Exploring PHP 8.0
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Exploring PHP 8.0

About the Book

PHP 8.0 is a landmark release, including major new features, minor cleanup, and everything in between. This free ebook, provided by Platform.sh, walks you through everything there is to know about PHP 8.0.

Filled with in-depth explanations, examples, historical context, and the occasional pun, think of it as the only changelog you will ever enjoy reading.

About the Author

Larry Garfield
Larry Garfield

Larry Garfield is an aspiring blacksmith who moonlights as a Staff Engineer for the LegalZoom. He has been an active part of the PHP community for many years, in a variety of roles formal and informal.  When not trying to hand-forge his own medieval armory from scratch he tries to teach developers and development managers the skills of yesteryear that the industry has forgotten.

Table of Contents

    • Introduction
  • Headline features
    • Constructor Property Promotion
      • Valuing your data
    • Just-In Time-compilation
      • Some background
      • Just in Time
      • The PHP JIT
      • How to configure the JIT
      • Will it help?
    • Attributes
      • A history of change
      • Getting meta
      • A practical example
      • Coming soon to a framework near you
      • Promoted arguments
      • Native attributes
      • A long list of credits
    • Named arguments
      • Named parameters
      • Named variadics
      • Limitations
      • But … why?
      • Arguments in attributes
      • Named arguments about arguments
      • API implications
  • Feature improvements
    • Union types
      • Specialty unions
    • The Stringable interface
    • match() expressions
    • Trailing commas in function definitions and closures
    • Weak Maps
    • New string functions
    • Token objects
    • Variable dereferencing
    • Type-respecting variadics
    • Safe division
    • Class and object improvements
      • Object class constant
      • Static return types
      • Private inheritance
      • Trait method validation
    • Date and time handling
      • p date formatter
      • DateTimeInterface::createFromInterface()
      • New formatting options for Intl extension
    • Locale improvements
      • Locale-independent float casting
      • New printf() formatting codes
    • Error handling improvements
      • throw expressions
      • Non-capturing catch
      • get_debug_type()
      • PDO error handling
      • Regex errors
      • Thrown trace string length
      • ValueError
    • CMS support
  • Changes and backward compatibility challenges
    • Stable sorting
    • Numeric string handling
    • Non-numeric Arithmetic
    • Extensions in, extensions out
    • Stricter magic
    • Stricter warnings and errors
    • Resource evolution and devolution
      • get_resource_id()
  • PHP 8 on Platform.sh
    • Starting with Platform.sh
      • Create a free trial
      • Create a project
      • A brief tour of the console
      • All set
    • Install the CLI
      • Prerequisites
      • Installation
    • Configuration
      • Service configuration
      • Application configuration
      • Route configuration
    • Upgrading PHP
      • Check out the project
      • Make a branch
      • Upgrade PHP
      • Review and Merge
    • Local development with Lando
      • Installation
      • Using Lando
    • Connecting to services

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