Java for the Real World
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Java for the Real World

About the Book

Video course now available! I have created a course on Udemy based on the curriculum of this book. The content is mostly the same, but if you purchase the book, you will have access to a 50% off coupon code for the video course. It's a great way to solidify your understanding as I go through each technology interactively using the code examples in the book.


When I started my first Java job, I was immediately overwhelmed by my knowledge gaps of the Java ecosystem. I knew how to write decent code and had a good understanding of the Java language, but I had never used Hibernate or "deployed a war to Tomcat"...and what's a "pom"? I soon found that answers to these questions were less than straightforward. Wading through pages of dense documentation and poorly written tutorials often left me just as confused as when I started.

That's why I decided to write Java for the Real World. Having lived through the pain of learning the Java ecosystem, I wanted to create a resource for anyone else in their first Java job to quickly become aware of all the ancillary technologies that Java uses. I intentionally do not provide deep tutorials in the book. Not only would that be an insurmountable task (nearly all of these technologies have books of their own), but I have found that companies use the tools in such different ways that tutorials only go so far. Instead, I provide an overview of the most common tools you are likely to encounter, example code to see the technology in action, and suggested resources for more in-depth study.

Starting a new job is stressful enough, why make it worse by losing yourself in a sea on new words and tools? Java for the Real World is a practical and candid book that can be your guide to vast world of professional Java development.

Updated September 2018:

  • All the code updated for Java 11
  • A new project for Vaadin Flow
  • Expanded discussion on the different JDK versions

About the Author

Phillip Johnson
Phillip Johnson

Phillip Johnson is a software developer based out of Columbus, Ohio. He has worked on projects ranging from call center queuing to bioinformatics and has used a wide range of technologies including Python, Java, Scala, and SQL. He blogs at Let's Talk Data.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: Getting Started
    • Who this book is for
    • The video course
    • How to use this book
    • Setting up Your Workspace
  • Chapter 2: The Java Virtual Machine
    • What is the Java Virtual Machine?
    • JVM Versions
    • JVM Varieties
  • Chapter 3: Build Tools
    • Ant
    • Maven
    • Gradle
    • Suggested Resources
  • Chapter 4: Testing
    • Adding a Service to the IScream Application
    • Writing Tests
    • Running Tests
    • Using Test Doubles
    • Summary
    • Suggested Resources
  • Chapter 5: Spring
    • Spring Core
    • Spring Boot
    • Summary
    • Suggested Resources
  • Chapter 6: Web Application Frameworks
    • Java Enterprise Edition Web API
    • Spring MVC
    • Spring Boot
    • JavaServer Faces
    • Vaadin
    • Summary
    • Suggested Resources
  • Chapter 7: Web Application Deployment
    • Packaging
    • Deployment
    • Embedded Servers
    • Suggested Resources
  • Chapter 8: Working with Databases
    • Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
    • Spring JDBC Template
    • MyBatis
    • Hibernate
    • Summary
    • Suggested Resources
  • Chapter 9: Logging
    • java.util.Logging
    • Log4j
    • Logback
    • SLF4J
    • Java Commons Logging (JCL)
    • Summary
    • Suggested Resources
  • Chapter 10: Useful Third-Party libraries
    • JSON Support
    • Utility Libraries
    • Joda Time
    • Summary
    • Suggested Resources
  • Appendix A: Docker
    • Building Docker images
    • Deploying a Docker container
    • Caveats
    • Suggested Resources
  • Notes

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