Intergalactic Python: Coding Through the Cosmos
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Intergalactic Python: Coding Through the Cosmos

Learn Python the exciting way.

About the Book

Greetings, future space explorer! 

You're about to embark on a journey unlike any other. This isn't just another Python book; it's a voyage of discovery through the cosmos. This book will guide you from the ground up, from your first tentative steps in Python to a confident sprint across the star-studded fields of coding. If you've always been captivated by the mysteries of the universe and wanted to learn to code, you've picked up the right guide!

The universe of programming, like space, can seem vast, intimidating, and complex. Just as astronomers break down the cosmos into digestible concepts like planets, stars, and galaxies, we've organized the principles of Python into manageable, understandable parts. We've designed each chapter to be a 'mission,' with a specific learning objective and a practical, exciting project for you to apply your newfound knowledge. From calculating rocket trajectories to decoding alien messages, the projects are deeply embedded in our space theme, making your learning journey engaging and fun.

This book assumes no prior programming knowledge. We'll be learning the Python programming language, known for its simplicity and power. Python is widely used in many fields, from web development to data analysis to machine learning, making it a valuable language to learn.

We'll start with the basics, like how to write and run Python programs. Gradually, we'll delve into Python's core concepts like variables, loops, conditionals, and functions. Later, we'll explore more advanced topics like error handling, libraries, and object-oriented programming. By the end, you'll have a solid foundation in Python and be able to write your own Python programs.

We will be using Google Colab, a free online platform, as our Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It allows you to write, run, and share Python code right in your browser, which means there's no software to install and you can access it from anywhere.

But enough prelude; it's time to start our engines and prepare for lift-off. Grab your astronaut helmet and buckle up, future space explorer. Let's launch your Python journey!

About the Author

About the Contributors

S Gao
S Gao


W Gao
W Gao


Table of Contents

    • Chapter 0: Preface
    • Chapter 1: Launching Your Python Journey
      • Why Learn Python?
      • Setting up your programming environment with Google Colab
      • Writing your first Python program
    • Chapter 2: Your First Python Mission: The Spacecraft (Variables and Types)
      • What are Variables?
      • Different Types of Data
      • Naming Variables
      • Project: Designing Your Spacecraft
      • Wrapping Up
    • Chapter 3: Packing for Space: Organizing Your Inventory (Lists and Tuples)
      • Lists: Your Spacecraft’s Storage
      • Tuples: Your Spacecraft’s Specifications
      • Project: Packing for Your Journey
    • Chapter 4: Communicating with the Command Center (Print Statements and User Input)
      • Print Statements: Reporting Back to Command Center
      • User Input: Receiving Instructions from Command Center
      • Project: A Conversation with the Command Center
    • Chapter 5: Plotting Your Course (Operators and Comparisons)
      • Calculating the Route (Arithmetic Operators)
      • Making Decisions (Comparison Operators)
      • Plotting the Course (Assignment Operators)
      • Project: Course Calculation System
    • Chapter 6: Alien Encounters (If, Elif, Else Statements)
      • Making Decisions (If Statements)
      • Choosing Between Alternatives (Elif and Else Statements)
      • Project: Alien Encounter System
    • Chapter 7: Navigating Through Space (For and While Loops)
      • The For Loop
      • The While Loop
      • Break, Continue, and Pass
      • Project: Space Navigation System
    • Chapter 8: Stellar Strings
      • Introduction to Strings
      • String Concatenation
      • String Slicing and Indexing
      • String Methods
      • Project: Star Catalog
    • Chapter 9: Space Dictionaries (Dictionaries)
      • Introduction to Dictionaries
      • Adding and Modifying Dictionary Entries
      • Removing Entries from a Dictionary
      • Dictionary Methods
      • Project: Alien Species Log
    • Chapter 10: Living in Space (Functions)
      • Understanding Functions
      • Defining Functions
      • Function Parameters and Arguments
      • Return Statements
      • Local and Global Variables
      • Project: Daily Routine Automation
    • Chapter 11: Exploring New Planets (Modules and Libraries)
      • What are Modules and Libraries in Python?
      • Importing Libraries
      • Exploring Common Python Libraries
      • Project: Planet Analysis
    • Chapter 12: Final Mission: Planet Colonization (Project)
      • Planning the Project
    • Chapter 13: The Journey Continues
      • Review of Our Journey
      • The Universe Beyond
      • Final Thoughts
    • Appendix: Python Vocabulary

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