iOS 8 Day by Day
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iOS 8 Day by Day

About the Book

Apple delivered iOS 8 to the developer world at WWDC in June 2014, before launching it at the wider world in September of the same year. The iOS 8 SDK was somewhat over-shadowed by the simultaneous announcement of a new programming language in the form of Swift, however this didn't mean that the core OS had been overlooked at all. Quite the opposite - a huge number of new APIs had been introduced, powering tons of new functionality.

iOS8: Day-by-Day is a review of the most important of these. Busy developers don't have time to trawl the WWDC videos and Apple documentation. Instead they'd like to get a high-level summary of the new possibilities, alongside some working sample code. This is exactly what iOS8: Day-by-Day provides. It started out as a blog series, and these blog posts now form the basis of the book.

You can see the original blog series at and all the source code is available on GitHub at

Much love

sam (@iwantmyrealname)

About the Author

Sam Davies
Sam Davies

Sam is the Technical Evangelist for ShinobiControls, and spends his life creating code for both iOS and Android, blogging about it and meeting people. Prior to working in mobile software development, Sam worked as a computer vision researcher completing his doctorate in 2005 before continuing his research for the UK Government. Deciding that his passion lay elsewhere, Sam has been developing software for mobile devices ever since. By day you'll find him attending conferences, writing tutorials, meeting people and generally being a good guy. By night he's likely to be out entertaining people, armed with his trombone and killer dance moves. You can follow him on twitter @iwantmyrealname.

ShinobiControls was founded in 2011 to create a comprehensive set of powerful, interactive UI controls to help the developer community and enterprise create amazing apps. Since the launch of the first product, ShinobiCharts in February 2012, the business has grown rapidly, now serving thousands of customers with a rapidly expanding portfolio of controls. 

Take app building to a new level and save yourself time and money with our range of easy to implement Charts, Grids and UI Controls. Try them today with a 30 day free trial!

Table of Contents

  • Preface
  • Update
  • About this book
    • What you’ll get from this book
    • What you won’t get from this book
    • How to read this book
    • Conventions
    • Project Code
  • Day 1 :: Swift for Blaggers
    • Initialization
    • Mutability
    • Strong Typing and AnyObject
    • Protocol Conformance
    • Enums
    • Conclusion
  • Day 2 :: Sharing Extension
    • Creating a share extension
    • Validating user input
    • Uploading from within an extension
    • Conclusion
  • Day 3 :: UIVisualEffects
    • Blurring with UIVisualEffectView
    • Improving legibility with vibrancy
    • Performance Concerns
    • Conclusion
  • Day 4 :: Custom Fonts in Interface Builder
    • Font availability within Interface Builder
    • Declaring fonts for use within your app
    • Conclusion
  • Day 5 :: Auto-sizing table view cells
    • Using the ‘stock’ table view cells
    • Creating custom table view cells
    • Conclusion
  • Day 6 :: Profiling Unit Tests
    • Measuring Test Performance
    • Moving average example
    • Improving the moving average
    • Conclusion
  • Day 7 :: Adaptive Layout and UITraitCollection
    • Adaptive Layout
    • Xcode Assistance
    • Conclusion
  • Day 8 :: Today Extension
    • Creating a widget
    • Sharing code with the parent app
    • Sharing a cache with the parent app
    • Navigating back to the parent app
    • Conclusion
  • Day 9 :: Designated Initializers
    • Creating objects
    • Usage in objective-C
    • Conclusion
  • Day 10 :: Xcode 6 Playgrounds
    • Interactive Coding & Timelines
    • Custom QuickLook
    • Custom View Development
    • Conclusion
  • Day 11 :: Asynchronous Testing
    • Testing an Asynchronous Method
    • Multiple Expectations
    • Key-Value Observation Expectation
    • Conclusion
  • Day 12 :: HealthKit
    • Data Structure Overview
    • Permissions
    • Writing Data
    • Reading Data
    • Conclusion
  • Day 13 :: CoreImage Detectors
    • Detecting Rectangles
    • Detecting QR Codes
    • Conclusion
  • Day 14 :: Rotation Deprecation
    • Auto Layout to the rescue
    • Customizing rotation behavior
    • Conclusion
  • Day 15 :: NSFormatter
    • Temporal Formatters
    • Physical Quantity Formatters
    • Conclusion
  • Day 16 :: Navigation Bar Hiding
    • Navigation Controller Updates
    • Sample app
    • Conclusion
  • Day 17 :: Live Rendering in Interface Builder
    • @IBDesignable
    • @IBInspectable
    • Debugging Views
    • Conclusion
  • Day 18 :: UISplitViewController
    • Adaptive View Controller Hierarchy
    • Overriding Default Behavior
    • Advanced Features
    • Conclusion
  • Day 19 :: CoreImage Kernels
    • Filters and Kernels
    • Custom Kernel Types
    • General Kernels
    • Conclusion
  • Day 20 :: Photos Framework
    • Photo Library Outline
    • Querying For Models
    • Requesting Assets
    • Performing Model Updates
    • Registering for Update Notifications
    • Conclusion
  • Day 21 :: Alerts and Popovers
    • Pop Overs
    • Alerts
    • ActionSheets
    • Conclusion
  • Day 22 :: Linking to Settings App
    • Linking to the Settings Page
    • Conclusion
  • Day 23 :: Photo Extension
    • Creating a Photo Extension
    • Starting Interactive Editing
    • Discard Changes?
    • Finalizing the Edit
    • Resumable Editing
    • Conclusion
  • Day 24 :: Presentation Controllers
    • The role of the Presentation Controller
    • Creating a custom Presentation Controller
    • Using the custom Presentation Controller
    • Adaptive UI with Presentation Controllers
    • Custom Presentation Animation
    • Conclusion
  • Day 25 :: Notification Actions
    • Requesting Permission
    • Registering Actions
    • Firing Actions
    • Handling Actions
    • Foreground Notifications
    • Conclusion
  • Day 26 :: AVKit
    • Using AVKit to play a video
    • Integration with Photos Framework
    • AVFoundation Pipeline
    • Conclusion
  • Day 27 :: Launch Images
    • Scaling the existing approach
    • Creating a launch screen XIB
    • Restrictions on Launch Screen XIBs
    • Conclusion
  • Day 28 :: Document Picker
    • Conceptual Overview
    • Document Menu
    • Document Picker
    • Use on Simulator
    • Conclusion
  • Day 29 :: Safari Action Extension
    • Creating an Action Extension
    • Extracting Content from a Web Page
    • Interacting with JavaScript
    • Conclusion
  • Day 30 :: App Previews
    • Recording a Video
    • Video Considerations
    • Conclusion
  • Day 31 :: Using Touch ID to Secure the Keychain
    • Secure Enclave
    • Access Control Lists
    • Implementation
    • Conclusion
  • Day 32 :: Layout Margins
    • Layout Margins in Interface Builder
    • Layout Margins in Code
    • Preserving Superview Layout Margins
    • Conclusion
  • Day 33 :: CloudKit
    • High-level CloudKit Concepts
    • Enabling CloudKit
    • Creating Records
    • Querying For Records
    • Modifying Records
    • CloudKit Dashboard
    • Summary of other Features
    • Conclusion
  • Day 34 :: CoreLocation Authorization
    • Refresher on CoreLocation
    • New Methods on CoreLocationManager
    • Providing Usage Strings
    • Conclusion
  • Day 35 :: CoreMotion
    • Motion Activity Data
    • Pedometer Data
    • Altimeter Data
    • Conclusion
  • Day 36 :: Location Notifications
    • Requesting Authorization
    • Creating Notifications
    • Responding to Notifications
    • Conclusion
  • Day 37 :: Autosizing Collection View Cells
    • Enabling Sizing in a Flow Layout
    • Autosizing via Interface Builder
    • Mechanics of Autosizing
    • Conclusion
  • Day 38 :: Handoff
    • Handoff Logistics
    • Preparing an App for Handoff
    • Resuming an Activity
    • Conclusion
  • Day 39 :: WatchKit
    • What can (and can’t) I do on a watch?
    • Getting Started
    • Code sharing
    • Conclusion
  • Appendix
    • The road ahead
    • Useful resources

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