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About the Book
Foreign Aid and the making of Democracy in Nepal brings fresh insight and analytic rigor on the ambivalent contribution that international cooperation and the Nepalese polity has made to democracy and economic growth in Nepal. At a time when the Nepalese people are coping with unfinished institutions -- a democratic deficit --, alongside fiscal, social and economic deficits, and with the prevalent ineffectiveness of foreign aid, Nepal and its donors need now more than ever the kind of dispassionate, rigorous scholarship by Nepalese scholars found in this book.
The contributions in this book show policymakers, researchers and the public why they need to question conventional wisdom about development and democracy and demonstrate the value of undertaking systematic analysis before formulating policy and deciding development priorities.
Online version: Foreign Aid and the making of Democracy in Nepal
About the Editors
Inventor of #tagcoding and initiator of the #xy2wiki programme, innovative supports for Science, Technology and Public Sphere communications in any language, also an independent scholar and consultant. Advocacy for societal architecture. Online content creator.
For the attention of every member of mankind, me and co-workers created a cross-discipline awareness page, so far in these languages:
- English: with guidance in the #tagcoding handbook
- French: with guidance in Manuel de #tagcodage
- Spanish: Facilitar el debate sobre la sostenibilidad en la esfera pública - Actor Atlas with guidance in Manual de #etiquetado
- Arabic: محور العربية - Actor Atlas
- Chinese: 支点在中国 - Actor Atlas
- Japanese: 日本語でピボット - 世界的に パートナーシップ - Actor Atlas
- Tagalog: with guidance in #tagcoding manwal
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