Software Architecture: Meta and SOLID Principles in C# (The Course)
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Course Info

This course includes 1 attempt.

SOLID is an acronym which stands for SRP, OCP, LSP, ISP and DIP. These five acronyms in their turn stand for:  

  • Single Responsibility Principle  
  • Open/Closed Principle  
  • Liskov Substitution Principle  
  • Interface Segregation Principle  
  • Dependency Inversion Principle

In this course, you’ll learn how to apply meta and SOLID principles so that your application will live a long healthy life. It means you are going to learn how to write code of the high quality: readable, understandable and reliable.  

Improve your knowledge in object-oriented programming  

  • Understand the meta principles on which all the other development principles are based  
  • Understand the symptoms of code defects  
  • Learn the foundations of SOLID principles
  • Learn how to detect the violations of SOLID principles and how to fix the problems
  • Learn how meta principles and SOLID principles are related to each other and how to find the balance between them  

Foundations of writing object-oriented code

Despite the fact that C# is a very rich on features language, it's very common to see poorly designed and implemented applications in a real world. Language by itself does not guarantee that the architecture of an application will be great. In order to design and build maintainable software, we need to understand the principles of software development. This video course is exactly about how to achieve clean and maintainable software.  

You probably have already heard the following well-known statement: most code sucks. Well, this course is all about how to produce code which doesn't suck.  

Owning skills of producing a well-designed and well-implemented types is the prerequisite for the other developers to treat you as a decent professional.  

Content and Overview  

This course is aimed at middle and senior developers. Solid experience in C# is required.  

There are plenty of code examples throughout this course so that you will learn both theoretical and practical material.  

Starting with SOLID principles we will go further to the meta-principles. Going through the SOLID principles, you’ll also learn about the related patterns. Then we will get to the problem of contradictions between different principles. You’ll learn about the relationships between SOLID principles and meta principles.  

In general, you’ll learn in this course:  

  • SRP  
  • OCP  
  • LSP  
  • ISP  
  • DIP  

These are the SOLID principles. You’ll learn the background problems that can be solved by particular principle, you’ll see the demonstrations in code, you’ll learn the related patterns to every principle.  

Learning DIP you’ll in addition learn what is Dependency Injection, Inversion of Control, IoC-Containers and what are the architectural implications of DI.  

Here are other topics you’ll learn in the course:  

  • DRY – don’t repeat yourself  
  • KISS – keep it simple stupid  
  • YAGNI – You Ain’t Gonna Need It  
  • SoC – separation of concerns  
  • CQS – command query separation  
  • Law of Demeter  
  • Principle of Least Astonishment  
  • Information Hiding and Encapsulation  
  • API Development Principles  
  • Contradiction between SOLID and YAGNI  
  • Contradiction between OCP and YAGNI  
  • What is Architecture and Design

Teaching Approach

No fluff, no ranting, no beating the air. I respect your time. The course material is succinct, yet comprehensive. All important concepts are covered. Particularly important topics are covered in-depth.

Take this course, and you will be satisfied!


Keywords related to the course:

  • Software Architecture
  • SOLID Principles Tutorial C#
  • SOLID Tutorial C#
  • Software Design
  • SOLID Principles


Course Material

  • About the Course
  • Course Outline
  • SRP
  • Outline
  • SOLID Intro
  • Problem Statement
  • Demo of the Problem
  • Refactoring to a Better Design
  • More Examples of SRP Violations
  • SRP Related Patterns
  • Conclusion
  • OCP
  • Outline
  • OCP Definition. Problem Statement
  • Demo of the Problem
  • Refactoring to a Better Design
  • OCP Related Patterns
  • Common Smells of OCP Violation
  • Conclusion
  • LSP
  • Outline
  • LSP Definition. Problem Statement
  • Contracts
  • Demo of the Problem
  • Refactoring to a Better Design
  • More Examples of LSP Violations
  • Common Smells of LSP Violation
  • Conclusion
  • ISP
  • Outline
  • ISP Definition. Problem Statement
  • Demo of the Problem
  • Refactoring to a Better Design
  • Demo of the Problem. Example 2
  • Refactoring to a Better Design. Example 2
  • Common Smells, Fixes, and Related Patterns
  • Conclusion
  • DIP
  • Outline
  • DIP Definition. Problem Statement
  • Dependencies
  • Volatile and Stable Dependencies
  • IoC and DI Definitions
  • DIP Violation Demo
  • Refactoring to a Better Design Applying Dependency Injection
  • DI-Techniques
  • Architectural Implications
  • Pure DI and IoC-Containers
  • Building a Simple IoC-Container
  • Demo of a Real-World App Built with an IoC-Container
  • Common Smells of DIP Violations
  • Conclusion
  • Meta and SOLID Principles
  • Outline
  • DRY
  • KISS
  • SoC
  • CQS
  • Law of Demeter
  • PoLA
  • Encapsulation
  • API
  • SRP and ISP. What is the Difference
  • Architecture and Design
  • Conclusion


    • I'm thankful enough for that I love what I do.

      I began my career as a postgraduate student participating in Microsoft ImagineCup contest.

      I've been working with .NET platform since 2003. I've been professionally architecting and implementing software for more than 10 years, primarily based on the .NET platform. I'm passionate about building rich and powerful applications using modern technologies. I'm a certified specialist in Windows Applications and Service Communication Applications by Microsoft. I'm one of the coordinators of the MskDotNet User Group in Moscow.

      "If it's work, we try to do less. If it's art, we try to do more." - Seth Godin.

      What I can say is that software is my art.

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