Billy the Kid
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Billy the Kid

An Epic Farce of Goats and Goat-Memes That Have Infiltrated Every Aspect of Modern Life

About the Book

An epic farce.   It is necessary now to put important ideas and talk about their place in our world.  Since traditional means have abdicated their responsibility to bring forward these issues, it is up to fiction and farce to tell the truth:  the real meaning and machinations behind the scenes that make the world go round.   If you think things are just fine, this book is not for you.   Peek behind the curtain, see the Wizard.  This farce will entertain you in its odd way with its tilted view of the world through a goat's eyes.

Please do not be disappointed if you do not find the traditional arc of a story (Billy sees object of his affection and desires, Billy pursues, Billy is met with Difficulty, Billy fails initially, Billy overcomes his enemies and obstacles, Billy and affection live happily ever after).  There is no arc; this is a collection of random observations that celebrate the goat meme and its deep rooted connection to our history and contemporary culture and society.  There are not even half a shade of gray, although some topics will cover historically lecherous characters.

These goat-songs are stories about ideas on love, loss, joy, and tragedy in unequal measure.  Sadly Billy does not fall in love, but waxes on about it, and about tragedy; it is his own song, naturally.  It is only fitting that it come out in the year of the goat, 2015.  Enjoy!

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About the Author

Shukong Ou
Shukong Ou

Shukong has many interests, and is spread thin over them all.  

Table of Contents

  • Billy
  • Billy Muses Himself
  • The Wine Dark Sea
  • Apollo and Dionysius
  • The Way Things Are
  • The Stuff of Dreams
  • Insanity: A Conversation
  • Fairness
  • Symbolic Goats
  • Goatherd and Goat
  • Truth and ()
  • Living on the Edge
  • Sylvia
  • Leviticus 16
  • Pa pa pa Dum dum dum dum BOOM
  • Steve Bartman
  • Capybara or Chupacabra
  • Luke 15:28
  • Follow Rules. Or Not
  • Fate and Luck vs Guilt and Blame
  • Baphomet
  • Pan
  • In the Epic Way

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