DevOps Automation


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DevOps Automation

Continuous Delivery Applied: Idea to Code to Customer in < 1 Hour

About the Book

Status: Abandoned

Apologies, but it's looking very unlikely this book will be finished. You can still read it if you want, and the book is now free. Leanpub allows you to voluntarily pay for the book, and if for some reason you choose to do this then 100% of the proceeds will go to the nominated charity listed at the bottom of the page.


  • Tools and technologies: Ubuntu Linux, Packer, VirtualBox, Go CD, Node.js
  • Setting up super simple Continuous Deployment to get started quickly
  • Recovering from a bad deployment
  • How to keep your application in an always releasable state, regardless of how big your team or organisation is
  • Manage your software stack and server configurations in a predictable fashion
  • Reduce the disparity between dev, QA, and production environments
  • Infrastructure as Code
  • Immutable Servers - automated provisioning of virtual machines and configuration management

This is just scratching the surface of the subject. There were many other topics and chapters I had planned before progress on the book stalled.

About the Author

L.J. Thorne
L.J. Thorne

J.L. Thorne is a mysterious figure in the literary world, weaving tales that blend history, intrigue, and the unexpected. With a penchant for exploring the "what ifs" of our past, Thorne's work delves into alternative histories and hidden truths. Little is known about this enigmatic author, who prefers to let the stories speak for themselves.

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: Introduction
    • DevOps, automation, and Continuous Delivery
    • About this book
    • Recommended platforms
    • The case for CD
    • Continuous delivery, or deployment?
    • On the choice of tools and languages
    • Technology landscape: state of play 2015
    • Reflection
  • Chapter 2: Our First Deployment
    • Setting up the project
    • The framework
    • Shipping the code
    • Somewhere to deploy
    • Setting up basic Continuous Deployment
    • The project code
    • Changing your application
    • Testing locally
    • When things go wrong
    • Rolling back
    • Rolling forward
    • Reflection
  • Chapter 3: Release Early, Release Often
    • Trunk Based Development
    • Feature Flags/Toggles
    • Branch by Abstraction
    • Major refactoring
    • Enough theory!
    • Configurable user-groups and features
    • Reflection
  • Chapter 4: Virtualisation and Immutable Servers
    • Set up
    • Creating a base image
    • Debugging Packer
    • About Packer
    • New project structure
    • Time for this Codeship to set sail
    • Base VM build configuration
    • Running the base VM
    • Commodity VMs and immutable servers
    • Building specialised VMs
    • Putting it all together
    • Further improvements
    • Containers, a lighter approach
    • Reflection
  • Chapter 5: Continuous Delivery Builds & Pipelines
    • Set up
    • Create the GoCD server
    • Build changes
    • Getting back on track
    • Why Go?
    • Getting started with the Go Server
    • Setting up the CD Pipelines
    • Web Server Pipeline
    • Deployment
    • Reflection
  • What’s Next?

Causes Supported

Code Club

A nationwide network of volunteer-led after school coding clubs for children aged 9-11.

We create projects for our volunteers to teach at after school coding clubs or at non-school venues such as libraries. The projects we make teach children how to program by showing them how to make computer games, animations and websites. Our volunteers go to their local club for an hour a week and teach one project a week. Each term the students will progress and learn more whilst at the same time using their imaginations and making creative projects. Terms 1 & 2 use Scratch to teach the basics of programming. Term 3 teaches the basics of web development using HTML and CSS. Term 4 teaches Python and so on. We’d like to put a Code Club in every single primary school in the country. There are over 21,000 primary schools in the UK, it’s a big task but we think we can do it!

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