Advanced C++ FAQs


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Advanced C++ FAQs

About the Book

This book is a combination of the following two books :Advanced C++ FAQs: Volume 1 : Fundamentals

Advanced C++ FAQs: Volume 2 : Generic Programming

Advanced C++ FAQs: Volume 1 : Fundamentals

This book is not an introduction to C++. It assumes that the reader is aware of the basics of C++98 and C++03 and is keen to expand her horizon to latest and greatest in the present and future of C++, including C++11 and C++1y(aka C++14). It contains selected fundamental problems with detailed solutions to all of these which will help the reader to hone her skills to solve a particular problem.

Advanced C++ FAQs: Volume 2 : Generic Programming

This book is sequel to the first volume Advanced C++ FAQs : Volume 1 : Fundamentals. It contains selected generic programming problems with detailed solutions.

About the Author

Chandra Shekhar Kumar
Chandra Shekhar Kumar

Chandra Shekhar Kumar is Staff Software Architect @ GE Healthcare (Ultrasound Digital Solutions). In an innovator role, he is actively involved in digital Innovation in Ultrasound ecosystem (premise, edge and cloud) including (but not limited to) C++17/20/23, Boost C++ Libraries, WineLib, Qt, wxWidgets, WebAssembly,, Hashicorp Nomad and Rust. Motto is to build once and run everywhere using the same code base (using and extending WebAssembly Infrastructure)

He is Co-Founder of Ancient Science Publishers (estd.2014), a venture to publish monographs on mathematics, physics and computer science and render services related to hiring technical talents, training for competitive programming, algorithms, programming interviews, IITJEE and Olympiads. Inspiration for this undertaking came from the writings of Leonhard Euler (mathematics), Richard Phillips Feynman (physics) and Edsger Wybe Dijkstra (computer science).

He is Founder of Ancient Kriya Yoga Mission (estd.2013), a venture to disseminate simple techniques of ancient science of living and publish kriya yoga scriptures and commentaries.

He holds a degree of Integrated M.Sc.(5 yrs) in Physics from IIT Kanpur.

He has worked with software companies like Trilogy, Oracle and few start-ups.

He has been programming in C++ for the last 22 years. He loves to hack gcc, gdb, valgrind, clang, boost, TeX, LaTeX and pours inside the works of Dijkstra and Knuth.

Table of Contents


1.1 Efficient Insertion in Vector

1.2 reverse algorithm for forward iterators


1.4 swapping unequal sections

1.5 rotate algorithm


1.9 Avoid Raw Loops


1.13 better algorithm than std::rotate


1.16 reverse algorithm dispatch

1.17 Efficient Algorithm for reverse


1.21 is partitioned algorithm

1.22 Bisection Algorithm


1.25 advance and next

1.26 custom iota



2.1 std::move is rvalue cast

2.2 std::move if noexcept

2.3 std::forward


2.6 is same


3.1 alias template

3.2 template parameter pack

3.3 override virtual and template




Type Specifiers

Constant Expression



8.4 auto return type in function declaration


8.6 return type deduction for lambdas

8.7 decltype(auto)


8.9 explicit instantiation and auto

8.10 return type deduction and virtual


8.12 generalized lambda capture

8.13 generic lambda and product vector



More C++14

10.1 variable templates


10.5 static data member template


10.7 default argument and specialization of variable template 10.8 lambda and variable template


10.15 auto variable template and generic lambda

10.16 constexpr member functions and implicit const

10.17 constexpr constructor and initialization


10.23 deprecated attribute

10.24 Member initializers and aggregate class


10.31 Type Transformation Aliases


10.33 make unique as perfect forwarding guy


10.37 make unique and default initialization

10.38 make unique and array T[n]


10.43 Extend make unique : T[N]

10.44 allocate unique

10.45 Compile-time integer sequences


10.47 std::index sequence

10.48 Custom Sequence : Addition


10.55 sfinae and represent type of function

10.56 metafunction : check presence of type member

10.57 std::common type and sfinae


11.1 private cast

11.2 Value Type Deduction Framework


11.5 Template Alias and Rebind Template

11.6 Template Alias and Non Deducible Context


11.8 Template Alias and Specialization


11.13 std::copy backward


11.18 iota n : iota for writing n items

11.19 Reverse iota


11.24 Preventing Name Hijacking


11.29 Move Constructor and unique pointer

11.30 Find First Null Pointer in a Container

11.31 Average of variable number of arguments


11.33 Exchange Utility

11.34 Addressing Tuple By Type

11.35 Quoted manipulators

11.36 Null Iterator

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