Deploy Rails BlueBook 2014 Edition
Deploy Rails BlueBook 2014 Edition
John B. Wyatt IV
Buy on Leanpub

1. Introduction


This is a quickstart book designed to guide you through the steps to get an automated deploy to a VPS. The book is geared towards Rails beginners who have never deployed before and would like some hand holding. The first part proceeds step by step to build a working Rails deploy. The second part details how to deploy automatically. If you already have deployed Rails you can skip to the Automation part.


I call this book a ‘Bluebook’ because I noticed that a few of the instructions for setting up Rails would break within a year.1 According to Wikipedia, a Bluebook is like an Almanac. It contains changing facts and data, which seems to be like server setup instructions. My goal with this book, is to produce a new guide every year, updated to the latest Rails stack. Even in the draft stage, this book has proven to be an excellent little quick reference while I was researching the automation scripts. I hope you find it as useful as I have.

Text in this format are commands to be executed on the local machine or the server.

echo "Hello, world!"

Blocks of code with a filepath are usually are meant to be copied to the computer. Links to github are avaiable for you to copy and paste.

1 print "Hello, world!"

I will do my best to keep this book up to date with working instructions for the current stack until Dec 1 2014 (or when a new edition is released). I hope this gives you an incentive to pay for it. A few bucks, hopefully is a small price to pay for the hours you would save going through different forums/tutorials/references looking for answers. Please email me if the instructions do not work out for you and you are using the correct stack that I cover.

Cover art done by Ernesto Mora.

You can purchase this book at:

Leanpub (PDF, mobi, epub)

Amazon (Kindle)

Smashwords (iPad, Nook, Kobo, Oyster, etc)

Coming Soon

Thankyou for reading this book!

  1. This book already expects you to be able to code a basic Rails app. That means you have read Micheal Hartz’s excellent Rails Tutorial at the very least.

2. Setup a VPS Manually

To serve web pages you need to setup a web server and secure it. This involves updating your server, installing the rails specific parts, securing it by denying brute force against the ssh and using least privileged users to run the app. If you missed it from the description this book will use a Ubuntu/Nginx/Rails/Postgres stack.

Feel free to glance at the steps if your more experienced.

The dummy ip I will use is and I gave it the hostname SleepyKitten1303.

user@local:~$ ssh root@

The authenticity of host ‘ (’ can’t be established.

ECDSA key fingerprint is 79:95:46:1a:ab:37:11:8e:96:54:36:38:bb:3c:fa:c0.

Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes

That scary message is just warning you it has never connected to this server before.

You should see this. If not make sure you have the correct ip and no spaces.

root@’s password:

Welcome to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-24-virtual i686)

  • Documentation:

Now that you are logged in as the root adminstrator you need to secure the vps. Change the root password.

root@SleepyKitten1303:~# passwd

Enter new UNIX password:

Retype new UNIX password:

passwd: password updated successfully

Now we add a non root user as a layer of additional security.

root@SleepyKitten1303:~# adduser user

Adding user `user’ …

Adding new group `user’ (1000) …

Adding new user user' (1000) with group user’ …

Creating home directory `/home/user’ …

Copying files from `/etc/skel’ …

Enter new UNIX password:

Retype new UNIX password:

passwd: password updated successfully

Changing the user information for user

Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default

Full Name []: Room Number []: Work Phone []: Home Phone []: Other []: Is the information correct? [Y/n] Y


Reload the ssh service and exit.

reload ssh


ssh user@

Now to update the system.

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade -y

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y

Restart the system

sudo reboot

Wait a minute and log in again.

Now let’s secure the SSH port. Malware, viruses, worms… whatever you call them will scan your server’s ports for SSH services. If they detect them they will repeatly try to access them with different passwords until they guess the correct one. This is called brute forcing. You can install software called fail2ban to block repeated attempts to access your site.

sudo apt-get install fail2ban -y

Fail2ban works by keeping track of the ip addresses that try to access your system. By default if an ip address enters an incorrect password 3 times it is banned for one hour.

The default configuration file is at /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf. It is a good idea to copy the configuration file in case you decide to modify it and make a mistake.

sudo cp /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf /etc/fail2ban/jail.local

(Optional) Whenever you make changes to fail2ban (and most services) you need to restart them.

sudo service fail2ban restart

user@SleepyKitten1303:~$ sudo service fail2ban restart * Restarting authentication failure monitor fail2ban [ OK ]

Now you actually get to install Ruby and Rails. The default version that ships with Ubuntu is usually horribly out of date. So we will use rvm, a Ruby manager to download and build a recent Ruby for us!

curl -L | bash -s stable

You should get a nice flurry of text. One of the more important ones was to ‘source’, reload a file for your (bash) terminal.

source /etc/profile.d/

or as a user (Don’t copy and paste the text. My book generator formats the ~ copies as a different character):

source ~/.profile

Now we ask RVM to check our system for the requirements to build Ruby.

rvm requirements

Now install Ruby 1.9.3

rvm install 1.9.3

RVM allows mutiple Ruby instances. Even more, it allows mutiple gemsets per each instance. You can find more information on this in the rails book.

For now set 1.9.3 as the default.

rvm use 1.9.3 --default

You may get this error.

RVM is not a function, selecting rubies with ‘rvm use …’ will not work.

You need to change your terminal emulator preferences to allow login shell.

Sometimes it is required to use /bin/bash --login as the command.

Please visit for an example.

Relogin (Or you can simply exit the ssh and log back in)

/bin/bash --login

rvm use 1.9.3 --default

If you get this message you’re good. ( or Using '/home/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-pXXX' if installing to a user.)

Using '/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-pXXX'

By the time you read this Ruby 2.0 and Rails 4 will be out. However, as a new user you will want to stick with this older, more mature versions until the community documentation catches up with these new releases.

Now tell RVM to handle gems.

rvm rubygems current

Congratuations. You now have a working Ruby environment on a vps.

3. Setup the Web Server Manually

Now we have a fully working, modern ruby setup. We just don’t have a web server, rails or a database up. Let’s remedy the first two by using passenger.

Passenger is an application server. You need to use it to allow Nginx to communicate with the Rails app (like mod_php). Otherwise you would need to use the almost obselete cgi (Common Gateway Interface implemented in Nginx) to communicate. For this book I chose Passenger because it’s easier for newcomers to understand and get started. Unicorn is an alternate application server that offers 100% uptime. However there are drawbacks. Unicorn takes alot more memory and it can only host one Rails app per instance. Stick with Passenger for now to get confortable and you can switch to Unicorn in the future.

Install passenger with our newly setup rubygems

gem install passenger --no-ri --no-rdoc

Now this is the fun part. With RVM and passenger you can automate the installation and (most of the) configuration of nginx.

rvmsudo passenger-install-nginx-module

Too bad it fails on stock Ubuntu 12.04. It will tell you to use 3 different terminal commands to install the necessary packages. I have condensed them for your convenience.

sudo apt-get install build-essential libcurl4-openssl-dev zlib1g-dev -y

rvmsudo passenger-install-nginx-module

Choose option 1. Hit enter for the default directory.

Now start nginx because it will not start on its own.

sudo service nginx start

Now it will give another error. Passenger nginx doesn’t come with the nice Debian/Ubuntu scripts. Let’s remedy that.

wget -O

sudo mv /etc/init.d/nginx

sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/nginx

sudo /usr/sbin/update-rc.d -f nginx defaults

Now any of these 3 commands will work. Use nginx start.

sudo /etc/init.d/nginx stop

sudo /etc/init.d/nginx start

sudo /etc/init.d/nginx restart

Type your remote vps’s ip address into the broswer url to see your new server’s index page.

You now have a functioning webserver. You now just need to configure it and upload your rails app.

Let’s open the nginx configration.

sudo nano /opt/nginx/conf/nginx.conf

There should be a server bracket. Change the text inside to this.

server { 
  listen 80; 
  passenger_enabled on; 
  root /var/www/your_rails_app/public; 

Nginx should now give you an error when you visit your ip address.

Nginx also gives it’s version number which is really bad. An attacker could look up exploits for your version of nginx with this info. Let’s fix that.

Before the server add this line like so.

server_tokens off;
server { 
  listen 80; 
  passenger_enabled on; 
  root /var/www/your_rails_app/public; 

Restart the server

sudo /etc/init.d/nginx restart

Check again to see the version number was removed.

Now let’s finally get passenger and your rails app working.

You need to install a web server within rails to run the app.

sudo apt-get install nodejs

Create the directory.

sudo mkdir /var/www

Now for laughs and giggles create a new rails app on the vps.

rails new your_rails_app

Add some scaffolding.

rails g scaffold sales

Copy it over to /var/www

cp -r your_rails_app /var/www/

Go to your server’s public page to see your app in production (it won’t work yet, but we will get to that).

But what if you want to copy over your own local version to the vps? Like a real developer? We use rsync to accomplish that.

Rsync is a tool intended to automate file uploading. It’s used all the time in backups and other server admin tasks. Let’s use it to upload the local rails project.

Make sure to exit the vps’s ssh.

Now rsync your app to the vps.

rsync -avz -e ssh your_rails_app user@

sudo chmod -R 755 your_rails_app

sudo chown -R 755 your_rails_app

sudo chown -R user your_rails_app

Now ssh back into the vps and cd into /var/www

cd your_rails_app

Run the bundler.

bundle install

Try visiting a dynamic part of your website (or /sales of the one created). You should get an error. But what could it be? You can check log/production.log in your rails app to find out.

If you get a table error make sure you didn’t forget to migrate the db (for production):

rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV="production"

If you see an assets error you need to run a command to compile them.

rake assets:precompile

If you’re wondering, yes, you need to rerun the assets command everytime you upload a new version (specifically whenever you change javascript, css or other assets). Thankfully, we can automate this as told in the automation chapter.

Your website should be working by now.

4. Books by John B. Wyatt IV

4.0.1 Automate PHP Deploys

4.0.2 The PHP Companion Guide for Deploy Rails Bluebook

Are you a PHP programmer looking for a great way to automate your server? Are you a Rails programmer that has PHP applications to maintain? Do you simply want to automate setting up a Wordpress blog? Look no further than this great companion guide to Deploy Rails Bluebook.

In one single book you can find how to setup a Ruby environment for PHP programmers and for Rails programmers you can have Chef automatically setup Nginx, PHP and APC to work together on Ubuntu 12.04.

Get the book from:

Leanpub (PDF, mobi, epub)

Amazon (Kindle)

Smashwords (iPad, Nook, Kobo, Oyster, etc)

Coming Soon

4.0.3 Rails API and Android Guide

Android and Rails, Java and Ruby, learn how to create API’s in Rails that can be accessed by a Android mobile app.

Get the book from:

Leanpub (PDF, mobi, epub)

Amazon (Kindle)

Coming Soon

Smashwords (iPad, Nook, Kobo, Oyster, etc)

Coming Soon

5. Appendix - Vagrant

Vagrant is a tool to easily create and manage headless virtual machines for development. It can be used for servers as well but the performance will be poor. One of Vagrant’s best features is in testing Chef recipes. All the commands in this book ‘could’ be used on a Vagrant virtual machine with a few changes, but the purpose of this book is to get confortable with deploying to a real server.

First, you need to install the Oracle build of VirtualBox to your local machine since the version in the Ubuntu repos is out of date.

Echo to your sources list. Precise is Ubuntu 12.04. Please check for the latest instructions for your installation (If you use the more recent releases you can skip this step and just install use sudo apt-get install virtualbox).

Get the public key:

wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

Add the apt link:

sudo bash -c "echo 'deb precise contrib' >> /etc/apt/sources.list"

Install VirtualBox on your local machine.

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install virtualbox-4.3

Make sure to reboot to avoid any kernel module errors.

ssh-keygen -t rsa


ssh add

Download the Vagrant package from and install it.

You need to download the server image. Goto and pick out an image. I recommend this Ubuntu precise 64 VirtualBox image but it can become out of date. Either download it manually or through Vagrant.

vagrant box add ubuntu1204

You can get help on any vagrant command with.

vagrant box help

Vagrant relies on a configuration file to setup the box.

Create a new directory and enter it.

mkdir VM && cd VM

Intialize the directory with Vagrant

vagrant init

Now check the Vagrantfile.

nano Vagrantfile

There are a wild variety of options to investigate in the future. For now, I recommend deleting all the text and pasting in this. do |config|
  config.vm.define :chefbox do |mconfig| = "ubuntu1204" :hostonly, ""
    mconfig.vm.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--name", 
      "chefbox", "--memory", "512"]

Let’s go through each of the options in the inner block. The first sets the name of the image to use (Vagrant will try to download if it hasn’t already). You should change this to whatever image you downloaded. The second sets the machine to be accessible only by the host and at the ip address The third option sets the name of the vm and the memory in megabytes.

Once the download is finished create and start the server.

vagrant up

You can ssh into a server quickly with:

vagrant ssh

Or you can ssh in by ip like a regular server. ‘vagrant’ is the user and password.

Stop the server with:

vagrant halt

To avoid Chef repeatly asking for a password you can use an SSH key. Now where do you get the key for a box downloaded from the internet? Thankfully (in this case), most boxes use the same SSH key which you can fetch from here while in your Chef directory:

curl > vagrant.key

chmod 600 vagrant.key

knife solo prepare --identity-file vagrant.key vagrant@

knife solo cook --identity-file vagrant.key vagrant@

Thanks to Micheal Grosser!

There are plenty more options with Vagrant to explore that are outside the scope of this small guide (including having Vagrant automatically use Chef to build the VM).

This part of the book is in the sample edition. You can test the entire recipe with:

git clone

Run bundle update in the root railsbluebook folder, then knife solo prepare first and then the cook command. I have left the file for you to use.

If you wish to use this in a production setting make sure to change secret_token in railsbluebook2014/cookbooks/deployserver/templates/nginx.erb and the password defined for the user.