Statistics - All Lee Baker's Books
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Statistics - All Lee Baker's Books

About the Bundle

This bundle includes all of the statistics books that Lee Baker has published at LeanPub

13 Statistics Books*

1 Place

No Hassle!

All in both epub and mobi formats - perfect for all devices and screen sizes.


*The book listed as Getting Started With Statistics is a bundle of 4 books


What's In The Bundle...

  1. Practical Data Cleaning
  2. Associations and Correlations for Medical Research
  3. Errors of Regression Models
  4. Truth, Lies and Statistics
  5. Graphs Don't Lie
  6. Correlation Is Not Causation
  7. Beginner's Guide to Correlation Analysis
  8. Multivariate Analysis - The Simplest Guide in The Universe
  9. DataViz - How to Choose the Right Chart For Your Data
  10. Bayes Theorem and Bayesian Statistics ('Getting Started With Statistics' Series)
  11. Data Collection ('Getting Started With Statistics' Series)
  12. Data Types ('Getting Started With Statistics' Series)
  13. Hypothesis Testing ('Getting Started With Statistics' Series)


Scroll down to see all 13 books...


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    • Quality Management
    • Graph Theory
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    • D3.js
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About the Books

Beginner’s Guide to Correlation Analysis

Learn The One Reason Your Correlation Results Are Probably Wrong
  • 585


  • 100%


  • EPUB

  • English


Now With 2 Free Bonuses!

You can now get the following FREE bonuses with this book:

The Future of Statistics

  • An anthology written with the contributions of some of the most prominent statisticians, data analysts and Data Scientists in the world to help you take the next steps in your Data Ninja journey!

Exploratory Data Analysis - The Big Picture

  • An Ultra Hi-Def poster created to help you understand which statistics to use in exploratory data analysis!


You can download the content in a zip file by going to your Leanpub library here, selecting the book, and then clicking on the "Download Extras" download link.


Your correlation results are probably wrong. Sorry, but they are.

You see, there is one really important thing to know about your correlations that mean that whatever results you get you can’t be sure they are correct.

This book fixes that.


Correlation is a way of describing how a pair of variables change together as a result of their connection. In other words, if one of your variables changes, the other is likely to change too, and correlations measure by how much.

Correlation analysis is one of the most used – and misunderstood – statistical techniques. Most correlation results are wrong, and for one very good reason. In this book we’re going to understand just why this is, and learn how to fix it.


Beginner’s Guide to Correlation Analysis explains how to look at correlations with a focus on understanding the data, how to work with it, choose the right ways to analyse it, select the correct statistical tools and how to interpret the results in a way that is easy to understand.

Best of all, there is no technical or statistical jargon – it is written in plain English.

It is packed with visually intuitive examples and makes no assumptions about your previous experience with statistics or correlations – in short, it is perfect for beginners!


Discover the world of correlation analysis. Get this book, TODAY!

Thomas W. Dinsmore

1 reader testimonial

Correlation Is Not Causation

Learn How to Avoid the 5 Traps That Even Pros Fall Into
  • 711


  • 100%


  • EPUB

  • English


Now With 3 Free Bonuses!

You can now get the following FREE bonuses with this book:

Introduction to Associations and Correlations

  • A free excerpt from the #1 book on Associations and Correlations

The Future of Statistics

  • An anthology written with the contributions of some of the most prominent statisticians, data analysts and Data Scientists in the world to help you take the next steps in your Data Ninja journey!

Exploratory Data Analysis - The Big Picture

  • An Ultra Hi-Def poster created to help you understand which statistics to use in exploratory data analysis!


You can download the content in a zip file by going to your Leanpub library here, selecting the book, and then clicking on the "Download Extras" download link.


Correlation Is Not Causation.

You know it and I know it, and yet we are constantly having to be reminded of it because we can’t seem to help but get it wrong.


How many times have you heard someone really smart say something like ‘wow, this correlation has a p-value of 0.000001 so A must be causing B…’?

It’s not our fault though – we’re only human. We seek explanation for patterns and events that happen around us, and if something defies logic, we try to find a reason why it might make sense. If something doesn’t add up, we make it up.


OK, so if correlation does not necessarily imply causation, there must be a reason for that, and there must be something that is causing what we observe. That is what this book is all about.


If we discover a correlation between a pair of variables there are five alternatives to one being the direct cause of the other, and we’ll unmask all five in this book.

Then, once we understand each of these alternatives, we’ll formulate a plan to discover whether we have a direct causal link or whether there is some other explanation.


Correlation Is Not Causation explains how to systematically test for the five most common correlation-causation pitfalls that even the pros fall into (occasionally). We’ll learn to create strategies to analyse the data and interpret the results in a way that is easy to understand.

Best of all, there is no technical or statistical jargon – it is written in plain English.

It is packed with visually intuitive examples and makes no assumptions about your previous experience with correlations – in short, it is perfect for beginners!


Discover the world of correlation and causation. Get this book, TODAY!

Truth, Lies & Statistics

How to Lie with Statistics
  • 100%


  • EPUB

  • English


Now With Free Bonus Book!

You can now get the following FREE bonus with this book:

The Future of Statistics

  • An anthology written with the contributions of some of the most prominent statisticians, data analysts and Data Scientists in the world to help you take the next steps in your Data Ninja journey!


You can download the content in a zip file by going to your Leanpub library here, selecting the book, and then clicking on the "Download Extras" download link.


Pirates, cats, Mexican lemons and North Carolina lawyers. Cheese consumption, margarine and drowning by falling out of fishing boats. This book has got it all.

A roller coaster of a book in 8 witty chapters, this might just be the most entertaining statistics book you’ll read this year.


Did you know that pirates caused global warming, and that a statistical lie gave rise to one of the fastest growing religions on the planet? Probably not – you might have missed the memo that day. Did you also know that organic food is the real cause of autism, and that Mexican lemons are a major cause of deaths on American roads? They’re true, honest – and this book has got the stats to prove it.

In this eye-opening book, award winning statistician and author Lee Baker uncovers the key tricks of the trade used by politicians, corporations and other statistical conmen to deceive, hoodwink and otherwise dupe the unwary. Like how the ex-Chancellor of the Exchequer attempted to persuade us that 5 lots of 10 make 150, or how the President of the United States tried to convince us that 420,000 is a larger number than 782,000. Nice try boys, but we were awake that day!

In his trademark sardonic style, the author reveals the secrets of how the statistical hustlers manipulate and misrepresent data for political or commercial gain – and often get away with it.

Written as a layman’s guide to lying, cheating and deceiving with data and statistics, there’s not a dull page in sight!


Discover the exciting world of statistical cheating and persuasive misdirection. Get this book, TODAY!

Graphs Don’t Lie

How to Lie with Graphs and Get Away With It…
  • 100%


  • EPUB

  • English


Now With Free Bonus Book!

You can now get the following FREE bonus with this book:

The Future of Statistics

  • An anthology written with the contributions of some of the most prominent statisticians, data analysts and Data Scientists in the world to help you take the next steps in your Data Ninja journey!


You can download the content in a zip file by going to your Leanpub library here, selecting the book, and then clicking on the "Download Extras" download link.


Sarah Palin, abortions, global warming and Usain Bolt. The CEO of Apple, 35 trillion gun deaths in 1995, Fox News and 193%. This book has got scandals galore!

With 9 witty chapters taking you on a roller coaster tour of graphical lies, pictorial deceits and pie charts of mayhem, this might just be the most entertaining book about graphs you’ll read this year.


Did you know that between them, Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney enjoyed a total of 193% support from Republican candidates in the 2012 US primaries? It must be true – it was on a pie chart broadcast on Fox News. Did you also know that the number 34 is smaller than 14, and zero is much bigger than 22? Honest, it’s true, it was published in a respectable national newspaper after the 2017 UK General Election. There can’t have been any kind of misdirection here because they were all shown on a pie chart.

In this astonishing book, award winning statistician and author Lee Baker uncovers how politicians, the press, corporations and other statistical conmen use graphs and charts to deceive their unwitting audience. Like how a shocking, and yet seemingly innocuous statement as “Every year since 1950, the number of children gunned down has doubled”, meant that there should have been at least 35 trillion gun deaths in 1995 alone, the year the quote was printed in a reputable journal. Or how an anti-abortion group made their point by trying to convince us all that 327,000 is actually a larger number than 935,573. Nice try, but no cigar – we weren’t born yesterday.

In his trademark sardonic style, the author reveals the secrets of how the statistical hustlers use graphs and charts to manipulate and misrepresent for political or commercial gain – and often get away with it.

Written as a layman’s guide to lying, cheating and deceiving with graphs, there’s not a dull page in sight! And it’s got elephants in it too…


Discover the exciting world of lying with graphs and charts. Get this book, TODAY!

Errors of Regression Models

One Stat to Rule Them All
  • 102


  • 100%


  • EPUB

  • English


Now With 2 Free Bonuses!

You can now get the following FREE bonuses with this book:

The Future of Statistics

  • An anthology written with the contributions of some of the most prominent statisticians, data analysts and Data Scientists in the world to help you take the next steps in your Data Ninja journey!

Machine Learning Model Assessments - The Big Picture

  • An Ultra Hi-Def poster created to help you understand which statistics to use in every situation!


You can download the content in a zip file by going to your Leanpub library here, selecting the book, and then clicking on the "Download Extras" download link.


Sometimes, learning about statistics can be a bit like peering into a crystal ball. You think you’ve got it, only to read one more article/paper/blog, and suddenly it’s as clear as mud again, and you’re further away from the answer than when you first started.

Choosing the correct statistic to use in any given situation can seem like a daunting task at times. When there are numerous possible statistical calculations you can do with your data, there is not usually one correct answer – in most cases there is a spectrum of approaches, some of which are more appropriate than others.


In Errors of Regression Models you’ll learn how to choose the most appropriate statistics to measure the accuracy of your regression-based prediction model.


You’ll discover that there is a family of related statistics, each member of which has their own set of dedicated fans.

Nevertheless, in this case, there is one correct statistic to use, while all the other measures – while useful in their own way – give only partial answers as to how to select the most accurate predictive model.


Each of these family members will be introduced, and Errors of Regression Models will explain all their advantages and disadvantages, and show you precisely how to calculate and interpret all of them. Finally, Errors of Regression Models will explain exactly why one particular family member is The Daddy!


Written in plain English with no technical jargon, Errors of Regression Models is perfect for beginners!


Discover how to measure the accuracy of your regression models quickly and effectively. Get this book, TODAY!

Multivariate Analysis – The Simplest Guide in the Universe

A Holistic Strategy To Discover All The Relationships in Your Data
  • 100%


  • EPUB

  • English


Now With 3 Free Bonuses!

You can now get the following FREE bonuses with this book:

The Future of Statistics

  • An anthology written with the contributions of some of the most prominent statisticians, data analysts and Data Scientists in the world to help you take the next steps in your Data Ninja journey!

Statistical Hypothesis Testing

  • A book written to help you choose the correct statistical test to use on your data - first time, every time!

Hypothesis Testing - Spinning The Wheel

  • An Ultra Hi-Def flowchart created to ensure you choose the correct statistical test to use on your data.


You can download the content in a zip file by going to your Leanpub library here, selecting the book, and then clicking on the "Download Extras" download link.


In Multivariate Analysis – The Simplest Guide in the Universe, award-winning statistician and author Lee Baker guides you through the building blocks of multivariate analysis towards discovering the relationships within your data.

When searching for relationships in your data (associations and correlations), most results you’ll get are wrong. In this book you’re going to learn precisely why, and learn how to make sure you get the correct results first time, every time.

In this book, you will get the answers to questions such as:

·        Why should I do multivariate analysis?

·        How do I choose which type of multivariate test to use?

·        How do I interpret the results of multivariate tests?

·        What should I do when my univariate and multivariate results do not agree?


In Multivariate Analysis – The Simplest Guide in the Universe you’ll learn a holistic method of discovering the story of all the relationships in your data. The holistic method is about selecting the correct multivariate tests following your univariate analysis and using all the results in a single strategic framework to give you confidence that the story you discover is likely to be the true story of your data.

Multivariate Analysis – The Simplest Guide in the Universe is written in plain English with a focus on understanding the data, how to work with it, choose the right ways to analyse it, select the correct statistical tools and how to interpret the results in a way that is easy to understand. It enables researchers of all backgrounds to understand and to evaluate critically the results of analyses that they are likely to encounter in their own research and in that of others.

Best of all, it makes no assumptions about your previous experience with statistics, is packed with visually intuitive examples and is perfect for beginners!


Discover the world of Multivariate Analysis. Get this book, TODAY!

Getting Started With Statistics

A Series of Bitesize Guides For Beginners
  • 113


  • PDF

  • English


Now With 2 Free Bonuses!

You can now get the following FREE bonuses with this book:

The Future of Statistics

  • An anthology written with the contributions of some of the most prominent statisticians, data analysts and Data Scientists in the world to help you take the next steps in your Data Ninja journey!

Hypothesis Testing - Spinning The Wheel

  • An Ultra Hi-Def flowchart created to ensure you choose the correct statistical test to use on your data.


You can download the content in a zip file by going to your Leanpub library here, selecting the book, and then clicking on the "Download Extras" download link.


**Important Note**

The books in the series Getting Started With Statistics are stored as Extras in your Leanpub library.

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**End Note**


Statistics is hard, especially for beginners.

Actually, it’s not as hard as you might think, and I intend to prove it to you!


Probably the biggest barrier to getting started in statistics is all the complex mathematics and complicated terminology.


You don’t need these, though. You can learn the basics of statistics without all the complicated stuff.

What you need is a book – or better still, a series of short, snappy books – that will help you get started and inspire you to take the next steps.

That’s what Getting Started With Statistics is all about.


I’ve written a series of ‘Getting Started…’ guides on a number of different stats topics:

·        Data Collection

·        Data Types

·        Hypothesis Testing

·        Bayes’ Theorem and Bayesian Statistics


All of these bite-sized books are included in this series, and more are currently being written – this series will get bigger and bigger over time!

And don’t forget – when you purchase this series from Leanpub, all future books in the series will be FREE to download, right here at Leanpub.


Here’s a short description of each of the books currently available in Getting Started With Statistics:

Data Collection is a short guide to getting your data collection plan up and running, and is about everything you ever wanted to know (but were afraid to ask) about data collection and answers the most frequently asked questions about collecting data.

Data Types introduces you to the 4 types of data you’ll encounter in statistics in statistics, answers the most frequently asked questions and inspires you to take the next steps in your journey.

Hypothesis Testing is a short guide to learning how to ask all the right questions of your data to help you in choosing the correct statistical hypothesis test, aided by The Hypothesis Wheel.

Bayes’ Theorem and Bayesian Statistics is a short, non-threatening introduction to Bayes’ Theorem and Bayesian Statistics that dispels the biggest myths, answers the most frequently asked questions and shows you how to take the next steps in your journey.


Discover the world of statistics. Get this book series, TODAY!

DataViz: How to Choose the Right Chart for Your Data

  • 114


  • 100%


  • EPUB

  • English


Now With Free Bonus!

You can now get the following FREE bonus with this book:

DataViz – The Big Picture

  • an Ultra-High-Definition flowchart (pdf) that will guarantee that you get the right chart first time, every time!


You can download the content in a zip file by going to your Leanpub library here, selecting the book, and then clicking on the "Download Extras" download link.


Data visualisation is sexy – probably the sexiest part of statistics, Data Science, business intelligence and many other fields too.

And it can make or break your study!


Few people that have to create charts as part of their study know and understand how to create charts for maximum effectiveness, and as a result struggle to engage their audience.

And that’s a shame, because a well-crafted chart has the potential to change the world!

Charts really are that important!


DataViz: How to Choose the Right Chart for Your Data is a short guide to all the different types of charts you’ll commonly encounter in statistics.

It is a snappy little non-threatening book about everything you ever wanted to know (but were afraid to ask) about the craft of creating inspirational graphics for your study, presentation, thesis, or just about any occasion – irrespective of your audience.


First, I’ll explain about the different types of graphs you’ll use.

Then I’ll show you which data goes on which axis.

I’ll show you the different types of charts to use, and how to choose which ones to use.

We’ll move on to how to style your charts and review them with a critical eye to decide what should go on your graph, and – more importantly – what you should take off.

Finally, I’ll introduce you to DataViz – The Big Picture, an Ultra-High-Definition flowchart that will guarantee that you get the right chart first time, every time!


By the time you’ve read this short book, you’ll more about plotting charts than pretty much everyone around you!


Discover the world of DataViz. Get this book, TODAY!

Practical Data Cleaning

19 Essential Tips to Scrub Your Dirty Data
  • 4,812


  • 100%


  • EPUB

  • English


Now With 4 Free Bonuses!

You can now get the following FREE bonuses with this book:

Data Cleaning – The Big Picture

  • An Ultra-High-Definition flowchart (pdf) that will help you take the next steps in your Data Ninja journey!

Practical Data Cleaning Template

  • An Excel workbook designed to get your data cleaning processes off to the best possible start!

Cheatsheet - Excel Data Cleaning Formulae

  • 22 essential data cleaning formulae!

Practical Data Cleaning Cheatsheet

  • 19 Tips to Make Your Data Cleaning Easy!


You can download the content in a zip file by going to your Leanpub library here, selecting the book, and then clicking on the "Download Extras" download link.


Data cleaning is a waste of time.

If the data had been collected properly in the first place there wouldn’t be any cleaning to do, and you wouldn’t now be faced with the prospect of weeks of cleaning to get your dataset analysis-ready.

Worse still, your boss won’t understand why your analysis report isn’t on his desk yet, a mere 48 hours after he’s asked for it. Bless him, he doesn’t understand – he thinks that cleaning data is just about clicking a few buttons in Excel and – ta da! – it’s all done. Even a monkey can do that, right?

And – for good reason – you won’t get any help from statistics books either. Data is messy and cleaning it can be difficult, time-consuming and costly. Not to mention it’s the least sexy thing you can do with a dataset.


Yet you’ve still got to do it, because, well, someone has to…

But it doesn’t have to be so difficult. If you're organised and follow a few simple rules your data cleaning processes can be simple, fast and effective.

Not to mention fun!

Well, not fun exactly, just not quite as coma-inducing.

Practical Data Cleaning (now in its 5th Edition!) explains the 19 most important tips about data cleaning with a focus on understanding your data, how to work with it, choose the right ways to analyse it, select the correct tools and how to interpret the results to get your data clean in double quick time.

Best of all, there is no technical jargon – it is written in plain English and is perfect for beginners!


Discover how to clean your data quickly and effectively. Get this book, TODAY!

Deepankar Chakrabarti
Ronald Michael Pengelly
David Napoli
Heather Krausse

4 reader testimonials

Associations and Correlations for Medical Research

A Holistic Strategy To Help You Discover The Story of Your Data
  • 1,585


  • 100%


  • EPUB

  • English


Now With 3 Free Bonuses!

You can now get the following FREE bonuses with this book:

The Future of Statistics

  • An anthology written with the contributions of some of the most prominent statisticians, data analysts and Data Scientists in the world to help you take the next steps in your Data Ninja journey!

Statistical Hypothesis Testing

  • A book written to help you choose the correct statistical test to use on your data - first time, every time!

Hypothesis Testing - Spinning The Wheel

  • An Ultra Hi-Def flowchart created to ensure you choose the correct statistical test to use on your data.


You can download the content in a zip file by going to your Leanpub library here, selecting the book, and then clicking on the "Download Extras" download link.


In Associations and Correlations for Medical Research, award-winning statistician and author Lee Baker guides you through the building blocks of discovering and visualising the relationships within your data.

Associations and correlations are ways of describing how a pair of variables change together as a result of their connection. In other words, if one of your variables changes, the other is likely to change too.

These types of analysis are some of the most used – and misunderstood – statistical techniques. Most results you’ll encounter are wrong, and for a very good reason. In this book you’re going to learn just why this is, avoid the most common pit-falls and learn how to make sure you get the correct results first time, every time.

Here, you’ll learn a holistic method of discovering the story of all the relationships in your data by guiding you through a variety of the most used association and correlation tests in medical statistics – and helping you to choose them correctly. The holistic method is about selecting the most appropriate univariate and multivariate tests and using them together in a single strategic framework to give you confidence that the story you discover is likely to be the true story of your data.

Associations and Correlations for Medical Research is written in plain English with a focus on understanding the data, how to work with it, choose the right ways to analyse it, select the correct statistical tools and how to interpret the results in a way that is easy to understand. It enables medical researchers to understand and to evaluate critically the results of analyses that they will encounter in their own research and in that of others.

Best of all, it makes no assumptions about your previous experience with statistics, is packed with visually intuitive examples from medical research and is perfect for beginners!


Discover the world of medical associations and correlations. Get this book, TODAY!

Heather Krausse
David Napoli
Vincent Granville

3 reader testimonials

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