Mock It
      • The Namespacing Trick
    • 2. How Do I Create a SQL Dump for Codeception Tests?
    • 3. How Do I Test Protected Methods?
    • 4. Should I Test Getters and Setters?
    • 5. Why Is PHPUnit Ignoring My Filters?
    • 6. Can I Mock a Method in the Class I’m Testing?
      • Traditional Partial Mocks
      • Passive Partial Mocks
    • 7. I Prefer Using Underscores For Test Names. Is That Okay?
  • Goodbye
    • Wait a Second…

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