Integrating Front end Components with Web Applications
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Integrating Front end Components with Web Applications

Learn how to implement Bootstrap, tagging, autosuggest, spinners, date pickers, AJAX file uploaders and more in web applications

About the Book

Over the past few years of building web applications I have gathered a list of tools and frameworks that assist in building frontend components that improve the usability and the visual appeal of web applications. This book will guide you through installation, usage and customization of these front end libraries, frameworks and components. 

Such common problems as integrating Bootstrap, Tagging, Notifications, Spinners, AJAX login and registration, AJAX contact forms, AJAX file uploads & Avatar Cropping, Date Pickers and more are discussed in the book. Besides integration of frontend components optimization is also discussed.

Chapter by chapter, you will be introduced to various concepts of using front end libraries to make your applications look better and be more useful for the end user.

When you reach the last page of the book you will be able to integrate over a dozen of front end components and frameworks in your applications and make your users happy.

Update 4/21/2014: by popular demand, if after reading the book you feel like it provides a lot more value than it's worth, feel free to give the author a tip through Paypal here or through Gittip here.

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About the Author

Maksim Surguy
Maksim Surguy

Maksim Surguy is a professional breakdancer turned full time web developer. He is the creator, owner and sole developer of Bootsnipp, Panopanda,, Bookpages and many more websites. Partnering with Stidges, he created to help other developers discover tips and tricks for Laravel framework. Maks is an active contributor to the Laravel community and the author of Laravel in Action from Manning Publications.

In his free time he either travels with his wife or creates tutorials on his blog.

You can follow him on Twitter and on his blog to get updates on latest web development news, projects and tutorials.

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • About the author
    • Prerequisites
    • Conventions for the terms used in the book
    • Back end framework of choice for the examples in the book
    • Design patterns and purpose of the book
    • Source Code
  • 1 Using Bootstrap 3 HTML/CSS/JS Framework
    • 1.1 Using a CDN to serve Bootstrap CSS/JS
    • 1.2 Using self-hosted Bootstrap CSS/JS with a back end framework
    • 1.3 Creating HTML for the registration and login page
    • 1.4 Converting the registration and login forms to Laravel Blade templates
    • 1.5 Helpful Resources and Packages
    • 1.6 Summary
  • 2 Using Spinners to Provide Visual Feedback
    • 2.1 Meet Spin.js
    • 2.2 Basics of using Spin.js
    • 2.3 Using a spinner with a back end application
    • 2.4 Summary
  • 3 Integrating Notifications and Alerts
    • 3.1 Using Humane.js
    • 3.2 Using HubSpot’s Messenger library
    • 3.3 Summary
  • 4 Creating an AJAX Contact Form
    • 4.1 Overview of form interactions
    • 4.2 Building the HTML of the form with Bootstrap
    • 4.3 Integrating a spinner
    • 4.4 Building the AJAX logic with jQuery
    • 4.5 Integrating notifications with Humane.js
    • 4.6 Building the back end
    • 4.7 Final touches
    • 4.8 Summary
  • 5 Building AJAX Registration/Login Forms
    • 5.1 Overview & comparison of non-AJAX/AJAX registration & login
    • 5.2 Advantages & challenges of using AJAX/inline validation for login & registration
    • 5.3 Adding inline validation & AJAX to a registration form
    • 5.4 Adding inline validation & enhancing the login form with AJAX
    • 5.5 Summary
  • 6 Integrating Tagging/Tokenizing
    • 6.1 Theory behind tagging/tokenizing
    • 6.2 Implementing Tagging with Selectize.js
    • 6.3 Building a back end for tagging
    • 6.4 Summary
  • 7 Integrating Autosuggest/Smart Search
    • 7.1 Theory behind autosuggest
    • 7.2 Implementing Autosuggest with Selectize.js
    • 7.3 Putting it all together
    • 7.4 Building the back end for autosuggest
    • 7.5 Summary
  • 8 Integrating Date Pickers
    • 8.1 Theory behind date pickers
    • 8.2 Integrating Pickadate library
    • 8.3 Changing the date format
    • 8.4 Modifying input fields
    • 8.5 Setting default value of the date picker
    • 8.6 Changing the language used in the date picker
    • 8.7 Building the back end for a date picker
    • 8.8 Summary
  • 9 Integrating AJAX file uploads
    • 9.1 Challenges of AJAX file uploads and potential workarounds
    • 9.2 Existing libraries and solutions
    • 9.3 FileAPI library & jQuery wrapper from
    • 9.4 Using the FileAPI jQuery wrapper
    • 9.5 Setting limits, filters and other options of FileAPI
    • 9.6 Building a backend for the AJAX file uploads
  • 10 Optimization Tools and Best Practices
    • 10.1 Why performance matters
    • 10.2 Using gulp.js for task automation
    • 10.3 Using a CDN for delivering assets
    • 10.4 Chapter summary
    • 10.5 Closing thoughts

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