Implementing Laravel
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Implementing Laravel

Real-world implementation of testable and maintainable code.

About the Book

Note: This book was written while Laravel 4.0 was out. The latest version 4 release is 4.2, and the latest stable release of Laravel is 5 (soon to be 5.1). Each of these version bumps has give us new tools, which are not representing in this  book.

Unfortunately I do not have the time to keep updating this book, and no longer feel it necessarily represents the most current best practices (it being a relatively static book about a quickly evolving framework.

Because of the above reasons, I've made the book free!

So, you know the basics of Laravel. You've read about unit testing. Perhaps you've read Taylor Otwell's book and have a grasp of Dependency Injection, IoC containers and SOLID principles. Now you have a project that needs building!

BUT: You're still left with the looming question of implementation: How do I actually use these principles? How should I organize my application code? Why do I still end up with so much code in my controllers?

This book is the bridge over the gap between knowing good architecture principles and implementing them in your application.

What You'll Learn:

  • Concrete examples on architecting working code in testable and maintainable ways.
  • Using Laravel's IoC containers and Service Providers
  • Code organization, and the thinking behind it
  • Including and Implementing third-party packages
  • Real-world, working code available on GitHub

Some Chapters Include:

  • Installation and Environment Setup
  • Using the Repository Pattern
  • Caching in the Repository
  • Error Handling with Notifications
  • Validation as a Service
  • Testable Form Processing

About the Author

Chris Fidao
Chris Fidao

Coding in the PHP world for 10 years, Chris has much experience in architecting and structuring applications large and small.

Chris immediately jumped on board with Laravel 4 when he discovered it's rare mixture of ease-of-use and ingrained support for enterprise-grade code architecture.

You can find Chris blogging about Laravel and coding at and writing about servers at He loves digging into the code to find the perfectly crafted solution.

Chris  works at UserScape, supporting and developing HelpSpot.

Table of Contents

    • Thanks
  • Introduction
    • Who Is This For?
      • Who Will Get the Most Benefit?
      • What To Know Ahead of Time
    • A Note on Opinions
    • SOLID
  • Core Concepts
    • The Container
      • Basic Usage
      • Getting More Advanced
      • Inversion of Control
      • Real-World Usage
    • Dependency Injection
      • What is Dependency Injection?
      • Adding Controller Dependencies
      • Interfaces as Dependencies
      • Why Dependency Injection?
      • Wrapping Up
  • Setting Up Laravel
    • The Sample Application
      • Database
      • Models
      • Relationships
      • Testability and Maintainability
      • Architectural Notes
    • Installation
      • Install Composer
      • Create a New Project
      • Config
      • Wrapping Up
    • Application Setup
      • Setting Up the Application Library
      • Autoloading
      • Wrapping Up
  • Useful Patterns
    • The Repository Pattern
      • What Is It?
      • Why Do We Use It?
      • Example
    • Caching with the Repository Pattern
      • What Is It?
      • Why Do We Use It?
      • Example
    • Validation as a Service
      • What Is It?
      • Why Do We Use It?
      • Example
      • Restructuring
      • What Did We Gain?
    • Form processing
      • What Is It?
      • Where Do We Use It?
      • Example
      • Restructuring
      • Heavy Lifting
      • Wrapping Up
      • The Final Results
      • What Did We Gain?
    • Error Handling
  • Using Packages
    • Using a Package: Notifications
      • Setup
      • Implementation
      • Tying it Together
      • In Action
      • What Did We Gain?
  • Conclusion
    • Review
      • Installation
      • Application Setup
      • Repository Pattern
      • Caching In the Repository
      • Validation
      • Form Processing
      • Error Handling
      • Third Party Libraries
    • What Did You Gain?
      • The Future

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