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About the Book
At first look, EventStorming is deceptively simple: just have a long paper roll available, and a virtually unlimited stock of coloured sticky notes and start modelling problems that looked too big to be modelled. But the ability to visually master large-scale complexity opens the way to many interesting outcomes.
- Better business processes: once you see the process, impediments and correlations are vividly displayed. You can't avoid tackling them.
- Better software architectures: see the areas where stakeholders' needs are in conflict, and resolve conflicts by leveraging bounded contexts.
- Better learning: an exploration of a complex domain is now question-driven and with a visible collective sketch. Your team will never be so wise.
- Better interactions: trigger the right conversation between the right people.
In this book, you'll find guidance about how to leverage the potential of EventStorming.
Disclaimer: work still in progress
The book is still in progress, after all these years. Many things have changed since the beginning: it works, and it's been already adopted by many organizations around the world. Unfortunately, the demand for consulting in this area spiked and left me little time for writing in a comfortable seat. The pandemic then forced me to re-think what EventStorming in a new normal looked like.
There are still holes and FIXMEs, and I am now fixing them one by one. I killed the Trello board that I used to share progress. It just didn't work for that goal.
If you're looking for a short official description of EventStorming, you may want to check our official page on
Extra resources can be found on the official website.
About the Author
I am helping teams and companies to develop brilliant solutions to complex problems. Sometimes this involves writing software. Sometimes this involves working with people. I like both ways, especially when it leads me into unexplored territories.
I've been coding since 1982, experimenting since ...forever? This led me into Agile, Domain-Driven Design, Lean, Complexity, Management 3.0 and everything needed in order to solve the problem.
I am a father, a husband, an entrepreneur, a consultant, a developer, a teacher, a public speaker, a cook, a drummer... now it's time to be a writer.
A glimpse of what I am into can be found on my blog, and I've been speaking in quite a few places lately. My presentation track is available here.
I run avanscoperta, one of the coolest places on earth to teach, learn and experiment.