Rocket Fuel for the Soul
Rocket Fuel for the Soul
Jim Kitzmiller
Buy on Leanpub

Part 1 — About Blissercises™


Please don’t be fooled by the simplicity of these blissercises. Although they are simple and safe, they can have a profound impact on the way you experience life.

Expect to have a lot of fun along the way – possibly every step of the way. You can let go of the old saying “No pain, no gain.”

So how does this work?

Glad you asked. The ideas behind this are ancient. They have been restated in many ways.

Dr. Wayne Dyer likes to say “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”.

Neuro Linguistic Programming talks about reframing – same thing.

Dr. David Hawkins talks about the context within which the content exists – same thing.

The song says “Accentuate the positive”. Okay, okay. But what are blissercises?


Change your life for the better with blissercises. This is one of the fastest and safest ways available to change every aspect of your life and bring your life and your self to a state of bliss.

This is no joke.

It works for real… and it’s easy.

This information is valuable beyond your imagination. It adds positive experiences to your mind’s recordings. Your mind cannot distinguish between “real” experiences and blissercised experiences. You and everyone around you come out the winner.

You literally change the feelings in every cell of your body.

As your cells continue to vibrate more and more positive energy, you begin to radiate bliss – literally.

Others can feel it – usually on a subconscious level.

Magically good experiences and opportunities draw themselves toward your broadcast.

Like a radio beacon you broadcast messages to bring in what you want.

Will it be my full wish list?

Maybe not. God controls our destiny and our life path.

However … we can broadcast positive vibrations to greatly influence what we experience that’s in alignment with God’s plan.

I believe that God’s plan includes basic guidelines for what is acceptable.

But we can change who we are. We change the way that we interact with the world. We change the way that we broadcast signals that emanate from our beingness.

Our beingness is fundamental to all life experience.

This is the most powerful tool for change – if you really want to call it a tool. It is the most effective means available.

Rocket Fuel for the Soul contains over 400 blissercises to help you change the way you look at things.

Archimedes said “Give me a lever long enough and a place to stand and I will move the earth.”

You literally lift your world with blissercises.

The lever is looking at things differently.

The place to stand?

You stand in your own beingness. You stand in silence. Blissercising tends to silence your mind.

It helps you tune into “the field” around you. This is the field that is immersed in God’s love and God’s power.

In this elevated state you’ll bring about changes for the good – often without any effort. Sometimes you may not even know the good that comes about through your presence.

Does all this seem far fetched?

Well … One thing is sure. You’ll feel better and better every day when you blissercise on a daily basis.

And … if you feel really good, the external circumstances don’t mean that much anyway.

There is literally no limit to how good you can feel. None. Zero Zilch.

No limit at all.

So why not feel as good as you possibly can? Do blissercises several times daily.

Got 20 minutes?

Great! Use it for blissercising.

Only have 15 minutes?

No problem? Do shorter blissercises.

No problem at all! Eventually that will be the case in your life.

Just keep doing blissercises. At first you’ll be amazed at the changes. After a while you’ll get used to feeling marvelous.

It’s totally your choice.

How good do you want to feel?

I don’t know about you, but I’m going for the max.

Why limit myself?

As you do these blissercises, your priorities will change.

What seemed important will now seem trivial. You’ve moved to a higher level. You don’t need things to make you happy. However, when you’re extremely happy things come to you easily.

You don’t need to control things. However things seem to fall into place very nicely.

You don’t need to go to all kinds of extreme measures to get approval from others. You don’t have to spend countless hours (years?) doing things to get approval.

You don’t need to control everything in sight.

Oddly enough, when you don’t need approval you wind up getting it.

When you don’t need to change things, you feel a tremendous sense of relief. And surprise! Things work out just fine.

You’re a new person literally. And life responds accordingly.

Lead A Seminar or Retreat

When you first start with blissercises, you’ll probably do them by yourself. Or you might be part of a group that someone else is leading.

In general, you’ll probably do blissercises to give yourself a boost and improve life on a daily basis.

As you experience more and more personal gains, you might wish to share blissercises with others. Go ahead and start a group. You might wish to do one evening with two or three blissercises. Feel free to select them from the hundreds of blissercises in this seminar manual.

You can conduct a do-it-yourself seminar for one. It’s a perfect way to kick back by yourself and reset your life. You might like to add in healthy food, exercise, and some other practice you like.

You can create your own personal creativity retreat. Do a creativity blissercise, create something. Repeat the process. Your creative activity might start with writing. You’ll be amazed at how your creativity skyrockets.

Another possibility is to do a productivity retreat. This works well on your own or as part of a group.

You’ll be amazed when you invite people to share their experiences. You will discover viewpoints that never occurred to you when working alone. This does wonders for broadening your perspective and the perspective of everyone in the group.

Later on you may wish to lead a one day, or multiple day seminar. Although blissercises can be the basis of a stand alone seminar, they work extremely well with other approaches. You can alternate. For example, you could do twenty minutes of letting go. Then you could do a twenty minute blissercise. You’ll find a pattern that works best for you and your group.

If you do share blissercises with others, I’d really appreciate it if you would tell them about this manual and where to buy it –


A blissercise is a very enjoyable tool to help you look at things in a positive way.

It’s called a blissercise because you can quickly get into a state of bliss by doing them. We usually think of an exercise as some sort of unpleasant task that we have to force ourselves to do. The idea is that over great time and great struggle, we’ll get to some sort of improved state or gain some valuable skill.

In actual fact, exercises can be very enjoyable. However, we coined the word blissercise to emphasize the fact that they are fun and bring you to a state of bliss.

As you do these, you’ll notice peak feelings fairly soon in your practice. You’ll probably find that the peak feelings become higher and last longer.

You’ll get new realizations about life. Things will be different. That’s because you’re being different. You’re becoming happier and more positive.

This is all because you’re developing the practice of looking at things differently.

You’re probably used to the idea of gritting your teeth to shut out negative thoughts. Then you probably force yourself to focus on the positive thoughts.

How well has this worked for you? Do you wind up stuffing negative thoughts and feeling in your body or subconscious mind?

Does that make you feel natural? Do you feel like you’re being real?

Well, perhaps there’s another way.

Enter blissercise!

This is so easy and fun that you can hardly believe it. After you get into it, you won’t have to force yourself to do more. You’ll want to keep doing more.

Here’s how it works.

Get two pens and two pads of paper. You get two so you don’t run out in the middle of a blissercise. If you really like computers, you can use a computer instead.

If possible, get a timer. Cooking timers work just fine.

Scan through the blissercises in this book and pick one you like. Take a look at the questions. For an example, the questions might be:

Set the timer for fifteen minutes and write like crazy. Let go of any need to think about what you’re writing. Let go of any need to be correct, profound, or perfect. Just write like crazy for fifteen minutes.

You don’t ask questions like: How? When? Why?

You just look at the blissercise questions and write like crazy.

After the fifteen minutes of writing, set the timer for five minutes.

This time you write and express gratitude for the insights and experiences you’ve had in the first fifteen minutes. You might find yourself expressing gratitude for other things. That’s fine. Just keep writing like crazy and express gratitude.

When the five minutes is done, you’re finished with the blissercise. That’s all there is to it. You’ve done a blissercise.

Spoken Blissercises

Here’s a great alternative for you.

This is a lot of fun.

And it’s very empowering.

Create Your Own Blissercises

You’ll probably do this naturally. Here are some tips.

Keep it positive. Word it so that you’re writing about what you like, not about what you don’t like. For example, you’d write about being in great physical condition rather than losing weight. You’d write about great health rather than getting rid of sickness.

Write about a new way of looking at things. Don’t write about other people being different. For example, you’d write about you feeling great in all circumstances. You wouldn’t write about other people changing their behavior. You might write about loving people the way they are.

As you do blissercises, you might notice that some of the things you write can be converted to new blissercises.

For example, you might be writing about “What would life be like if I were more creative?” One of your answers might be “I’d be a great writer.”

Well … that’s another possible blissercise. You’d word the new one as “What would life be if I were a great writer? What would I be doing? How would I feel?

When you notice such possible blissercises, just make a quick note and then continue writing like crazy on the original blissercise. You can come back later and write the new blissercise into a notebook.

Beyond Cause and Effect

We live in a make it happen world. We admire people who persist in the face of impossible odds. They finally achieve success after years of struggle.

One definition of happiness is overcoming of obstacles.

We cheer on as Indiana Jones fights a slew of bad guys in order to do good and reach the chosen goal.

We love to watch sporting events where the competitors are close matches. We aren’t so interested when one competitor is completely destroying the other one — even if our favorite is winning.

We admire hard work that overcomes impossible odds. We cheer.

We want to know what steps we can take to achieve a specific result.

We’ve taken comfort in this notion. We can do specific things to achieve a specific result.

As a systems architect and software developer, I take comfort in the predictability of computer programming and mathematics.

This works sometimes in some areas of life, but not in all circumstances, all of the time.

One example is human relationships. We can do the same thing and get different results with different people.

Another example is health care. Cures work on one person and not on another person.

The Nonlinear World

There is a whole dimension, a different realm of life experience, beyond the Law of Cause and Effect.

This is the nonlinear world. It is the world of Faith, Love, Joy, Beauty, Bliss, and Ecstasy

Logic and control can get you to the point where you’re knocking on the doors of the nonlinear world. But they can’t open those doors for you.

If you want to enter this world, you can set your intention and surrender control.

You’re surrendering control to the Invisible — the Divine.

Blissercises™ and blisswriting in general, can help you cross this threshold.

You can return to controlling after the twenty minutes.

You’ll probably find that the world is still okay.

Okay. Let’s get started.

Ladies and gentlemen. Start your engines.

Part 3 — Conclusion


You’re probably feeling really, really good right now. Ain’t life grand!!!

This is only the beginning. The future is wonderful.

Write a Testimonial

If you like Rocket Fuel for the Soul, you can help yourself, me, and others by writing a testimonial.

  1. You can help yourself because, if I use your testimonial, it could help you with your own publicity. If you wish, you can include your website and picture. There is a good reason why top selling authors write testimonials for other authors’ books.
  2. It would help me because your testimonial will help bring this book to other people. Testimonials inspire people to order the book.
  3. It would help others because they would be moved to use the book and enjoy increased bliss in their own lives.
  4. It would help the world because more and more people will be approaching or experiencing a state of bliss.

You can contact me via

Tell a Friend

You can help yourself and others when you tell friends about Rocket Fuel for the Soul. You’ll enjoy your happiness even more when your friends are happy too.

You can invite them to visit the website and purchase their own copy.

What lies ahead?

You’ve probably answered that yourself many times as you’ve been doing blissercises. You’ll probably want to keep doing blissercises to expand your life.

If you’re a real go getter, you might want to lead a blissercise group. There are all kinds of possibilities for blissercise fun:

  • Retreats
  • Creativity groups and actors’ groups
  • Self help groups
  • Board of Directors meetings
  • Blissercise groups with friends
  • Schools
  • Prisons
  • Many more

If you choose to lead a group or retreat, please acknowledge this book and tell the people that they can get the book from the website.

If you’re not sure about leading a blissercise group, you might try:

Life is bliss.

Your friend,
Jim Kitzmiller
Encinitas, California - August 2006
San Marcos, California - June 2013

About the Author

Jim Kitzmiller is a mystic, a systems architect, a software developer, and an author.

With decades of experience in the computer industry, Jim has repeatedly found simple solutions to complex problems.

Simple solutions save clients enormous amounts of time and money.

This ability to identify simple solutions also applies to the self-help / personal development area. Simple solutions, working at the essence of beingness, can save decades of struggle and vast sums of money.

Jim’s guided meditations on YouTube and his blog have had well over a million views and have brought countless heartfelt testimonials filled with gratitude.

Jim is available for computer consulting. He is also available to lead meditation retreats and creative writing retreats.


August 3, 2013

  • Added instructions for spoken blissercises.
  • Added a few blissercises.

July 14, 2013

  • Divided the book into three sections. This simplifies navigation via the Table of Contents.
  • Added a few blissercises™.
  • Added the chapter Beyond Cause and Effect — the Nonlinear World.
  • Added a blissercise instruction about letting go of control.