Introducing EventStorming
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Introducing EventStorming

An act of Deliberate Collective Learning

About the Book

At first look, EventStorming is deceptively simple: just have a long paper roll available, and a virtually unlimited stock of coloured sticky notes and start modelling problems that looked too big to be modelled. But the ability to visually master large-scale complexity opens the way to many interesting outcomes.

Better business processes: once you see the process, impediments and correlations are vividly displayed. You can't avoid tackling them.

- Better software architectures: see the areas where stakeholders' needs are in conflict, and resolve conflicts by leveraging bounded contexts.

Better learning: an exploration of a complex domain is now question-driven and with a visible collective sketch. Your team will never be so wise.

Better interactions: trigger the right conversation between the right people.

In this book, you'll find guidance about how to leverage the potential of EventStorming.

Disclaimer: work still in progress

The book is still in progress, after all these years. Many things have changed since the beginning: it works, and it's been already adopted by many organizations around the world. Unfortunately, the demand for consulting in this area spiked and left me little time for writing in a comfortable seat. The pandemic then forced me to re-think what EventStorming in a new normal looked like.

There are still holes and FIXMEs, and I am now fixing them one by one. I killed the Trello board that I used to share progress. It just didn't work for that goal.

About the Author

Alberto Brandolini
Alberto Brandolini

I am helping teams and companies to develop brilliant solutions to complex problems. Sometimes this involves writing software. Sometimes this involves working with people. I like both ways, especially when it leads me into unexplored territories.

I've been coding since 1982, experimenting since ...forever? This led me into Agile, Domain-Driven Design, Lean, Complexity, Management 3.0 and everything needed in order to solve the problem.

I am a father, a husband, an entrepreneur, a consultant, a developer, a teacher, a public speaker, a cook, a drummer... now it's time to be a writer.

A glimpse of what I am into can be found on my blog, and I've been speaking in quite a few places lately. My presentation track is available here.

I run avanscopertaone of the coolest places on earth to teachlearn and experiment

Table of Contents

    • Preface - 60%
      • Who is this book for
      • Notation
      • Acknowledgments
      • How to read this book
    • 1. What does EventStorming look like? - 85%
      • Challenging corporate processes
      • Kicking off a startup
      • Designing a new feature for a web app
      • Quick EventStorming in Avanscoperta
  • A deep dive into problem space
    • 2. A closer look at the problem space
      • Silos
      • Targets and goals
      • Decisions’ lifecycle
      • The cost of agreeing
      • Putting everything together
    • 3. Pretending to solve the problem writing software - 50%
      • It’s not about ‘delivering software’
      • The illusion of the underlying model
      • The Product Owner fallacy
      • The backlog fallacy [FIXME: definitely not the first one]
      • The backlog fallacy (rewritten)
      • Modeling is broken
      • Requirements gathering is broken
      • Enterprise Architecture is broken
      • The EventStorming approach
    • 4. Running a Big Picture Workshop - 98%
      • Invite the right people
      • Room setup
      • Workshop Structure
      • Phase: Kick-off
      • Phase: Chaotic Exploration
      • Phase: Enforcing the timeline
      • People and Systems
      • Phase: Problems and opportunities
      • Phase: Pick your problem
      • The promised structure summary
    • 5. Playing with value - part 1 - 95%
      • Explore Value
      • Explore Purpose
      • When should we apply this step?
    • 6. Discovering Bounded Contexts with EventStorming
      • Why Bounded Contexts are so critical
      • Finding bounded contexts
      • Enter EventStorming
      • Structure of a Big Picture workshop
      • Homework time
      • Putting everything together
    • 7. Making it happen
      • Managing Participant’s experience
      • Managing conflicts
    • 8. Preparing the workshop - 30%
      • Choosing a suitable room
      • Provide an unlimited modeling surface
      • Managing invitations
    • 9. Workshop Aftermath - 20%
      • Cooperating domains
      • When to stop?
      • How do we know we did a good job?
      • Wrapping up a big picture workshop
      • Managing the big picture artifact
      • Focusing on the hot spot
      • Documenting the outcomes - TRICKY
      • Emerging structure
    • 10. Big Picture Variations - 50%
      • Software Project Discovery
      • Organization Retrospective
      • Induction for new hires
    • 11. Big Picture in remote mode - 80%
      • Main changes
      • What role for a Big Picture?
      • Patterns For Remote Big Picture
      • Do we have a recipe?
  • Why is it working?
    • 12. What software development really is - 40%
      • Software development is writing code
      • Software development is learning
      • Software development is making decisions
      • Software development is waiting
  • Modelling processes and services
    • 13. Process Modeling as a cooperative game - 100%
      • Context
      • Game Goal(s)
      • Coming soon
    • 14. Process Modeling Building Blocks - 90%
      • Fuzziness vs. precision
      • The Picture That Explains Everything
      • Events
      • Commands, Actions or Intentions
      • People
      • Systems
      • Policies
      • Read Models
      • Value
      • Hotspots
    • 15. Process modeling game strategies - 50%
      • Kicking-off
      • Mid-game strategies
      • Team dynamics
      • Are we done?
    • 16. Observing global state - 10%
      • The transaction obsession
      • There’s more to consistency than it’s apparent to the eye
  • Modeling software systems
    • 17. Running a Design-Level EventStorming - 10%
      • Scope is different
      • People are different
      • What do we do with the Big Picture Artifact?
      • Where are Events Coming from?
      • Discover Aggregates
      • How do we know we’re over?
    • 18. Design-Level modeling tips
      • Make the alternatives visible
      • Choose later
      • Pick a Problem
      • Rewrite, then rewrite, then rewrite again.
      • Hide unnecessary complexity
      • Postpone aggregate naming
    • 19. Building Blocks - 20%
      • Why are Domain Events so special?
      • Events are precise
      • No implicit scope limitation
      • Domain Events as state transitions
      • Domain Events are triggers for consequences
      • Domain Events are leading us towards the bottleneck
      • Alternative approaches
      • Wrapping everything up
      • Commands - Actions - Decisions
    • 20. Modeling Aggregates
      • Discovering aggregates
    • 21. Event Design Patterns - 5%
      • Discovery strategies
      • Composite Domain Event
    • 22. From paper roll to working code
      • Managing the design level EventStorming artifact
      • Coding ASAP
    • 23. From EventStorming to UserStories - 5%
      • A placeholder and a better conversation
      • Defining the acceptance criteria
      • EventStorming and User Story Mapping
      • How to combine the two approaches?
    • 24. Working with Startups - 2%
      • The focus is not on the app
      • Leverage Wisdom of the crowd
      • Multiple business models
    • 25. Working in corporate environment - 5%
      • Invitation is crucial
      • Manage check-in process
      • The fog-me-fog model
      • Nobody wants to look stupid
      • Wrapping up
      • What happens next?
      • Corporate Dysfuctions
    • 26. Designing a product
      • This is not a tailored solution
      • Matching expectations
      • Simplicity on the outside
    • 27. Model Storming - 0%
    • 28. Remote Event Storming
      • Ok, seriously
      • Downgrading expectations
  • Patterns and Anti-patterns
    • 29. Patterns and Anti-Patterns - 75%
      • Add more space
      • Be the worst
      • Conquer First, Divide Later
      • Do First, Explain Later
      • Fuzzy Definitions
      • Guess First
      • Hotspot
      • Icebreaker (the)
      • Incremental Notation
      • Go personal
      • Keep your mouth shut
      • Leave Stuff Around
      • Manage Energy
      • Make some noise!
      • Mark hot spots
      • Money on the table
      • One Man One Marker
      • Poisonous Seats
      • Reverse Narrative
      • The Right To Be Wrong
    • 30. Rush to the goal
      • Single Out the Alpha-male
      • Slack day after
      • Sound Stupid
      • Speaking out loud
      • Start from the center
      • Start from the extremes
      • Unlimited Modeling Surface
      • Visible Legend
    • 31. Anti-patterns
      • Ask Questions First
      • Big Table at the center of the room
      • Committee
      • Divide and Conquer
      • Do the right thing
      • Dungeon Master
      • Follow the leader
      • Human Bottleneck
      • Karaoke Singer
      • Precise Notation
      • Religion War
      • The Spoiler
      • Start from the beginning
      • The godfather
    • 32. RED ZONE
      • Fresh Catering
      • Providential Toilet Door Malfunctioning
  • Specific Formats
    • 33. Big Picture EventStorming
    • 34. Design-Level EventStorming
      • Next actions
    • Glossary - 40% (but do you really care?)
      • Fuzzy by design
    • Tools
      • Modeling Surfaces
      • Markers
      • Stickies
      • Static pads
      • Recording results
    • Bibliography
  • Notes

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