Tons of Tips for SparxSystems Enterprise Architect
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Tons of Tips for SparxSystems Enterprise Architect

About the Book

This book is de successor to the best-selling 'Fifty Enterprise Architect Tricks'. It contains even more tips updated to version 14 of Enterprise Architect, a fully new and playful case, and a bonus app to write ShapeScripts easier.

About the Author

Peter Doomen
Peter Doomen

Peter is a full-time enterprise architect at SD Worx, a leading HR company, and vice president of the Belgian Chapter of the Association of Enterprise Architects.

In his spare time, he is a wine taster and member of the National Committee of the Flemish Wine Guild (Vlaamse Wijngilde). He is also Editor-in-Chief of Ken Wijn-magazine, the largest Flemish wine magazine, and 2013 National Champagne Ambassador.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • Preface
    • Copyright notice
    • Thanks to
    • Dedication
    • About the author
  • The rules of the game ‘Werewolves of Woodhurst Willow’
    • The goal of the game
    • The basic rules
    • The preparation of the game
    • The Laws of WoWW
    • The village and its professions
  • Chapter 1: Elementary, My Dear Watson
    • Tip 1.1: Understanding elements and their place in the EA model
    • Tip 1.2: Adding elements by putting them on diagrams
    • Tip 1.3: Bookmarking elements
    • Tip 1.4: Finding elements in the Project Browser
    • Tip 1.5: Finding elements in all diagrams
    • Tip 1.6: Deleting elements from the model
    • Tip 1.7: Nesting elements
    • Tip 1.8: Locking elements
    • Tip 1.9: Easily importing elements
    • Tip 1.10 A bit more advanced importing
    • Tip 1.11: An elements default appearance
    • Tip 1.12: Auto name counters
    • Tip 1.13: Finding orphans
  • Chapter 2: Connecting Things
    • Tip 2.1: Using the quick linker
    • Tip 2.2: Repeat connector
    • Tip 2.3: Adding related elements
    • Tip 2.4: Put target element in diagram
    • Tip 2.5: Exact placement of connectors
    • Tip 2.6: Adding some bends
    • Tip 2.7: Even curvier: the bezier curve
    • Tip 2.8: Prompting on connector deletes
    • Tip 2.9: Adding notes to connectors
    • Tip 2.10: Docking elements
    • Tip 2.11: Parent-child relationships, drag-and-drop style
    • Tip 2.12: Showing the ‘namespace’ of linked elements
    • Tip 2.13: Converting a linked element to a local copy
    • Tip 2.14: Creating a link directly from the Project Browser
    • Tip 2.15: Reusing the information model to label information flows
    • Tip 2.16: Some tricks with the relationship matrix
  • Chapter 3: The Diagram has it!
    • Tip 3.1: Copy a diagram to the clipboard
    • Tip 3.2: Same size
    • Tip 3.3: Manual layouting
    • Tip 3.4: Using autolayout
    • Tip 3.5: My favorite diagram!
    • Tip 3.6: Change diagram type
    • Tip 3.7: Package on a diagram
    • Tip 3.8: Quick zooming
    • Tip 3.9: A real copy or only a reference?
    • Tip 3.10: Pardon my French
    • Tip 3.11: A simple legend
    • Tip 3.12: A more advanced legend
    • Tip 3.13: Status colors on diagrams
    • Tip 3.14: Putting the same element on the diagram twice - really?
    • Tip 3.15: Copying diagrams in different ways
    • Tip 3.16: Attribute notes on the diagram
  • Chapter 4: Toolbox, Types and Tagged Values
    • Tip 4.1: Toolbox Visibility
    • Tip 4.2: Create your own toolbox
    • Tip 4.3: General Types
    • Tip 4.4: Stereotypes visualized
    • Tip 4.5: Tagged Value Types
    • Tip 4.6: Inheriting tagged values
    • Tip 4.7: Applying a tagged value to multiple elements
    • Tip 4.8: Adding a diagram property to the toolbox
    • Tip 4.9: The order of the elements in the toolbox
    • Tip 4.10: Setting a default element size
    • Tip 4.11: An icon for elements in the toolbox
    • Tip 4.12: Working with metatypes
    • Tip 4.13: The shapescripting canvas
    • Tip 4.14: Some shapescripting limitations
    • Tip 4.15: Hiding connector labels
  • Chapter 5: Workflow Management
    • Tip 5.1: Searching for work
    • Tip 5.2: The slideshow
    • Tip 5.3: Filtering
    • Tip 5.4: Discuss it!
    • Tip 5.5: Visualize workflow the old way
    • Tip 5.6: Visualize workflow - the new Kanban style!
    • Tip 5.7: A simple todo list
  • Overview of shortcuts
  • Bonus: the shapescripter app

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