Camel Design Patterns
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Camel Design Patterns

Patterns, Principles, and Practices for Designing Apache Camel Applications

About the Book


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  • Camel 2.x This book on LeanPub and the hardcover print on Lulu.

There are great books about Apache Camel already, but this book is a little bit different. Here is why. Throughout the building of a Camel application, there are many levels of design decisions to be made. Knowing the Camel framework and the Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIPs) is a must, but not enough to design a real-world integration application. Mastering such applications requires an understanding of EIPs, messaging, Microservices, and SOA principles, and distributed system concepts as a whole.

Driven by real-world experiences, this book consolidates the most commonly used patterns and principles for designing Camel applications. For each pattern, there is a problem description with a context, a proposed solution, and Camel specifics, plus tips around the implementation. Patterns range from individual Camel route designs for happy path scenarios, to error handling and prevention practices, to principles used in the deployment of multiple routes and applications for scalability and high availability purposes.

The patterns listed here are not new; they are all over the Internet, described many times under various categories and names. Here they are described from a practical point of view with an emphasis on implementing these patterns in Apache Camel, rather than academical pattern definition. And lastly, this book is not a step-by-step guide for writing Camel routes. Instead, it is a series of high-level use cases demonstrating different patterns used for creating modern Camel applications. No code, just pragmatic theory.

I believe you will find this short and focused book useful.

Bilgin Ibryam

About the Author

Bilgin Ibryam
Bilgin Ibryam

Bilgin Ibryam (@bibryam) is a principal middleware architect at Red Hat, and a committer to multiple projects at the Apache Software Foundation. He is a regular blogger, open source evangelist, blockchain enthusiast, speaker, and the author of Camel Design Patterns book. He has over a decade of experience building and designing highly scalable, resilient, distributed systems. In his day-to-day job, Bilgin enjoys mentoring, coding and leading enterprise companies to be successful with building open source solutions. His current work focuses on enterprise blockchain, distributed systems, microservices, and cloud-native applications in general.

Table of Contents

    • Foreword
    • Introduction
    • About the Author
  • I Foundational Patterns
    • 1. VETRO Pattern
    • 2. Canonical Data Model Pattern
    • 3. Edge Component Pattern
    • 4. Command Query Responsibility Segregation Pattern
    • 5. Reusable Route Pattern
    • 6. Runtime Reconfiguration Pattern
    • 7. External Configuration Pattern
  • II Error Handling Patterns
    • 8. Data Integrity Pattern
    • 9. Saga Pattern
    • 10. Idempotent Filter Pattern
    • 11. Retry Pattern
    • 12. Throttling Pattern
    • 13. Circuit Breaker Pattern
    • 14. Error Channel Pattern
  • III Deployment Patterns
    • 15. Service Instance Pattern
    • 16. Singleton Service Pattern
    • 17. Load Levelling Pattern
    • 18. Parallel Pipeline Pattern
    • 19. Bulkhead Pattern
    • 20. Service Consolidation Pattern
    • Summary
    • Bibliography

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