Docker for PHP Developers (Docker for PHP Developers - Starter Bundle)
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Docker for PHP Developers

A guide to using Docker for PHP development

About the Book

Docker for PHP Developers is the guide I wish I had when I started learning Docker. It's everything I've learned and refined using Docker on dozens of projects over the last three years combined into one course.

I've spent over twelve months building this guide, with the goal of presenting the best possible course that focuses on teaching developers how to use Docker.

Instead of piecing everything together yourself, you can start being productive with PHP and Docker in a few days.

Development Tools

  • Learn how to manage containers
  • Learn how to use Docker Compose
  • Use XDebug with Docker
  • Use PHP Composer with Docker

PHP Environment

  • Building PHP containers from scratch
  • Installing PHP modules
  • Managing module INI files
  • Per-environment configuration

Legacy Applications

  • Installing an older version of PHP
  • Hands-on example in the book getting a legacy version of a PHP app running
  • Security hardening

Build and Deployment

  • Automated builds with Docker Cloud
  • Private registries
  • GitLab Docker Builds
  • Application Deployment to Digital Ocean

About the Author

Paul Redmond
Paul Redmond

Hello! I'm Paul Redmond. I'm a full stack developer writing stuff with Laravel, Vue.js, and Docker. I am passionate about being productive, writing clean code, and creating simple infrastructure.

I am the author of Writing APIs with Lumen, now published with Apress as Lumen Programming Guide. You can also find out more about my latest course, Docker for PHP Developers at


Docker for PHP Developers - Book Only

Master Docker for PHP Development Includes: - The 222-page Docker for PHP Developers Book - Beautiful custom handcrafted PDF design - Basic ePUb and Mobi formats on the go

  • PDF

  • EPUB

  • WEB

  • English

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Docker for PHP Developers - Starter Bundle

Master Docker for PHP Development Includes: - Beautiful custom handcrafted PDF design - A starter Laravel project with Docker - A starter Symfony 4 project with Docker - The 222-page Docker for PHP Developers Book - Basic ePUb and Mobi formats on the go The starter projects are the latest versions of Laravel and Symfony, combined with my Docker setup that I've honed over the last 3+ years of using Docker in production. See how I organize my PHP projects with Docker and use them to craft your own projects.

  • PDF

  • EPUB

  • WEB

  • English

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Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: Up and Running
    • Installing Docker on OS X
    • Installing Docker on Linux
    • Installing Docker on Windows
    • Running Your First Docker Container
    • Ready to Ship
  • Chapter 2: PHP Container Basics
    • Creating a New Project
    • Running the PHP Container
    • Running Containers with Docker Compose
    • Basic PHP INI Changes
    • Composed and Ready for Adventure
  • Chapter 3: LAMP Baby!
    • Setting up the LAMP Project
    • Installing PHP Modules
    • The Database Container
    • PHP Module Configuration
    • Enabling Apache Modules
    • LAMPed Up
  • Chapter 4: Development Tools
    • Environment Configuration
    • Xdebug Setup
    • Xdebug Profiling
    • Making Xdebug Disappear
    • De-Debugged
  • Chapter 5: Using Composer PHP with Docker
    • Project Setup
    • Installing Composer in Docker
    • Installing Private Composer Packages in Docker
    • Caching Composer Dependencies for Faster Builds
    • Running Composer Locally
    • Composer Gold Edition
  • Chapter 6: Web Servers and PHP-FPM
    • Creating the New Project
    • Hello Nginx
    • Serving Static Assets
    • Caddy Server
    • You’ve Been Served
  • Chapter 7: Legacy PHP Applications
    • Setting Up
    • The Dockerfile
    • Running Apache
    • Development Workflow and Commands
    • Improving Configuration
    • Suhosin
    • The Born Legacy
  • Chapter 8: Custom Commands
    • Introduction to Confd
    • The Custom CMD
    • Confd With a Consul Backend
    • One of a Kind
  • Chapter 9: Docker Registry
    • Setting Up a Repository and Project
    • Pushing the Image to Docker Hub
    • Automating the Image Build
    • Working with Other Docker Registries
    • Extending Your Images
    • Registered Docker Image Builder
  • Chapter 10: Deploying Docker
    • Rancher Overview
    • Using Rancher Compose
    • Rancher UI Tricks
    • Yeeeee-haaaa!
  • Eject

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