How to use Moodle 2.7
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How to use Moodle 2.7

Teacher’s Manual for the world’s most popular LMS

About the Book

Moodle 2.7 is the LTS version of the most popular open source learning management system supported by a large community at

This book is a reference manual for the teachers to start teaching with Moodle.

About the Author

Jaswinder Singh
Jaswinder Singh

Starting his journey with Moodle in his part time, Jaswinder Singh is hooked up to online learning & Moodle. He was having good experience in the Railway industry with specialization in Urban Transport solutions. But after getting hands-on experience with Moodle, he has started his own business offering various elearning and edtech services.

After writing the first edition of this book in 2014, Jaswinder updated this new edition with the latest Moodle version i.e. Moodle 4.1. You can read complete details about his journey from the MRTS sector to Moodle & elearning here.

If you want to contact him for any suggestions, queries, inquiries; please contact him through: 

  • Email - 
  • Moodle - 
  • Website -
  • Skype - jassi_king20 
  • Facebook - 4jassiking
  • Twitter - @4jassiking

About the Contributors

Dawn Alderson
Dawn Alderson

Table of Contents

  • Preface
    • What is Moodle
    • Who Is This Book For?
    • Prerequisites—What Do You Need Before You Start?
    • How to Use This Book
      • Happy Moodling!!!
    • Acknowledgments
  • Chapter 1: Introduction
    • What is a Learning Management System?
      • Why Should You Use a LMS?
    • What Makes Moodle Special?
    • Summary
  • Chapter 2: How can I use Moodle
    • What is a Learning Environment?
    • Course Design Patterns
      • Introductory Survey Course
      • Skills Development Course
      • Theory/Discussion Course
      • Capstone Course
    • Summary
  • Chapter 3: Moodle Basics
    • Getting Started
      • The Moodle Interface
      • Languages
      • Moodle’s Help System and Documentation
    • Creating an Account
      • Editing Your User Profile
    • A First Look at a Course
      • Course Formats
      • Course Settings
      • Enrolling Students in the course
      • Editing Mode (“Turn Editing On” Button)
      • Adding content to the course:
    • Summary
  • Chapter 4: Managing Content in Moodle
    • Adding Content to Moodle
      • Adding a Label
      • Composing a Page
      • Adding URL to the course
      • Creating a folder resource
      • Creating a file resource
      • Adding an IMS content package
      • Adding a book resource
      • To add Multilanguage content
      • Adding Media files to your course
    • Managing and updating your content
      • Creating an alias/shortcut
      • Tracking Versions
    • Effective Content Practices
      • File Formats
      • Reducing file sizes
        • Strategy 1: Save your PowerPoint presentations as PDF
        • Strategy 2: Scan articles as text, not images
        • Strategy 3: Reduce your image size and use compression
      • Creative Content
        • Uploading lecture notes
        • External web sites
    • Summary
  • Chapter 5: Managing Your Class
    • Understanding and Using Roles:
    • Moodle’s Default roles description
    • Assigning Roles in Your Course:
    • Removing Students
    • Temporarily Suspending a User Account
    • Managing Enrollment Methods for your course
    • Capabilities and Permissions
    • Override Permissions
      • Locations for overriding permissions
      • Overriding permission in activity
    • Student Groups
      • Group levels
      • Why use groups?
      • Creating a group
      • Auto-create groups
    • Backup and Restore
      • Backing up a course
      • Automated course backup
      • Restore a course
      • Creative uses
    • Reports
    • Summary
  • Chapter 6: Using Moodle Text Editors
    • Moodle Text Editors
      • Atto HTML editor
      • Equation editor
      • Plugins for Atto
    • TinyMCE Editor
      • Plugins for TinyMCE
    • File Picker
      • Getting files from the file picker
      • Viewing your files in the file picker
    • File Repositories
      • Standard repositories:
    • Summary
  • Chapter 7: Chat, Messaging and forums
    • Chat
      • Why use chat?
      • Why NOT use chat?
      • Creating Chat
      • Using Chats
      • Chat Reports
      • Effective Chat Practices
      • Creative Chat Practices
        • Online office hours
        • Group chats
        • Last-minute exam preparation
    • Messaging
      • Instant messaging
      • Sending messages
      • To send a message to selected course participants
      • Managing contacts
      • Message history
      • Effective Messaging Practices
      • Creative Messaging Practices
        • Tutorial support
        • Encouraging participation
    • Forums
      • Creating a Forum
      • Using Forums
      • Searching Forums
      • Managing Forums
        • Managing expectations
        • Behavior issues
      • Archiving forums
        • Quarantining a forum post
      • Forum Capabilities
      • Effective Forum Practices
        • Starting the discussion
        • Encouraging participation
      • Grading forums
      • Creative Forum Uses
        • Peer assessment
        • Q & A forums for problem solving
        • Interviews
        • Debates
        • Role-playing and storytelling
        • Frequently asked questions
        • Reading study groups
        • Social forum
    • Summary
  • Chapter 8: Quizzes and Question Bank
    • Quiz Uses
    • Standard Question Types
    • Creative Quiz Strategies
    • How to Create a Quiz
      • Creating the Quiz Body
    • Building Quiz
    • Question Bank
      • Select a category
      • To add a category
      • Adding questions
      • Creating a new question
        • Calculated Questions
          • Adding/deleting your own values:
        • Calculated Multichoice
        • Calculated Simple
        • Description
        • Embedded Answers (Cloze)
        • Essay
        • Matching
        • Multiple Choice
          • Single Answer Questions-
          • Multiple Answer Questions-
        • Numerical
        • Random short-answer matching
        • Short Answer
        • True/False Question
      • Importing Questions
      • Exporting Questions
      • Adding Questions to a Quiz
      • Random questions
    • Managing Quizzes
      • Grades report
      • Responses report
      • Statistics report
      • Manual grading report
    • Quiz Capabilities
    • Effective Quiz Practices
      • Creative Quiz Uses
        • Chapter checks
        • Test Practice
        • Data gathering
        • Progressive testing
    • Quiz Security and Cheating
      • Printing and sharing questions
      • Using the textbook
      • Working with friends
      • Have someone else take the test
    • Summary
  • Chapter 9: Assignments
    • Assignment Types:
    • Adding an Assignment activity
    • Assignment capabilities
      • Managing Assignment Submissions
      • Grading Assignment Submissions
        • Filtering submissions
        • Quick grading
    • Effective assignment practices
    • Creative Assignment Practices
    • Summary
  • Chapter 10: Workshop
    • Workshop phases
      • Setup phase
      • Submission phase
      • Assessment phase
      • Grading evaluation phase
      • Closed
    • Adding a new workshop activity
    • Using Workshop Activity
      • Setup Phase
      • Submission phase
      • Assessment phase
      • Grading evaluation phase
        • Comparison of assessments
        • Workshop toolbox
      • Closed Phase
    • Grading a Workshop Activity
      • Grade for submission:
      • Grade for assessment:
    • Workshop Capabilities
    • Summary
  • Chapter 11: Glossaries
    • Creative Glossary Uses
    • Creating Glossaries
    • Using Glossary
      • Adding Entries
      • Search options
    • Glossary Categories
    • Autolinking
    • Importing and Exporting
    • Commenting on Entries
    • Printing a glossary
    • Glossary Capabilities
    • Effective Glossary Practices
      • Glossary Basics
      • Creative Glossary Strategies
        • Collaborative glossaries
        • Mini-projects
        • Collaborative quiz questions
        • Credit for word use
    • Summary
  • Chapter 12: Lesson
    • Creating a Lesson Activity
    • Building Lesson
    • Planning your lesson
    • Adding content and questions to your lesson
      • Import questions
      • Add a content page
        • Title
        • Page contents
        • Content
        • Format
        • Number of options available
        • The Jump
      • Add a cluster
      • Add a question page
      • Question types:
        • Multichoice
        • Essay
        • Matching
        • Numerical
        • Short answer
        • True/false
    • Moving your lesson forward
    • Ending your lesson
    • Managing Lessons
    • Lesson capabilities
    • Effective Lesson Practices
      • Branching Quizzes
      • Flash Cards
    • Creative Lesson uses
      • Self-directed learning of a new topic
      • Allow for different learning styles
      • Role play simulations/Decision-making exercises
      • Interactive fiction
      • Differentiated revision guides
    • Summary
  • Chapter 13: Wikis
    • Creating Wikis
    • Creating first page of your wiki
    • Editing Wiki activity
    • Wiki capabilities
    • Effective Wiki practices
      • Wiki basics
    • Creative wiki practices
      • Group lecture notes
      • Group Project management
      • Idea Generation
      • Contribute to other wikis
      • Collaborative story-telling
    • Summary
  • Chapter 14: Blogs
    • Using Blogs
      • Adding a blog entry
      • Viewing Blog Entries
    • Blog visibility
    • Blog preferences
    • Blog Tags
      • Blog Tags block
    • Blog Capabilities
    • Effective Blog Practices
    • Blogging etiquette’s for students:
    • Creative Blog Practices
      • Group work with tags
      • One-minute responses
    • Summary
  • Chapter 15: Database
    • Creating Database
    • Adding a database
    • Building Database
      • Creating Fields
    • Editing Templates
    • Add template
      • Single template
      • List template
      • RSS template
      • CSS template
      • JavaScript template
    • Managing Databases
      • Quality Data
      • Rating
    • Database Presets
      • Creating a new preset
      • Importing a preset
      • Exporting a preset
      • Using an Existing Preset
    • Database activity capabilities
    • Effective database practice
    • Creative Database Practices
    • Summary
  • Chapter 16: Surveys, Choices and Feedback
    • Surveys
      • Creating Surveys:
      • Administering Surveys
      • Survey Capabilities
    • Choice Activity
      • Creating Choices
      • Administering Choices
      • Choice Capabilities
    • Feedback
      • Why use Feedback
        • Sign up!
        • Anti-bullying surveys
        • Making choices
        • IT Skills audit
        • Use of Moodle!
      • Creating Feedback
      • Building Feedback
        • Position
        • Required
        • Question Types
        • Dependence item and Dependence value
      • Managing Feedback:
          • Overview
        • Edit questions
        • Template
        • Analysis
        • Show responses
        • Show non-respondents
      • Feedback Templates:
        • Use a template
        • Save these questions as a new template
        • Delete Template
        • Export Questions
        • Import Questions
      • Feedback Capabilities:
    • Summary
  • Chapter 17: SCORM & External Tool (LTI)
    • SCORM Packages
      • Adding SCORM Activity
      • Using SCORM Activity
      • SCORM Capabilities
    • External Tools (LTI)
      • Adding a new external tool
      • Why use an external tool?
      • External Tool Capabilities:
    • List of LTI Apps
    • Summary
  • Chapter 18: Grades and Scales
    • Grades Interface
    • Editing
      • Highlighting rows and columns
      • Sorting by columns
      • Highlighting scores that are either adequate or unacceptable in red and green
      • Horizontal scrollbar
      • Mouse-over tooltips
      • Hiding columns or individual grades
      • To hide/show columns or individual grades just click
      • Altering the grades
    • Set Preferences
    • Grade Categories
      • Adding a grade category
      • Grade calculations
        • Setting a grade calculation
        • Assigning ID numbers
        • Calculation functions
      • Grade letters
        • To set your grade letter scale
        • Displaying letter grades
      • Student Grade View
      • Export Grades (Backing up your gradebook)
      • Import Grades
    • Scales
      • Creating a new scale
      • Using scales
      • Creative Grade Uses
      • Scale Practices
    • Summary
  • Chapter 19: Moodle Administration
    • Notifications
    • Registrations
    • Advanced Features
    • Users
      • Accounts
      • Permissions
    • Courses
    • Grades
    • Badges
    • Location
    • Language
    • Plugins
      • Install Plugin
      • Plugins Overview
      • Activity Modules
      • Admin Tools
      • Authentication
      • Blocks
        • Remote RSS feeds
      • Course Formats
      • Enrolments
      • Filters
      • Licences
      • Local Plugins
      • Logging
      • Message Outputs
      • Question Behaviors
      • Question Type
      • Reports
      • Repositories
      • Text Editors
      • Web Services
    • Security
    • Appearance
    • Front Page:
    • Server
    • Reports
    • Development
    • Assignment Upgrade Helper
    • Summary
  • Moodle Support
  • About the author

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