Learn Docker - .NET Core, Java, Node.JS, PHP or Python
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Learn Docker - .NET Core, Java, Node.JS, PHP or Python

Be ready to create and run your containerized application next week.

About the Book

You're a developer who knows nothing to Docker. Which is fine, except that you need to create and run your first containerized application using Docker.

Don't worry: I have you covered. I've been training hundreds of developers like you during 17 years, and converted my experience into this book. I know from experience teaching what takes more time to learn in Docker, and will spend time only where appropriate.

Plus this book is packed with exercises and samples where you run your own containers and create your own Docker images.

Read this book, and you can create and run your first containerized application using Docker within a week. Or your money back.

Print version available here.

About the Author

Arnaud Weil
Arnaud Weil

Arnaud Weil is a born developer: when he was a kid he was controlling his electric train using an Atari ST and some self-made electronics, then as a teenager created and distributed worldwide one of the first Web browsers for some of the first pocket computers, when the Web was just beginning. In fact, he loves coding.

Turning a passion into a career, Arnaud has been coding all kinds of applications from factory tools to smartphone applications to house control solutions. His status as a freelancer allows him to help his clients with many different projects.

But what Arnaud enjoys most is helping other developers: that's why he teaches, speaks, and writes books.

Other books by Arnaud Weil.

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Table of Contents

  • Introduction
    • What this book is not
    • Prerequisites
    • How to read this book
    • Tools you need
    • Source code
  • 1. Why Docker?
    • 1.1 A DevOps enabler tool
    • 1.2 It solves dependency conflicts
    • 1.3 It allows for easy scaling up
    • 1.4 It allows for seamless upgrades
    • 1.5 International commerce already uses containers
  • 2. Get Docker up and running
    • 2.1 Various products for various needs
    • 2.2 Community on a developer or CI machine
    • 2.3 Enterprise on a Server
  • 3. Basic concepts
  • 4. Use Docker images
    • 4.1 Do-it-yourself: run a container
    • 4.2 Container management commands
    • 4.3 Do-it-yourself: post-mortem inspection
    • 4.4 More about docker run
    • 4.5 Running a server container
    • 4.6 Exercise - Run a server container
    • 4.7 Exercise solution
    • 4.8 Using volumes
    • 4.9 Where do images come from?
  • 5. Create Docker images
    • 5.1 Creating a simple image
    • 5.2 Creating an image including files
    • 5.3 Images are created locally
    • 5.4 Exercise - Build an image and run it
    • 5.5 Exercise solution
    • 5.6 Tags matter
    • 5.7 Parameters as environment variables
    • 5.8 Exercise - Enable an image to be parameterized
    • 5.9 Exercise solution
    • 5.10 Storage
    • 5.11 Networking
    • 5.12 Learning more
  • 6. Publish Docker images
    • 6.1 Rationale for publishing
    • 6.2 Registries
    • 6.3 Publishing an image
    • 6.4 Docker Hub
    • 6.5 Run an image on another machine
    • 6.6 Exercise - Publish an image and run a container on another machine
    • 6.7 Exercise solution
    • 6.8 Private registries
    • 6.9 Size matters
  • 7. Forget SDK installs
    • 7.1 One tool to rule them all
    • 7.2 Building rationally: easy CI
    • 7.3 Multi-stage dockerfiles
  • 8. Docker with common development profiles
    • 8.1 .NET Core
    • 8.2 Java
    • 8.3 Node.JS
    • 8.4 PHP
    • 8.5 Python
  • 9. More about Running containers
    • 9.1 Restart mode
    • 9.2 Monitoring
    • 9.3 Reclaim your disk
    • 9.4 Orchestration basics
  • Image attributions
  • A word from the author
  • The Learn collection

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