Fifty Enterprise Architect Tricks
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Fifty Enterprise Architect Tricks

Retired - successor:

About the Book

This book is retired as of now (MArch 2018). Its succesor is Tons of Tips for Enterprise Architect, available on Leanpub at


The UML modeling tool Enterprise Architect from Sparx Systems has gained popularity worldwide because it is an affordable yet fairly complete tool, feature-wise. However, the interface is so full of features that it can be hard to find out how to do things. This book is an answer to that need. It contains fifty different features and uses of Enterprise Architect that you probably don’t know, but that can make life as an Enterprise Architect user simpler and more fruitful. This book contains tips and tricks for getting the maximum out of Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect. From working with elements and connectors to making diagrams to more advanced functionalities like toolboxes, stereotypes and tagged values, the user is guided through the complex user interface of Enterprise Architect. A final chapter offers even more advanced features and some unexpected uses of Enterprise Architect.

This eBook contains over sixty tricks that will make your life as an Enterprise Architect user easier and more successful. Updates of the eBook are free, but the initial price increases as more chapters get added. That means: the earlier you purchase the book, the better value you will get.

What others are saying

"Just reading this now (Kindle version).

I’ve been an EA user for 7+ years, and I’m now keeping a tally of the tricks I didn’t know: and there are lots!

This is a great piece of work, and has been needed for a long time.

I’m just writing a ‘Intro to EA’ course for a customer, and I’ll certainly reference it.

Well done!" (Ian M, Eadocx)

"Thanks for all the tricks, I can't keep up with all of them.

Very good stuff." (Jose Z, USA)

"Thanks for putting this resource together. I am a pretty savvy EA user and there were definitely some eye openers in this book. Again, awesome job!" (Carol D, Pittsburgh)

"I learned a lot from the previous edition. I hope this one is equally rewarding." Joab S, Washington DC.

"One of the best $$$$ I have spent in a while. Thank you, Peter." (Michael R.)

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About the Author

Peter Doomen
Peter Doomen

Peter is a daily Enterprise Architect user sinces years. He spends lots of time investigating the features of Enterprise Architect and is happy to share them with you.

Table of Contents

    • 50 EA Tricks retired
  • Introduction
    • Preface
    • Copyright notice
    • Thanks to
    • About the author
    • Online
  • Chapter 1: Elementary, my dear Watson
    • Trick 1: Adding an element of the same type
    • Trick 2: Adding related elements to the diagram
    • Trick 3: Put target element in diagram
    • Trick 4: Bookmarking elements
    • Trick 5: Element styles
    • Trick 6: Finding elements in the tree
    • Trick 7: Nesting elements
    • Trick 8: Locking elements
    • Trick 9: Adding elements directly to a package
    • Trick 10: Mimic multilanguage support
  • Chapter 2: Connecting things
    • Trick 11: Exact placement of connectors
    • Trick 12: Repeat connector
    • Trick 13: Pressing shift while dragging to add a bend
    • Trick 14: A bezier curve
    • Trick 15: Prompt on connector deletes
    • Trick 16: Adding notes to a connector
    • Trick 17: Docking elements
    • Trick 18: Parent-child relations, drag and drop style
    • Trick 19: Converting linked element to local copy
    • Trick 20: Connecting notes to internal documentation
  • Chapter 3: Diagrams
    • Trick 21: Copy a diagram to the clipboard
    • Trick 22: Same size
    • Trick 23: Save as shortcut
    • Trick 24: Change diagram type
    • Trick 25: Package on a diagram
    • Trick 26: Quick zooming
    • Trick 27: Shallow or deep copy?
    • Trick 28: A legend
    • Trick 29: Status colors on diagrams
    • Trick 30: Manual layouting
  • Chapter 4: Toolbox, types and tree
    • Trick 31: Toolbox visibility
    • Trick 32: Create your own toolbox
    • Trick 33: General types
    • Trick 34: Auto name counters
    • Trick 35: Stereotypes
    • Trick 36: Tagged value types
    • Trick 37: Inheriting tagged values
    • Trick 38: Apply a tagged value to multiple elements
    • Trick 39: Sorting tree
    • Trick 40: Finding orphans
  • Chapter 5: A bit more advanced
    • Trick 41: Slideshow
    • Trick 42: Searches
    • Trick 43: Relationship matrix
    • Trick 44: Hierarchy window and traceability
    • Trick 45: List view
    • Trick 46: Filtering
    • Trick 47: Printing large diagrams
    • Trick 48: The Team Review
    • Trick 49: Database access
    • Trick 50: Visualize workflow
  • Bonus Chapter 1: various extra tips
    • Trick 1: a simple todo list
    • Trick 2: quickly copying an element with its properties
    • Trick 3: Hide stereotypes for information items on information items conveyed by a connector
    • Trick 4: Show Namespaces
    • Trick 5: A bunch of relations
    • Trick 6: Reporting on some specific elements
    • Trick 7: Inserting images the easy way
    • Trick 8: Updating the status of all requirements in a package
    • Trick 9: How to make a diagram the model default, and how to undo it
    • Trick 10: coupling roles to swimlanes
  • Bonus Chapter 2: Still more various extra tips
    • Trick 1: semi-batch creation of elements
    • Trick 2: sorting a list on tagged values
    • Trick 3: using lists for easy export to spreadsheets
    • Trick 4: really advanced search
    • Trick 5: convert a scenario to a diagram - automatically!
    • Trick 6: how to make structured text from diagrams
    • Trick 7: Importing visio drawings
    • Trick 8: Links in notes
    • Trick 9: Operations as activities
    • Trick 10: Working with working sets
    • Trick 3: filtering the list
  • Overview of shortcuts

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